
Jenewein Group is a premier Czech-Slovak consulting group with strong ties to Austria. Over the past 35 years, we have become one of the best-known and most frequently recommended one-stop-shop Central European boutique consultancies with global reach delivering complex Strategic Leadership, Management and Public Policy services.
As part of Strategic Leadership Services, our solutions lead to corporate, team and individual efficiency, development and cultural transformation. These include finding, evaluating and screening strategic leaders, senior managers and professional specialists, CEO succession planning, advising executive and supervisory boards, strategically aligning stakeholders. We also help develop leadership potential, including supporting generational transfer in family businesses.
In times of ever-changing business environment, we provide innovative and tailor-made solutions focusing on business, management and human capital of our clients within Management Consulting. One size does not fit all. Each plan is developed and implemented specially for client´s business.
Our unrivaled Strategic Public Policy practice successfully helps our clients in maneuvering and protecting their interests in times of political challenges and legislative opportunities regardless of the political cycle.
Since 1990 we have gradually earned reputation of a trusted and experienced partner who always delivers results-driven solutions and strategies in all key practice areas. We have gradually and systematically expanded the portfolio of expert consulting services through creation of specialized companies, through which our consulting teams are active within global partnerships and networks and are also a part of Jenewein Group advisory platforms operating in the Central European region (SK – CZ – AT). Our Prague and Bratislava offices are contact points for the execution of Czech-Slovak and international projects.

In the company Jenewein Executive (until 12/2022 Amrop Slovakia) we solve the challenges of finding leaders and of managing talents and organizations. We share the ambitions of our clients, candidates and partners in the determination of providing them with the best CEO Search | Board Services, Executive Search | Leadership Intelligence & Executive Background Checks services. Based on more than 35 years of experience, depth of expertise and the highest quality standards of the Association of Executive Search and Leadership Consultants (AESC), we deliver a range of leadership solutions with high added value. We focus on long-term relationships, not transactions, so many of our relationships span over decades. We are strategic advisors, thought leaders and clients‘ partners who are not afraid to do things differently. We consider ourselves as professionals and trusted supporters in gaining competitive advantage. We support organizations in moments of strategic importance, from CEO succession planning to generational change in family businesses to the creation of bold and balanced executive and supervisory boards. Whatever the challenge, we always work in partnership. We understand how to bring diversity to help our clients and candidates navigate and succeed. We are experienced negotiators who understand the competitive environment. We can transform our knowledge into a suitable strategy and necessary skills. We approach the solution of consultancy projects through the knowledge of sector, functional and ownership characteristics, and many years of experience gained also from our own business activities. We have a global background and operate in the Central European region (SK – CZ – AT) as a part of the Jenewein Group offering comprehensive Strategic Leadership, Management and Public Policy services.
Fipra Slovakia is part of FIPRA – Foresight International Policy & Regulatory Advisers which is Europe's most extensive public affairs consultancy network, advising clients on a range of government relations and regulatory policy issues. Since it was founded, it has expanded across the globe and now operates in over 50 countries internationally. In Europe it is the only consultancy with top level public affairs advisers not only in Brussels, but throughout the Member States of the European Union, in a number of European Economic Area countries and EU candidate countries, as well as many of the EU's neighboring countries. It is known both for the seniority and expertise of international and local teams. The portfolio of services includes the wide spectrum of activities – from helping the set-up of a government relations strategy from scratch, risk assessment and risk management projects, regulatory reviews, and advice on how to manage specific issues of importance to the firm through building coalitions. Slovak team has personal experience of having served in national governments, parliaments and regulatory bodies, or have held senior positions in industry, trade associations, or consumer organisations.
CEC Group is a leading company active in public affairs. In the Visegrad Group countries (PL – HU – CZ – SK) the Slovak team is actively engaged also within CEC Group and it provides professional consultancy to a large number of American and European multinational companies actively engaged in a number of sectors in their entry, advancing of interests and successful operation in the Central European Region. It focuses primarily on strategic sectors including defense, energy, consumer protection, FMCG and pharmaceutical sector, financial sector (including the largest banks and private equity companies), IT technologies, internet etc. The services portfolio constitutes a comprehensive set from qualitative and quantitative analyses, through intelligence gathering, strategic assessment to representation of clients´ interests. CEC Group provides consultancy also in privatization projects and mergers and acquisitions in state-regulated industry sectors and consultancy in relations with government institutions and in media relations.
The European Public Policy Partnership (EPPP), an advisory and analytical institute, was established as a non-governmental organization with offices in Bratislava and Brussels. Since its creation, EPPP has created, developed and implemented activities and offered innovative solutions in Education, Research & Development, Entrepreneurship and Social Sciences. Based on professional principles, practical experience and our network of contacts both at home and abroad EPPP helps to create and spread the latest knowledge and best practice.
EPPP supports organizations from both private and public sectors in the formation and fulfilment of strategic goals and specific projects. It creates the platform for dialogue and discussions among experts, academics, lawmakers, entrepreneurs and professionals. Representatives from EPPP are active in expert and working groups (predominantly in the public sector) and advocate for specific changes leading to achieve the defined goals.
EPPP puts a lot of emphasis on business dynamics and development of economic competitiveness in line with international standards and with direct impact on the whole society. In course of our operations primarily within the Central European region, EPPP has accumulated valuable experience and helps with transferring the best practices in management of social changes and public policy into less developed economies and regions, which, however, possess a high potential for development.