Press Releases

Top companies presented to high school students, what skills they would require from them


For high school students in Slovakia and in the Czech Republic, representatives of companies grouped in the Alliance for Youth (All4YOUth) prepared a series of interactive lectures about the requirements of the future labor market, all at the Skills of the Future conference. It happened in remoted form this year. Besides Nestlé, which is the host initiator, experts from such great companies as Microsoft, IBM, Soitron, Welcome to the Jungle, dm drogerie markt, Tesco, Pilsner Urquell, ČEZ Group, Future Generation Europe, Amrop Jenewein or Junglee, shared their experience with the participants.

Igor Šulík is the new global leader for Leadership Services in the Amrop Global Organization


The Amrop Partnership has a new Global Chair and four new Board Members. Annika Farin from the German office is the new Chairwoman, while an experienced partner from Slovakia has been appointed to a leadership position in the global structure too. Igor Šulík, Managing Leadership Partner of Amrop Jenewein has taken an important position in the Amrop Global Organization. As a global leader for Leadership Services, he will lead and inspire colleagues from around the world to develop the leadership skills of companies and individuals in a world of constant change and new challenges.

We are interfacing experts and references across the family business


We realize that many family companies are going through a difficult period during which they have to deal not only with everyday duties but also with the future. In this uneasy time, experts from the consulting company nebotra consulting and the consulting group Jenewein Group decided to join forces and establish an association of family advisors Partners of Family-owned Companies (Partneri Rodinných Firiem – PRF) focusing on family business consulting.

Jenewein Group acquiring Czech-Slovak COO and two new partners


In the year of its 30th anniversary celebration, the consulting group Jenewein Group has acquired Matej Taliga, its first COO, who represents a major change in its functioning. As a Private Client Partner, he also leads the Czech-Slovak platform Jenewein.private, where he focuses on the private consulting segment. An experienced professional and consultant Rastislav Mackanič, who is also a Client Partner with specific focus on privately owned and family companies, joined the group from the external environment. Martin Krekáč, Chairman and Founding Partner at Jenewein Group, considers the creation of the position of Chief Operating Officer and the Czech-Slovak platform Jenewein.private together with the acquisition of two new Client Partners as important progress that will influence the group's successful growth in the next period.

Jenewein Group is a strategic partner for the Family Business Platform


The consulting group Jenewein Group is one of the strategic partners with which Združenie podnikateľov Slovenska (Association of Slovak Entrepreneurs) joined for the creation of a concept and the establishment of a Family Business Platform. The vision of this joint activity, which was officially presented at a press conference on January 15, 2020, in Bratislava, is to become a trusted, transparent and long-term partner for all Family Businesses in the Slovak market, and thus underlining the importance of Family Business.