Articles & Studies

We have enough top managers, but they lack opportunities


Many leaders today hope to never return to the way they work before the coronary crisis. The demands placed on them are constantly growing. Neuroscience will increasingly play a key role in their development, and the leader of the future will rely more on knowledge of his biology, says Igor Šulík, Managing Leadership Partner at Amrop Jenewein. In an interview for Trend, he also talks about the education and the search for managerial talent, the Executive Search market, or the motivation of top managers to change careers. The interview is in the third part of the Human Resources series.

The company can educate managers. Or it must know how and where to search for them


According to the AESC study, in five years, next-generation leaders and an innovation culture will be crucial elements in the competitiveness of companies. There are several ways to look for future managers and leaders – many organizations educate themselves in talent programs. Others search for them in an external environment. In the second choice, personnel agencies or consulting companies can also play an important role. The magazine Trend has looked in more detail at both options – at their differences and benefits in particular. The article is part of the Human Resources series, whose professional partner is Amrop Jenewein.

Best of Man: Martin Krekáč


The monthly magazine Goldman, published with an addendum – Unsuitable for the average, has prepared a premium release Best of Man on the occasion of its fifteen-year presence on the media market, bringing readers the twenty-three best interviews from 2002 to 2017. In the best of the best selection, the editor also included an interview with Martin Krekáč, founder and chairman of Jenewein Group, which was published by Goldman in 2016. In the interview, Martin Krekáč answers questions concerning the beginning of Jenewein Group's success story 30 years ago, as well as other successes and plans in work and his personal life. A catchy content, just like four years ago, is illustrated by great photographs by Jozef Barinka.

Family Business barriers in Slovakia


To summarize the recommendations leading to the mitigation of barriers currently encountered by Family Companies in Slovakia, based on the analysis, the Slovak Business Agency prepared a study Family Business Barriers in Slovakia. The almost eighty-page publication has six chapters in which the authors deal with the family business management, generational change, property succession, the family company dividing, etc. To achieve the goal, they also used interviews with family business representatives and with experts providing Family Business Consulting in addition to the theoretical background. The final chapters contain conclusions and recommendations not only for family companies but also for the makers of economic policy in the family business field.

BLOG: How are we coping up with the age range of over fifty years in our team? We are handling it great :)

Ingrid Svitaničová, Office & Happiness Manager, Jenewein Group

According to Finnish age management expert Juhani Ilmarinem, there are eight fundamental principles in human capital management in matters related to the age structure of employees. He mentions knowledge of the aging issue, a friendly and fair attitude towards age, managers who consider age-friendly management as part of the corporate culture, functioning lifelong learning, flexible working hours, etc. The individual principles are interconnected and interact with each other. The vision is a situation where no one feels age discrimination and can reach their full potential. How are we handling it at Jenewein Group? You can read more in our Office & Happiness Manager Ingrid Svitaničová's blog.

For more effective performance, use – the brain

Igor Šulík, Managing Leadership Partner, Amrop Jenewein

Organizations and people are constantly looking for what attributes their culture should have in order to best fulfill their mission. For quite many years, the change in corporate culture was associated primarily with a change in people's behavior, which then led to the transformation of the entire organization. With the growth of neuroscience knowledge, we know that many things are completely different today... Read more in an article by Igor Šulík written for the magazine InStore – Amrop Jenewein is a partner of its rubric People.

Tracking down talents or filling positions

Martin Krekáč, Chairman & Founding Partner, Amrop Jenewein

Most top managers and HR professionals, as well as business families and their companies, know that strategic executive search and leadership services are typically employed to fill key management and specialised positions. And yet many assign a task of finding suitable candidates to recruitment agencies. It may seem that the difference between a recruitment agency and executive search company is just a matter of how and how much a client will pay for the service. But how does it work in real life? More about this topic writes in an article for annual publication, the Career and Employment Guide, of The Slovak Spectator Martin Krekáč, Chairman & Founding Partner at Amrop Jenewein.

BLOG: We experienced it together and yet far from each other

Patrícia Lofajová, Junior Research Consultant, Amrop Jenewein

"In the last few months, the world has come to a completely different level. How much we, in the short or long term, are affected by what we have experienced is very individual. However, I dare to say that the system has been hit too much in many ways and areas. Therefore it isn't able to return to the standard regime without any changes. Yet the question is whether or not we want it to return to the old functioning..." – read our new blog – Patrícia Lofajová, Junior Research Consultant at Amrop Jenewein, thought about the feelings of returning to work.

Many family companies do not have a well-thought-out plan and respond spontaneously to a sudden crisis. They usually do it wrong...


Many companies are realizing a lack of preparedness only when a crisis occurs. Therefore it should be considered to think about how best to prepare for critical periods in time and to include these aspects in strategic planning. The founding members of the Partners of Family-Owned Companies association Michal Kukula, Managing Partner from nebotra consulting and Rastislav Mackanič, Client Partner from Amrop Jenewein, talk about this in an interview for Forbes Slovakia. The Partners of Family-Owned Companies association is a partner of a special June release focusing on the topic of Family Business.

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The agility as one of the effective cures

Lucie Országhová, Senior Research Consultant, Amrop Jenewein

The new coronavirus has affected all areas. Even though our fight is not over, one thing is almost certain: the world will be different than before. The company owners and executive management are mostly responsible for the strategy of surviving and perceiving the crisis as an opportunity. However, much also depends on the employees' attitude and passion. Not enough of their support is clear proof that it's the right time to improve the company's functioning and approach system. Read more in an article by Lucie Országhová written for InStore magazine – Amrop Jenewein is a partner of its People rubric.