
We supported the concert Chyťme sa za ruky


Employees of the companies Jenewein Group, Amrop and Fipra responded to the modest and honest invitation from the organizer and through the optional personal grants supported the 4th year of the beneficial cultural event Chyťme sa za ruky (Let us catch the hands) which was held on April 14, 2013 at Dom kultúry in Galanta. For Domov sociálnych služieb pre deti a dospelých in Galanta, its friends and clients of next 30 institutes for mentally disabled organised it Občianske združenie Milan Štefánik. At the concert performed free of charge groups Inekafe and Gladiátor, Martin Harich and others, Juraj Mokrý was a speaker. Except of them performed on the stage also children from several social institutes for who were prepared workshops, Zumba and Latin American dance, face painting or archery. The aim of the event was to give a musical experience to the disabled children and we are pleased to help the good thing.

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Via Bona Ceremony 2012


As one of the former finalists in the battle for the prestigious award Via Bona Slovakia in the category Responsible medium business consulting company Jenewein Group follows the activities of its announcer-The Pontis Foundation and attends the awards ceremony regularly. Ceremony of the thirteenth year was held on April 11, 2013 at Refinery Gallery in Bratislava and from Amrop which is a member of Jenewein Group took part on it Ladislava Molnárová, Senior Manager. As she said, moments spent in the company of people who stand behind the best projects of companies in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility and corporate philanthropy sees as inspiring and challenging. The future will show if the common photography on which is Ladislava Molnárová in company of Jana Ashford and Katarína Turčanová, co-workers of The Pontis Foundation and the project Heart for Children, will be a basis for common charity activities.



The training course Planning and Project Management


In accordance with the principle of continuous upgrade of consulting products and own internal processes, there was the opportunity to participate in one day training course in Planning and Project Management given to employees of companies Jenewein Group, Amrop and Fipra and EPPP Think Tank which backed up the event. Dr. Ing. Petr Řeháček, lecturer of the course targeted the training towards expanding and improvement of the skills and knowledge in project management, feasibility, monitoring and evaluation of the project activities, project cycle, methods of project management, risk definition and risk management. Except new information about project Planning and Project management all participants received certificate of training course issued by Det Norske Veritas.


Brain Awareness Week/Neuroscience in Business


Consulting company Amrop Slovakia in cooperation with Slovak-Austrian, American, British and Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Slovak Republic organized joint Business Breakfast on topic Neuroscience in Business. Event was intended for the invited guests and its special guest was Tara Swart, Executive Coach and Neuroscience Consultant from Great Britain. Working breakfast of Amrop was held on March 21, 2013 in Bratislava and thanks to the partnership with a non-profit organization The Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives and the professional organization Society for Neuroscience it is part of the calendar of events organized in 61 countries as part of the international event Brain Awareness Week (March 11-17, 2013).


Business Breakfast in media... >>>


Jenewein Alumni - meeting with Tara Swart


Because of the invitation of Amrop spent Tara Swart, one of the world's leading experts applying the neuroscience to the business, two days in Bratislava, Jenewein Alumni Club took this opportunity to organize a next meeting of invited former employees and associates of Jenewein Group, Amrop and Fipra and EPPP. Informal original evening was held on March 20, 2013 in the stylish rooms of WhiskyBar44 & Restaurant at Vysoká Street in Bratislava. Although the main word belonged to the guest from Great Britain, time enriched by tasting several sorts of whiskey and specialities from the menu was fulfilled also with the discussions in bigger or smaller groups. High attendance and good mood confirmed again that people from Jenewein Alumni are linked not only by acting under the same brand in the past but also by many common present or future projects.



Amrop as a partner of Chief Executive Club


Amrop as the first Executive Search organization together with The Voice of German Industry (BDI) became a partner of Chief Executive Club which was as the part of the accompanying program and services opened at the international fair Hannover Messe 2013. Hannover Fair is the biggest and the most important exhibition event focused on production engineering, automotive industry, technology and innovations. Club with the exclusive offer of services (catering, networking, parking, etc.) was opened for invited top representatives of the companies during the whole fair (April 8 to 12, 2013).


EMEA Annual Conference of Amrop


The partners of Amrop met at The Annual EMEA Conference in Tegernsee (Germany) from January 22 to 24, 2013. As traditionally on similar events, meeting started with the evaluating of the previous period and with introduction of the plan of activities for the following months. Chairman of the Amrop Executive Board Ulrich Dade outlined the future development of Amrop and informed about the preparation of affiliation next offices to the brand Amrop in U.S.A., Asia and Africa. A special part of the program was devoted to the introduction of the new marketing strategy to 2020 which determines the basic limits for all the member companies. One of its ambitions is to help to improve the providing of services while the changing clients' needs and the bigger effectivity of the internal communication among partner companies. The meeting was closed by the workshops organized in eight thematic groups while the accent of the working activities was given to the practices of searching for new business activities, by the continuous increase of the share of services especially in the area of Leadership Assessment or by the learning within the Amrop University. On the annual conference took part Partner of Amrop Slovakia, Mario Fondati who in addition to the main program took part on the excursion Automotive & Industrial Practice Group at BMW Welt, multifunctional customer and exhibition centre of BMW in Munich.