• Since our foundation in 1990, we have been providing complex strategic one-stop shop services.

  • We rely on partners and a senior team as well as personal involvement of our founders with their own successful experience.

  • As part of our individual approach, we implement customized and often exceptional solutions.

  • Thanks to the global reach, our presence goes beyond the Czech and Slovak borders.


Case studies | Surveys | Analyses
Publications | Articles | Interviews
Blogs | Strategies | Concepts | Projects

We are a premier Czech-Slovak consulting group with strong ties to Austria. Over the past 30 years, we have become one of the best-known and most frequently recommended one-stop-shop Central European boutique consultancies with global reach delivering complex Strategic Leadership, Management and Public Policy services.

Through our consulting teams active within global partnerships and networks we manage to keep a finger on the pulse of latest developments and thus offer proven experience combined with innovative expertise in and beyond the central European region.

We have many clients including international companies, Czech and Slovak companies, investors, private holdings, family businesses, as well as the public and non-profit sector. Our consulting teams are committed to creating mutually beneficial partnerships and building long-term relationships.


Articles & Studies

Spotting the trade risks and opportunities for business in Europe, today and tomorrow


Companies operating globally and participating in international supply chains will increasingly be impacted by new and more inward-looking policies and regulations in Europe and in third countries. Changing geopolitics driven by the war in Ukraine and growing trade conflicts between the US, EU and China increasingly present challenges for companies operating globally - companies that have up to now benefited from the open multilateral trading system underpinned by the WTO. Read more in the article written by FIPRA.

Health in (not quite) all policies: Why health remains central to the von der Leyen II Commission


There has been much discussion on the place of health within the new European Commission. Some commentators argue that health has fallen down the list of EU concerns. However, this overlooks the fact that health-related objectives are included in numerous Mission Letters and Commissioner portfolios. It is perhaps more accurate to say that, in the von der Leyen II Commission, responsibility for health has been re-distributed. Read more in the article written by FIPRA.

Navigating PFAS Substitution Challenges in the Lithium-Ion Battery Industry


Hosted by the ZSW research institute for energy storage technologies and with participation of the RECHARGE battery industry association, FIPRA organised an information exchange with the European Commission, European Chemicals Agency and German Environment Agency to discuss the complex lithium-ion battery chemistries which are used to achieve the very different performance requirements in the automotive, power tools and consumer electronics sectors. Interested to know more? Download the full report.

BLOG: Chief Political Officer must read the world with confidence

Martin Krekáč, Chairman & Founding Partner, Jenewein Group

Martin Krekáč, chairman and founding partner of the Jenewein Group, again focused on the topic of Political Intelligence (PQ) in his blog. This time through a look at the concept of engaging a Chief Political Officer (CPO), which is usually more than promising. However, in the initial stage, high expectations must be set aside and one must realize that it is not a panacea by itself. Simply put, just having a CPO is not enough. Read why thorough preparation for a new political director will allow for a smoother landing and a better chance for success.

BLOG: What it means to be a trusted advisor. And how to become one

Martin Krekáč, Chairman & Founding Partner, Jenewein Group

This time, Martin Krekáč, chairman and founding partner of the Jenewein Group, focused on principle by which he has lived essentially his entire working life. As he writes, in the dynamic world of consulting focused on Executive Search & Professional Services, success is the result of not only high expertise and many years of experience but also a certain form of art. Trusted advisors take the time to understand each client's individual needs, goals and circumstances and can tailor their advice and recommendations to meet those specific requirements. This ensures that clients receive personalized solutions that effectively solve their problems.

Seven trends influencing the hiring of leaders

Martin Krekáč, Chairman & Founding Partner, Jenewein Group

Many consider Executive Search consulting to be a young profession. However, this is not the case. Its roots go back to the end of the 19th century, when innovations accompanying the so-called the second industrial revolution created a need for new leaders who can adapt to a changing environment and growing demands. And so it is to this day. Generational change, an unstable political climate, digitisation, etc. – there are many factors influencing the Executive Search world. Martin Krekáč presents seven key areas that have a high impact on how leaders are hired, what kind of leaders they are, and the kind of future they will create.

Democracy Unleashed: Here Comes the European Parliament Elections!


For political geeks, there’s nothing more exciting than an upcoming European Parliament elections. These elections will determine the political lay of the land for the next 5 years. FIPRA will be following closely how this all works out, keeping its clients on top of the expected changes and what this means for business. For now, however, we’re delighted to share more broadly our take on what is happening “on the ground” in some important member states. We start with Belgium, the current holders of the Presidency of the EU. A country that is so fragmented in itself that it just seems right to include an analysis of what is happening at the ‘heart of the EU’. The analysis continues with France, Germany, Italy and Spain.

BLOG: Thanks to crises, the importance of political intelligence increases

Martin Krekáč, Chairman & Founding Partner, Jenewein Group

Martin Krekáč, chairman and founding partner of the Jenewein Group, focused on the topic of political intelligence (PQ) in a new blog. The increasing complexity of the surrounding environment in organizations reinforces the need to have a professionally filled position of Chief Political Officer (CPO), who can navigate complex political issues and at the same time translate this skill into business success. Geopolitics is simply back. Business owners and top organizational leaders need to have their own political generals at their side – ones who won't get lost in the wild world of politics.

The New EU Commission and Parliament are coming. Are your stakeholders your allies?


As Europe navigates the end of one political term and transitions to the next, now is the time to think ahead as to how this will impact your business or organisation and plan your engagement accordingly. In today’s complex policy landscape, alliances with stakeholders are needed to progress agendas. Across the board, stakeholders need to collaborate on a holistic approach and thrash out the win/win. In this analysis written by FIPRA, we offer some of our top-line advice, on how to make a difference and shape policy that works for you.

BLOG: I am advocate for being natural in women's careers as well

Martin Krekáč, Chairman & Founding Partner, Jenewein Group

Martin Krekáč, chairman and founding partner of the Jenewein Group, during his long professional career as a personal advisor on strategic issues and a recognized expert on HR policies and family business, wrote and spoke more than enough on the topic of women's careers on the occasion of International Women's Day. In the current input, published exactly on 8 March, he also writes about how he saw it in the past and what has (not) changed in his attitude and perception over almost 35 years.