• Since our foundation in 1990, we have been providing complex strategic one-stop shop services.

  • We rely on partners and a senior team as well as personal involvement of our founders with their own successful experience.

  • As part of our individual approach, we implement customized and often exceptional solutions.

  • Thanks to the global reach, our presence goes beyond the Czech and Slovak borders.


Case studies | Surveys | Analyses
Publications | Articles | Interviews
Blogs | Strategies | Concepts | Projects

We are a premier Czech-Slovak consulting group with strong ties to Austria. Over the past 35 years, we have become one of the best-known and most frequently recommended one-stop-shop Central European boutique consultancies with global reach delivering complex Strategic Leadership, Management and Public Policy services.

Through our consulting teams active within global partnerships and networks we manage to keep a finger on the pulse of latest developments and thus offer proven experience combined with innovative expertise in and beyond the central European region.

We have many clients including international companies, Czech and Slovak companies, investors, private holdings, family businesses, as well as the public and non-profit sector. Our consulting teams are committed to creating mutually beneficial partnerships and building long-term relationships.


Business Innovations

We are looking to the future. With all the respect.
Innovations are investments, progress and future added value.
Innovations are basic prerequisites of successful future.

Company achievements as we see them are primarily conditioned by ability to bring the highest possible standard of added value. In other words, it means to identify and follow new challenges which are closely connected to the latest trends, primarily influenced by strong global players. It is the factor of fast competitive change, much stronger and galloping as ever before, that shifts basic precondition for future success. To assure competitive advantage, it is necessary to be part of the latest business trends and not only to follow advanced steps of the competitors. However, not every company is able to cope with new trends and outclass the competition. The ability to succeed in business is therefore based on ability to innovate and implement proposed innovations. The process has to begin within the organization as such and afterwards it can be delivered to client's organizations which will implement these innovative methods later on.

To be able to succeed and achieve a stable growth in a world of business – an environment that constantly brings up new challenge requires from the modern companies an ability to react flexibly and swiftly to the changes that have come along with globalization. The key for future success is knowledge of a fact that problems the big and smaller companies face are closely related and they require a complex approach. To be able to combine solutions that at first look like they have nothing in common and come up with solutions that link together within companies and markets that is the task the successful players must master if they want to keep their success.

Based on the experience of more than three decades, we are the leader that realizes what the future of consulting services is. Even that Jenewein Group is able to offer a wide scale of consulting services through its portfolio of consulting teams, we want to offer more – an extraordinary product Business Innovation Network (BIN) that will provide the ability to find solutions for present and future questions and problems.

Business Innovation Network (BIN) is a Jenewein innovative platform that belongs to Jenewein Group. We provide unique and complex solution to any problem business subjects may face. The idea is simple and revolutionary. BIN does not have limits of companies or segments of consulting, but through the network of top experts it brings together the best know-how that is present on the market, using the effect of synergy of these professionals's approach, knowledge and experience. That is how BIN is able to deliver truly complex, effective and innovative solution.

Thanks to Business Innovation Network we are in praxis capable of adding specialists and experts from various fields to our own consulting teams and bring new and different solutions and perspectives. The input of every individual into this exclusive team turns it into a flexible and functional platform capable of reacting to any requests – with one common goal – to succeed in business with really extraordinary complex and innovative approach that is not to be found elsewhere.

Innovations are an investment, development and added value for us. We know very well that looking for standard solutions is not enough. In modern business environment it is necessary to differ, to have better product, to work in more effective system, to deliver tailor made solutions, to have internal communication without any interruption, to work in transparent relations, etc. Therefore, we innovate through internal Business Innovation Practice (BIP) our advisory products and own processes in Jenewein Group.

BIP via professionally profiled and according to the needs constructed work teams defines and sets up modern methods, that assign increasing quality and added value of advisory products and processes with direct impact on raising competitiveness and continuous growth. BIP acts as an innovative, coordinating and communication internal unit. Its objectives are reached through these areas:

Products innovation
It includes modernization of an existing and development of new advisory solutions in compliance with global trends. The base is monitoring and research approach towards the market through regular complex survey of existing solutions and so-called market benchmark. Other activities lead from internal and external surroundings (e.g., management and employee’s involvement in new services development). The same importance has also functioned motivation system and system evaluating proposed innovative solutions from the side of management and employees in order to lead to stimulation of creation and efficiency of proposed solutions. Innovative solutions are our clamorous answer to permanently developing competitors, global trends and clients´ requests.

Processes innovation
It maintains efficiency of internal processes in particular companies’ operations and realization of advisory solutions. Quality realization process is a basis for building up long-lasting relations, setting effective competencies for members of realization teams, managing responsibility sharing and sufficient reporting. Simultaneously, it is a cornerstone for follow-up successful CRM system performance. BIP in this area provides solutions for creating realization methods, that are in compliance with the most modern and the most efficient available means of professional solutions realization. Changing market environment, technical possibilities and global trends instigate us to the change in our approaches towards more effective solutions with the maximization of added value.

Jenewein Group, s.r.o. in the Slovak Republic and Amrop Slovakia, s.r.o. joined the concept and the implementation of the "brand Slovakia" with a leading slogan Good Idea Slovakia.