Articles & Studies

With a digital resume, no talent will be lost

For over 10 years in each segment (whether in the area of HR services or products), we are experiencing rapid changes. In the short time, therefore, it is necessary to adapt not only to new technological trends but also to changes in the behavior of candidates. Companies that are going to walk in the usual footsteps will actually most often be unsuccessful with the talent identification and especially with the talent acquisition.

It seems that these innovations in HR are progressing very slowly. It is this fact that causes many companies wrinkles on the forehead – every day they must come up with new approaches and procedures to identify and attract new employees – from the work/live connection (no longer the work/live balance) through the workplace games to the tailored education. One of the possible innovative solutions that can help the company to discover also hidden talents and attract them in particular, is the digitization of recruiting.

The digital resume is the solution of future
The digitization of recruiting can greatly simplify the process of employee acquisition, or contrary, the process of employment seeking. As a result, the consulting company Amrop, when searching talents for its clients, has decided to support the innovations that help to improve and change the used processes. That is what exactly Slovak startup CapaCV can be.

It is the first digital resume through which candidates can present their skills. This is the first time at all, when candidates do not have to apply for a job position solely based on their knowledge and experience. Thanks to the digital resume, they can make a first impression and express their individuality and emotions already before a personal meeting. That makes it much easier to work for both internal and external HR recruiters, headhunters, and consultants, as they can identify candidate’s talent and potential sooner. To the personal interview they can invite those who, only on the basis of the standard curriculum vitae, might not be previously invited.

How to attract the Y and Z generation?
Are you searching young talents for your team and you do not have enough time for personal meetings? The digitization of recruiting exactly might be the solution for this problem. Thanks to this, employers can comfortably choose candidate’s "on-line personality" without having to meet him in person. Digital approach in every way (social networks, articles, individual blogs, websites or CVs), and simply any digital track now serves for recruitment and attracting the Y and Z generation.

The digitization of recruiting saves time and money
The huge advantage of this innovative approach is that the potential candidates can use digital resumes to present their personality. As using a professional, but simple video presentation, the headhunter is able to get an idea of how a candidate fits or does not fit into the corporate culture, which is saving time and money, and it is significantly increasing the probability of finding the right candidate.