Články & Štúdie

A Case of Globalization: Building the Future – 2


Building a strong organizational culture has been the cornerstone of the company´s success. To find out how Genpact (an independent business process re-engineering company which employs 68,000 employees with 73 delivery centers and a presence in 25 countries around the world) used its values and culture to drive agility and global growth, Amrop interviewed Pramod Bhasin, Founder and former President & CEO of Genpact.

Talent Strategy: The Re-invention of Office Space


Corporate Leadership has to think in much broader terms today – not just about business strategy and people, but also about how those people engage and interconnect. This includes the physical space they inhabit: the office. The way in which it is structured for operation, and meets the needs of diverse groups, are increasingly recognized as critical to business performance.

Leadership: Personal Governance – 3


With trust in business leadership at an all-time low, it’s not surprising that ethics has become such a common word in the lexicon. But what do ‘ethics’ actually mean for leaders? In Part 3 of our series, Amrop takes a journey into the Second Principle of Personal Governance. In this tour of the often-confusing ethical landscape, the author Fredy Hausammann provides signposts for leaders who are seeking to do – and be – ‘the right thing’.

Leadership and Boards: Crossing Over


As anyone who has heard the joke about the consultant and the shepherd knows, professional services firms and corporate organizations often have a love-hate relationship. Yet they share one need – superlative leadership. How do both sides benefit from mixing DNA?

Leadership: Personal Governance – 2


Just as a well-run organization has a guiding Mission, so do managers with good Personal Governance. This ‘Life Plan’ is an ongoing project, far-reaching and carefully orchestrated. It serves as a common thread, a ‘leitmotiv’, to guide, motivate and inspire executives through uncertainty and change, success and opportunity. As a personal, core Mission, its translation into action needs regular monitoring.

BOARDS: Raising the Bar for the Nominations Committee


As day-to-day listed business announcements reveal unexpected high-profile departures and last-minute recruitment scrambles, how can Nominations Committees take a more robust, strategic and wide-ranging approach to succession planning? Join the exploration by Amrop and Dina Medland.

Smart Factory, Smarter Leaders: Conversations with the C-Suite


What does the C-suite really think about the Smart Factory? Is it a true paradigm shift? Or a case of the ‘emperor’s new clothes’? How high is the topic on the strategic agenda? What are the implications for human capital? Finally, what could make for Smarter Leadership? To find out more, Amrop conducted confidential conversations with a select group of senior manufacturing executives from Europe and the U.S.A.

Neexistuje lepší zamestnanec ako matka na rodičovskej


O tom, či ešte vždy žijeme v mužskom svete a iných súvisiacich témach sa publicista Róbert Kotian pre denník SME rozprával s Miriamou Letovanec, poradkyňou amerického veľvyslanca pre ekonomické otázky, momentálne na rodičovskej dovolenke s jedenásťmesačným synom. V máji tohto roka sa stala predsedníčkou Platformy žien Slovenska.

Lídri 21. storočia


Štvrťstoročie je dostatočne dlhé obdobie na hodnotenie trendov. Preto sa diskusný večer s lídrami slovenského finančného sektora Reginou Ovesny-Straka a Michalom Lidayom, ktorý usporiadala spoločnosť Amrop Slovakia spolu so Slovensko-rakúskou obchodnou komorou v Slovenskom inštitúte vo Viedni, niesol najmä v hodnotení uplynulých 25 rokov. Avšak s pohľadom do budúcnosti.

Personal Governance/The Cornerstone of Corporate Governance and Leadership


How can senior managers make a change for the better in their own lives and, by association, in Corporate Leadership and Governance? Via their Personal Governance, how can they take steps towards a more credible and widely-accented form of governance as a whole? Fredy Hausamman, member of the Amrop Global Executive Board and managing partner of Amrop in Switzerland, adds the personal Governance dimension to the existing concepts and rules of Corporate Governance. Because strong and sustainable Corporate Governance can only happen if the people in charge of organization can demonstrate solid Personal Governance.