
Find a job with HN

The daily Hospodárske noviny in a successful project Find a job with HN every week publish stories of candidates - fresh graduates - for a vacant position, their CV, picture, evaluation and their potential career path in year 2011 too. Members of the commission, which assess prerequisites and chances of success on the labour market in a simulated interview, became also experts of the consulting company Amrop Slovakia. A special edition of the series was in July prepared at the summer festival Bažant Pohoda. In the tent of Hospodárske noviny the candidates, under the headline You can find a job at Pohoda. With HN had the opportunity to go through a job interview with labor market specialists, to consult in what sectors to look for opportunities and also what salary to ask for. At the extremely successful event that led to an enthusiastic audience interest, Amrop was represented by Michal Lukáč, Consultant.

Project Find a job with HN extracts in year 2011... >>>