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Trend: Trend/Barometer
Martin Krekáč, the President of The Business Alliance of Slovakia and Chairman of JENEWEIN GROUP, regularly takes part in the voting of leading professionals of Slovak economy. His answer to the question Do you feel that the people with whom you do business, they love their job? was published not only at www.etrend.sk/barometer, but also in printed version of the weekly journal Trend.
Profit: Lay off does not have to be firing
You meet every person twice. If the company was managed by the Austrian proverb, the employees would have not been fired with negative feelings but the outplacement-help and support by looking for new job-would be offered to them. About other advantages of the service which is normally offered to the employees abroad says in the article of magazine Profit also Ladislava Molnárová, Senior Manager at the consulting company Amrop Slovakia.
Hospodárske Noviny: HN found a man who missed for work kilometers/Dominika is an ideal candidate for the jury
Hospodárske noviny are continuing in a project Find a job with HN. Every week they publish one story of a candidate for a vacant position, his CV, picture, evaluation and his potential career path. Member of the commission which assesses prerequisites and chances of success on the labour market in a simulated interview became Lucia Lauková, Senior Consultant of the consulting company Amrop Slovakia.
The Slovak Spectator: Čaplovič sets new goals for schools
Human resources and education professionals say that Education Minister Dušan Čaplovič faces a very complex situation and are urging reform to secure better quality training, a revamp of the vocational training system, and a focus on foreseeing the needs of the labour market. Editors of weekly The Slovak Spectator put into a patchwork of more perspectives on this issue also ideas of Martin Krekáč, chairman of Jenewein Group and president of the Business Alliance of Slovakia.
Hospodárske Noviny: Work has also arrived to Eastern Slovakia
Eastern Slovakia is thrilled-the number of the jobs has been increased since the beginning of the year and their amount should increase even more in the next months. On the other side, job offers in Bratislava begin to stagnate slightly. How does the situation look from the point of view of recruitment agencies and consulting companies? Among the prognoses prepared for the daily Hospodárske noviny there is also possible to find an opinion of the consulting company Amrop Slovakia.
Hospodárske Noviny: A message for candidate: You have not convinced me/HN sought a job for Mário from Rohožník
Hospodárske noviny are continuing in a project Find a job with HN. Every week they publish one story of a candidate for a vacant position, his CV, picture, evaluation and his potential career path. Member of the commission which assesses prerequisites and chances of success on the labour market in a simulated interview became Marek Hradílek, Consultant of the consulting company Amrop Slovakia.
Hospodárske Noviny: "Companies want only young”/HN sought a job for experienced Marián from Bratislava
Hospodárske noviny are continuing in a project Find a job with HN. Every week they publish one story of a candidate for a vacant position, his CV, picture, evaluation and his potential career path. Member of the commission which assesses prerequisites and chances of success on the labour market in a simulated interview became Marek Hradílek, Consultant of the consulting company Amrop Slovakia.
AESC's SearchWire: New Offices, New Consultants
AESC member Amrop, recently announced the addition of four new Partners and Consultants to its global network.
Hospodárske Noviny: "Arrogance does not motivate anyone”/HN sought a job for charming Zuzana from Kalinkovo near Šamorín
Hospodárske noviny are continuing in a project Find a job with HN. Every week they publish one story of a candidate for a vacant position, his CV, picture, evaluation and his potential career path. Member of the commission which assesses prerequisites and chances of success on the labour market in a simulated interview became Marek Hradílek, Consultant of the consulting company Amrop Slovakia.
Pravda/Efektivita v podnikaní: Entrepreneurs for future government
Due to the fact that with the quality of the business environment is connected the recovery of the economic growth and the creation of new jobs, Martin Krekáč, President of the Business Alliance (PAS) of Slovakia and Chairman of Jenewein Group introduces for a supplement Efektivita v podnikaní (Efficiency in business) of daily Pravda ten points of the „list of wishes", which was formulated by the PAS before the March parliamentary elections.