Articles & Studies
BLOG: If you try, you can celebrate
April 1st has been the International Day of Entertainment at Work since 1996 – it was the initiative of the U.S. organization Playfair. The goal of this day is to bring a playful approach to work, thus raising awareness of its importance and irreplaceable place. Humor and entertainment positively affect not only the performance and productivity of employees but also their health and creativity. Inspire yourself by blog of Martin Krekáč, Amrop Founding Partner & Chairman Jenewein Group.
Return on Character Pays Off
Leadership takes opinions, attitude, integrity. Why many 45+ leaders step out (when they can), and many younger people don’t step up (or want to). More you can read in an interview by Karin Bauer (Der Standard, Austria) with Günther Tengel, Managing Partner of Amrop Jenewein in Austria.
BLOG: How to multiply corporate brain power
March 13-19, 2017 was the Brain Awareness Week, the global campaign to increase public awareness of the progress and benefits of brain research and for that reason March 11 has become the European Day of the Brain for the nineteenth time. To be concerned with functioning and maximizing the potential of the brain is an important and actual issue.
BLOG: How to choose the perfect headhunter?
One of the articles of weekly Trend was about the search and selection of people for available jobs. The author of the article also mentioned the work of recruitment agencies, respectively companies, which try to be very quick. If they don’t hunt out the candidate, competing business could do it. In that case the selection is too superficial but it does not really bother employers because fast delivery candidates for the vacant position is sufficient. In blog you can read about the opinion of Lucia Nacíková, consultant at Amrop.
From Disruption to Daylight: How leaders are travelling the digital change curve
The journey to digital, from the way you’ve always worked, to the way everyone else is beginning to work, can be viscerally shocking. The digital path leads senior executives through denial, anger, bargaining, depression, to acceptance.
Boards: Are You Sitting Comfortably?
In many countries, the role of the Chair is evolving. In all organizations, it is vital. Today there’s no shortage of prescriptions. But behind the guidelines, the task is filled with challenges. Amrop's Global Board Practice uncovers nine of them.