Naše poradenské týmy jsou aktivní v rámci globálních partnerství a networků, díky čemuž dokážeme držet prst na pulsu nejnovějšího vývoje a v kombinaci s inovativními přístupy nabídnout osvědčené řešení ve středoevropském regionu i mimo něj.
Mezi naše klienty patří mezinárodní společnosti, české i slovenské firmy, investoři, privátní holdingy, rodinné podniky, ale i veřejný a neziskový sektor. Naše poradenské týmy usilují o vytváření oboustranně výhodných partnerství a budování dlouhodobých vztahů.
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My v médiích
Hospodárske Noviny: Women have the emotions. And they are ahead of men
Hospodárske noviny announced the second year of the award TOP 10 Women of Slovak business. Its goal is to introduce the women on top positions at Slovak companies. On this occassion, in the article editor Marta Hilkovičová tried to explain the main differences between men and women in the working area. Expert view on the topic provided Lucia Lauková, Senior Consultant at Amrop.
The Slovak Spectator: 2013 promises a rocky ride
2013 is shaping up to be a tough year for Slovakia. In December 2012 the country recorded its highest unemployment rate in more than eight years and the labour market will remain in a state of caution, bracing itself to withstand the effects of fiscal consolidation as well as a major revision to the country's Labour Code. Editors of year's edition of the Career & Employment Guide issued as supplement of weekly The Slovak Spectator put into a patchwork of different perspectives on this issue also ideas of Mario Fondati, partner at Amrop.
The Slovak Spectator: Applying neuroscience into leadership field moves assessments to a new level
Many organizations try to exploit the potential of their employees to the maximum level, often unaware of how to work with them optimally. Often they rely on analyzing their employees' levels of competence and build development programs to further develop their skills and abilities based of this. But that usually is not enough… More about this topic and about one of Amrop's core services Context Driven Leadership Assessment writes in an article for year's edition of the Career & Employment Guide, issued as supplement of weekly The Slovak Spectator Igor Šulík, Managing Partner at Amrop and member of NeuroLeadership Institute.
The Slovak Spectator: The challenge for 2013: Higher performance on a lower budget
How to generate increased performance among employees, but with a decreasing budget, will be one of the tough puzzles that human resources professionals have to face in 2013, according to experts in the sector. Editors of year's edition of the Career & Employment Guide issued as supplement of weekly The Slovak Spectator spoke to Martin Krekáč, senior partner at Amrop and chairman of Jenewein Group and Mario Fondati, Partner at Amrop about anticipated changes in the HR policies of firms and organizations, the impact of the revised Labour Code on the market as well as the changing expectations of job applicants.
The Slovak Spectator: The business books of 2012
In this uncertain and unpredictable world it is possible to find inspiration that can actually help run a business. Apart from learning from each other, one can look for ideas in literature that addresses leaders currently face. Igor Šulík, Managing Partner at Amrop writes in an article for year's edition of the Career & Employment Guide, issued as supplement of weekly The Slovak Spectator about some of the books that have been published recently that are worth reading.
Trend: Trend/Barometer
Martin Krekáč, chairman of the consulting company Jenewein Group, regularly takes part in the voting of leading professionals of Slovak economy. His answer to the question about the success in the job was published not only at, but also in printed version of the weekly journal Trend.
Trend: Trend/Barometer
Igor Šulík, Managing Partner of the consulting company Amrop Slovakia, regularly takes part in the voting of leading professionals of Slovak economy. His answer to the question about the special benefits for foreign investors as U.S.Steel was published not only at, but also in printed version of the weekly journal Trend.
Woman magazín: Advisory Center
Quarterly Woman magazine publishes in the spring edition, except of the amount of interesting information, also an answer of Ladislava Molnárová, Senior Manager at the consulting company Amrop Slovakia, the reader's question about the basic rules required by applying for the vacancy on the labor market and during the further career building.