Naše poradenské týmy jsou aktivní v rámci globálních partnerství a networků, díky čemuž dokážeme držet prst na pulsu nejnovějšího vývoje a v kombinaci s inovativními přístupy nabídnout osvědčené řešení ve středoevropském regionu i mimo něj.
Mezi naše klienty patří mezinárodní společnosti, české i slovenské firmy, investoři, privátní holdingy, rodinné podniky, ale i veřejný a neziskový sektor. Naše poradenské týmy usilují o vytváření oboustranně výhodných partnerství a budování dlouhodobých vztahů.
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My v médiích
AESC's SearchWire: Retained executive search is a true strategy consulting discipline
Executive search services have been introduced to our market shortly after 1989, so we now here have more than twenty years of experience with them. One would assume that after so many years the service providers would respect how to go about providing the search service and that clients would easily distinguish between retained executive search companies and other (mostly contingency based) companies. Surprisingly there is still limited awareness of the differences on both sides-consultants as well as clients. More about this topic writes in an article Igor Šulík, Managing Partner of consulting company Amrop Slovakia.
The Slovak Spectator: Employment law changes, but outlook remains doubtful
The road to recovery is proving much bumpier than market watchers forecast a year ago and it is now clear that expressions such as hiring freeze, caution and stagnation will remain in use in the labour market´s vocabulary for 2012. Martin Krekáč, senior partner at consulting company Amrop Slovakia and chairman of Jenewein Group, and Igor Šulík, Managing Partner at Amrop Slovakia gave in year´s edition of the Career & Employment Guide, issued as supplement of weekly The Slovak Spectator its opinion to this topic.
The Slovak Spectator: Retained executive search is a true strategy consulting discipline
Executive search services have been introduced to our market shortly after 1989, so we now here have more than twenty years of experience with them. One would assume that after so many years the service providers would respect how to go about providing the search service and that clients would easily distinguish between retained executive search companies and other (mostly contingency based) companies. Surprisingly there is still limited awareness of the differences on both sides-consultants as well as clients. More about this topic writes in an article for year´s edition of the Career & Employment Guide, issued as supplement of weekly The Slovak Spectator Igor Šulík, Managing Partner of consulting company Amrop Slovakia.
The Slovak Spectator: Real income falls in 2011
There was no extra spending power for most workers in 2011 as inflation ate away at nominal wage increases. The outlook for 2012 is for tamer inflation but since the Slovak economy is not expected to generate many new jobs the high level of unemployment and employers´ concerns about another economic crisis will put a brake on wage growth. Editors of year´s edition of the Career & Employment Guide issued as supplement of weekly The Slovak Spectator put into a patchwork of different perspectives on this issue also ideas of Martin Krekáč, senior partner at consulting company Amrop Slovakia and chairman of Jenewein Group, and Mario Fondati, Partner at Amrop Slovakia.
The Slovak Spectator: Unemployment hits new high
Slovakia´s unemployment rate in December 2011 hit a seven-year peak and labour market analysts´ forecasts for 2012 are rather dismal. While employers will continue to seek employees with expert skills and experienced managers who can generate genuine business growth, no effective solution has yet been found for the legions of Slovaks who have low levels of education or those who have been unemployed for a long period. Martin Krekáč, senior partner at consulting company Amrop Slovakia and chairman of Jenewein Group, Igor Šulík, Managing Partner and Mario Fondati, Partner at Amrop Slovakia gave in year´s edition of the Career & Employment Guide, issued as supplement of weekly The Slovak Spectator its opinion to this topic.
The Slovak Spectator: Searching for a place in a tightening market
It was not so long ago that businesses across Slovakia experienced a sudden drop-off in orders and were forced to lay off employees to survive. Now, despite forecasts last year that the economy would recover and the labour market would revive, the spectre of recession has returned. Professionals in the HR sector are similarly careful when it comes to making bold predictions for 2012. The Slovak Spectator spoke to them about prospects for the labour market, the changing conditions for HR firms and problems in the education system, as well as the shifting expectations of job applicants. Editors put into a patchwork of different perspectives on this issue also ideas of Martin Krekáč, senior partner at consulting company Amrop Slovakia and chairman of Jenewein Group, Igor Šulík, Managing Partner and Mario Fondati, Partner at Amrop Slovakia.
The Slovak Spectator: The big generational shift?
Recently, we have seen the departure of several top HR managers, who were replaced in their organisations. Is this coincidence, or a trend? More about this topic writes in an article for year´s edition of the Career & Employment Guide, issued as supplement of weekly The Slovak Spectator Mario Fondati, Partner of consulting company Amrop Slovakia.
SME/Ženy: Start yourself!
Today's world requires successful and productive people who bring the company profit and prestige. However, also productivity has its limits. One cannot constantly create ideas, make the right decisions and bring creative and innovative solutions. About the factors of the business success speaks for the magazine SME Ženy Igor Šulík, Managing Partner of the consulting company Amrop Slovakia.
Hospodárske Noviny: Research is a challenge for me/HN is looking for a job for Kamil - on fair Profesia days
Hospodárske noviny are continuing in a project Find a job with HN. Every week they publish one story of a candidate for a vacant position, his CV, picture, evaluation and his potential career path. Member of the commission which assesses prerequisites and chances of success on the labour market in a simulated interview became Lucia Lauková, Senior Consultant of the consulting company Amrop Slovakia.
Hospodárske Noviny: To find a job with HN is worth
Do you have no job, circulate employment agencies and send dozens of resumes and do you still not have any success? Hospodárske noviny offers a help-for several months, every week, HN helps young people in the series Find a job with HN. Editors in a special article summarize the advantages for direct actors and readers-on the topic comments also Michal Lukáč, consultant of the consulting company Amrop Slovakia which is a partner of the project and regularly appears in the professional jury of the series.