Naše poradenské týmy jsou aktivní v rámci globálních partnerství a networků, díky čemuž dokážeme držet prst na pulsu nejnovějšího vývoje a v kombinaci s inovativními přístupy nabídnout osvědčené řešení ve středoevropském regionu i mimo něj.
Mezi naše klienty patří mezinárodní společnosti, české i slovenské firmy, investoři, privátní holdingy, rodinné podniky, ale i veřejný a neziskový sektor. Naše poradenské týmy usilují o vytváření oboustranně výhodných partnerství a budování dlouhodobých vztahů.
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My v médiích
Special Crystal Wing Award for M. Gombitová
On March 16, 2024, we participated not only as guests at the Crystal Wing awards (Krištáľové krídlo) for the year 2023 at the Slovak National Theater. We were part of Marika Gombitová's team, which won the Special Crystal Wing Award. The added value of Marika's participation at the gala evening was the Slovak and TV premiere of the new song Phantom of the Heart (Fantóm srdca) by the proven author tandem M. Gombitová – K. Peteraj. The prestigious lifetime achievement award is in the right hands – we are sure of that as a long-term partner of this exceptional singer and songwriter. Moreover, the success of our partners is also our success. Long-term managerial and consulting experience across many sectors is the basis of our specialized expertise in the field of Art Consulting as well. We work with Marika especially when setting artistic strategies or creating new business opportunities. Every year we are also involved in the Crystal Wing project – we are among the supporters of its legacy. The effort to spread the positive and inspiring results of the creative work of the most successful personalities, regardless of borders and field of activity, has been close to us for years. Wherever possible, we encourage the visibility of worthy examples to follow and pay tribute to admirable human achievements.
Crystal Wing behind the scenes...
Crystal Wing – M. Gombitová (recording)...
Fantóm srdca – SK and TV premiere...
Crystal Wing – TA3...