
From St. Nicolas to Christmas

On December 5th, 2007, St. Nicolas visited Zámocká Street in Bratislava in spirit of longtime traditions. With accompanied music, words and dance he pleased not only adult employees of JENEWEIN GROUP, but mainly almost twenty kids. St. Nicolas rewarded all the children for some short song or poem with sweet gift according to an age. Adults took a rest for a while from work and pre-Christmas haste with wine pledge, while the children watched fairy tales and enjoyed prepared delicacies. Christmas mood influenced with exceptional work moral connected with transformation of the group to strategic holding company this year, came to a head on December 19th, 2007 in traditional Christmas party. This year the event took place on waves of the river Danube-on the Kriváň Boat. Informal atmosphere raised with informal speeches of single senior partners and partners, which were followed with first year Amrop Hever Awards praising. Dance on the main-deck, giving presents each other in tombola, midnight cabbage soup…great mood like every year lasted almost until morning.

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