Naše poradenské tímy sú aktívne v rámci globálnych partnerstiev a networkov, vďaka čomu dokážeme držať prst na pulze najnovšieho vývoja a v kombinácii s inovatívnymi prístupmi ponúknuť osvedčené riešenia v stredoeurópskom regióne i mimo neho.
Medzi našich klientov patria medzinárodné spoločnosti, české i slovenské firmy, investori, privátne holdingy, rodinné podniky, ale aj verejný a neziskový sektor. Naše poradenské tímy sa usilujú o vytváranie obojstranne výhodných partnerstiev a budovanie dlhodobých vzťahov.
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My v médiách
Family businesses: external assistance will increase objectivity and reduce emotions
It often happens in family businesses that complicated relationships, strong emotional ties or important events going in the wrong direction affect business or strategic decisions. Family businesses can use several forms of temporary or permanent external assistance to mitigate such adverse effects. The most commonly used ones include working with independent professional consultants, experienced mentors or occasional advisors from the circle of family friends. Read more in the article written for InStore by Martin Krekáč, Amrop Founding Partner & Chairman of the Jenewein Group.