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Hospodárske Noviny: I have transport under my thumb/HN Jury assesses Renáta, who wants to organize transport


Hospodárske noviny are continuing in a project Find a job with HN. Every week they publish one story of a candidate for a vacant position, his CV, picture, evaluation and his potential career path. Member of the commission which assesses prerequisites and chances of success on the labour market in a simulated interview became Michal Lukáč, Consultant of the consulting company Amrop Slovakia again.

AESC's SearchWire: Amrop Seeliger Y Conde Named Best Spanish Company in the US


Amrop Seeliger Y Conde has been named 2011´s Best Spanish Company in the United States by the Spanish-American Chamber of Commerce.

Hospodárske Noviny: By shouting you only "kill" the people


At the time of the year-end evaluation interviews, the daily Hospodárske noviny in the regular supplement Kariéra (Career) addressed issues of communication of superiors with subordinates-especially of the negative and positive feedback. Another view than served by routines and managerial precepts, introduced by a few enters Igor Šulík, Managing Partner of the consulting company Amrop Slovakia.

Hospodárske Noviny: "Big Boss" sees everything. Watch out!


The daily Hospodárske noviny pay issue of misuse of company Internet or computers for private purposes and possible constraints, resp. punishments which employers draw against employees by violation of internal rules or exceeding of the acceptable level. The opinion to this topic in regular supplement Kariéra (Career) expresses also Marek Hradílek, Consultant of the consulting company Amrop Slovakia.

Hospodárske Noviny: I have not stage fright/HN Jury assesses Richard, who is looking for a job in the ether


Hospodárske noviny are continuing in a project Find a job with HN. Every week they publish one story of a candidate for a vacant position, his CV, picture, evaluation and his potential career path. Member of the commission which assesses prerequisites and chances of success on the labour market in a simulated interview became Ladislava Molnárov, Senior Manager of the consulting company Amrop Slovakia.

Hospodárske Noviny: I would like to recruit people/HN Jury assesses Rastislav, who wants to move from retail to the HR


Hospodárske noviny are continuing in a project Find a job with HN. Every week they publish one story of a candidate for a vacant position, his CV, picture, evaluation and his potential career path. Member of the commission which assesses prerequisites and chances of success on the labour market in a simulated interview became Ladislava Molnárová, Senior Manager of the consulting company Amrop Slovakia.

Hospodárske Noviny: I am a good leader, I want to practice/HN Jury assesses Ivana, who want to work on projects


Hospodárske noviny are continuing in a project Find a job with HN. Every week they publish one story of a candidate for a vacant position, his CV, picture, evaluation and his potential career path. Member of the commission which assesses prerequisites and chances of success on the labour market in a simulated interview became Mario Fondati, Partner of the consulting company Amrop Slovakia again.

Hospodárske Noviny: I am 25 years old. And I want to manage people/HN Jury assesses Tomáš, who has closely to storehouses and transport of goods


Hospodárske noviny are continuing in a project Find a job with HN. Every week they publish one story of a candidate for a vacant position, his CV, picture, evaluation and his potential career path. Member of the commission which assesses prerequisites and chances of success on the labour market in a simulated interview became Mario Fondati, Partner of the consulting company Amrop Slovakia again.

Hospodárske Noviny: Survey: Has the reference of 17th November been accomplished?


The daily Hospodárske noviny devoted several pages of the commemoration of the 17th November on the occasion of the 22nd anniversary of the Velvet Revolution. The editors prepared the survey within this topic on which comments also Martin Krekáč, chairman of JENEWEIN GROUP and President of The Business Alliance of Slovakia, together with the President Ivan Gašparovič, Prime Minister Iveta Radičová, chairman of the party Smer-SD Robert Fico and other respondents.

Hospodárske Noviny: When leaving the company don't run


Don't you enjoy your job? Do your colleagues annoy you? Can't you start yourself and them to better performance? So what are you doing there yet? By such sentences was introduced an article by editor Vladimír Vanko who prepares regular Thursday's supplement Kariéra (Career) in the daily Hospodárske noviny. Into a mosaic of opinions contributed with several statements and advices also Michal Lukáč, consultant of the consulting company Amrop Slovakia.