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  • We rely on partners and a senior team as well as personal involvement of our founders with their own successful experience.

  • As part of our individual approach, we implement customized and often exceptional solutions.

  • Thanks to the global reach, our presence goes beyond the Czech and Slovak borders.


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Jsme prémiovou česko-slovenskou poradenskou skupinou se silnou vazbou na Rakousko. V rozmezí více než 30 let jsme se rozrostli na jeden z nejznámějších a nejčastěji doporučených středoevropských butiků s globálním dosahem poskytujících na jednom místě (one-stop-shop consultancy) komplexní služby strategického líderství, managementu a veřejných politik.

Naše poradenské týmy jsou aktivní v rámci globálních partnerství a networků, díky čemuž dokážeme držet prst na pulsu nejnovějšího vývoje a v kombinaci s inovativními přístupy nabídnout osvědčené řešení ve středoevropském regionu i mimo něj.

Mezi naše klienty patří mezinárodní společnosti, české i slovenské firmy, investoři, privátní holdingy, rodinné podniky, ale i veřejný a neziskový sektor. Naše poradenské týmy usilují o vytváření oboustranně výhodných partnerství a budování dlouhodobých vztahů.

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My v médiích

Woman magazín: Advisory Center


Quarterly Woman magazine publishes in the summer edition, except of the amount of interesting information, also an answer of Ladislava Molnárová, Senior Manager at the consulting company Amrop Slovakia, the reader's question about Peer Coaching.

Hospodárske Noviny: Entrepreneurism as a personal program

Martin Krekáč, Chairman a Senior Partner, Jenewein Group

In the commentary for the economic daily Hospodárske noviny, Martin Krekáč, chairman and senior partner of Jenewein Group talks about an entrepreneurial mindset which is by him considered as the ability to change ideas into actions and cope with new and unexpected challenges and also adapt to changed circumstances.

Hospodárske Noviny: Norwegians brought the people of Liptov Scandinavian benefits + Benefits might decide to leave the job


The benefits for employees don´t automatically mean that the company will be successfull on the market. The benefits and the care the employees get from their employers are very often an argument that decides whether to stay or leave the company. Mario Fondati, partner at Amrop Slovakia explicated this issue for the economic daily Hospodárske noviny.

The Slovak Spectator: Education, training policies target stubborn unemployment


Unemployment was the "news word” of 2013 with journalists in Slovak media having used it in 7 164 stories last year, based on a ranking of the most commonly used words conducted by the monitoring agency Newton Media. It´s unlikely to disappear in 2014, while the real challenge for politicians remains how to createnew jobs and give crisis-weary Slovaks hope that after years of austerity, living standards will improve. Also Martin Krekáč, senior partner at Amrop and chairman of the Jenewein Group gave in annual publication, the Career and Employment Guide, of The Slovak Spectator its opinion to this topic.

The Slovak Spectator: Family-owned companies are key for economy

Mario Fondati, Partner, Amrop Slovakia

Many as 82 percent of SMEs in Slovakia are family business. The support for them has indisputable advantages for all groups involved, and it would without any doubt be profitable for the state… More about this topic writes in an article for annual publication, the Career and Employment Guide, of The Slovak Spectator Mario Fondati,Partner at consulting company Amrop Slovakia.

The Slovak Spectator: Leadership and the Brain - A User´s Guide to Empathy

Tara Swart, Senior Special Advisor, Amrop Slovakia

Insights into leadership in the fast-evolving business environment can be found in the history of our own evolution. Over the last few million years, the human brain has changed faster than that of any other living species. More about topic Leadership and the Brain writes in an article for annual publication, the Career and Employment Guide, of The Slovak Spectator Tara Swart, Neurocognoscenti & Consultant at consulting company Amrop.

The Slovak Spectator: Mismatch needs to be addressed


Editors of annual publication, the Career and Employment Guide, of The Slovak Spectator put into a patchwork of different perspectives on changes in the position of HR managers in companies, the overqualification of job applicants and the mismatch between the education system and needs of the labour market also ideas of Martin Krekáč, Igor Šulík and Mario Fondati-human resources professionals from consulting company Amrop Slovakia.

The Slovak Spectator: Does an MBA make you a heavyweight?


As high unemployment continues to make the Slovak job market more competitive, getting an MBA degree might seem like a goog idea to boost job prospects. The truth is not so simple, HR experts warn... Also Ladislava Molnárová, senior manager at Amrop Slovakia gave in annual publication, the Career and Employment Guide, of The Slovak Spectator her opinion to this topic.

Hospodárske Noviny: Poll HNClub: In business, it´s not just a company, it´s our name


One of the February´s HNClub discussion forums focused on the future of family owned business in Slovakia. A complement to the discussion and ideas presented by the main guests-representatives of three successful family businesses, was also a poll published by the economic daily Hospodárske noviny shortly after the event. Mario Fondati, a partner at consulting company Amrop asked one of the questions. He also presented his ideas in a short video.