Articles & Studies

HR forum: Half of the leaders are lost in their own values


The statement based on headline is one of the findings of extensive global research realized by Amrop. Members of the board, presidents of companies, general directors were respondents of the research... Over 360 leaders took part in the survey, of which more than three quarters are working in companies with international expertise. The editorial office of the expert monthly magazine HR Forum has been talking about individual findings with Steffi Gande, global director of research and marketing at Amrop.

BLOG: Is a common Christmas punch considered as teambuilding?

Ladislava Molnárová, Talent Acquisition Partner, Amrop Slovakia

If the company is less successful, the first thing being done is often decreasing or reducing the spending on multiple benefits, which also often includes organizing various educational and other leisure activities. This step is understandable and economically rational and justifiable, but on the other hand, it is also important to realize that the positive effects of such activities are more necessary and effective than in times of prosperity, success, and rising profits. But as Ladislava Molnárová writes in the new blog from Amrop, not every teambuilding is the same…

BLOG: Sometimes companies must fight for people

Katarína Polakovičová, Research Consultant, Amrop Slovakia

Employers find it easier, but even harder in the same time on today's labor market compared to the recent past. It is harder, because their potential employees have far greater opportunities than they’ve had in recent years. What are the opportunities like and how employers should approach to this? Read the blog of Katarína Polakovičová, Research Consultant at Amrop.

BLOG: The importance of the first impression doesn’t change at all, but the form significantly does

Ladislava Molnárová, Talent Acquisition Partner, Amrop Slovakia

According to surveys, human creates the first impression of another person during the first seven seconds. For many years, it’s been spoken and written about the meaning of leaving a positive seal when applying for a new job. When placing many positions and when deciding on the most suitable candidate, there is a personality characteristic of the candidate showing itself i. a. in a way when a candidate can leave a great first impression, equally important (in the case of a balanced score sometimes crucial) as a skill and experience. Read more in the Ladislava Molnárová’s blog.

BLOG: Why do we run and why do we help children

Mario Fondati, Managing Client Partner, Amrop Slovakia

In the discomfort caused by the fact that time flies unbelievably fast, the regularity with which the various seasons, holidays or anniversaries come can calm me down. One of these moments is definitely the beginning of the school year… With these sentences, Mario Fondati, Managing Client Partner at Amrop, opens his actual blog. Seeing that Mario is also a co-ordinator of the Corporates for Children. THANK YOU! initiative, there is no reason to be surprised that he has gone quite quickly to what the beginning of September means for us in particular. And why is he associated with children too…

With a digital resume, no talent will be lost


Setting up the right team and adapting to the new technological trend is a necessity for successful business these days. In this case, the digital resume represents the future of HR management. In addition to the fact, that it can also discover the hidden talent and potential of young people, it will save your time.

BLOG: On the way to cognition

Dávid Bielik, Account Executive, Fipra Slovakia

The summer is a natural season, in which the leisure time takes more of the lead. Choosing the right destination is in a great extent an individual preference for the traveler. It is this choice that reflects his motivation, how and where he wants to spend several days off. It is no longer a problem to go to different corners of the world – where there is a will, there is a way. Well, and how it seems to be, some paths lead to cognition. Just like the one described in his blog by Dávid Bielik, Account Executive at the consulting company Fipra.

Executive Placement: Amrop assisted in finding the Director of Strategic Communication and Fundraising for OZ ČERVENÝ NOS Clowndoctors


Having more than sixty clowns as colleagues – that's something! At first sight it may seem that finding new person for such a team will not be that complicated. As it usually goes in life (and it goes like that even multiplied in working life), the opposite is true. However, Amrop managed it and did a project aimed at placing the position of Director of Strategic Communication and Fundraising for OZ/Civic Association RED NOSE Clowndoctors.

BLOG: Summer vacation can also be a great backbreaker

Martin Krekáč, Amrop Founding Partner & Chairman Jenewein Group

What can be easier than packing a pair of T-shirts, shorts, swimsuits, and sunglasses, and enjoying yourself during summer lazing... But leaving for a vacation and mainly tuning into the relaxing mode can cause problems for people who have a lot of job responsibilities and deadlines throughout the year. Simply: it is necessary to know how to relax. Read some tips from Martin Krekáč, chairman of Jenewein Group.

BLOG: Onboarding or welcome on board!

Lucie Országhová, Research Consultant, Amrop Slovakia

Almost everyone who has left school desks has experienced getting a new job on his own skin. Excitement from the unknown, tempting challenges, expectations, tension or even stress… Hundreds of graduates who have completed their study these days and after a shorter or longer lasting vacation will start working, are experiencing these feelings. Psychologists consider these life steps to be critical and burdensome, so employers should not underestimate the arrival of new people on board. Read what Lucia Országhová from Amrop thinks about that.