We are a premier Czech-Slovak consulting group with strong ties to Austria. Over the past 35 years, we have become one of the best-known and most frequently recommended one-stop-shop Central European boutique consultancies with global reach delivering complex Strategic Leadership, Management and Public Policy services.
Through our consulting teams active within global partnerships and networks we manage to keep a finger on the pulse of latest developments and thus offer proven experience combined with innovative expertise in and beyond the central European region.
We have many clients including international companies, Czech and Slovak companies, investors, private holdings, family businesses, as well as the public and non-profit sector. Our consulting teams are committed to creating mutually beneficial partnerships and building long-term relationships.
Through our consulting teams active within global partnerships and networks we manage to keep a finger on the pulse of latest developments and thus offer proven experience combined with innovative expertise in and beyond the central European region.
We have many clients including international companies, Czech and Slovak companies, investors, private holdings, family businesses, as well as the public and non-profit sector. Our consulting teams are committed to creating mutually beneficial partnerships and building long-term relationships.

We are placed twice in the TOP 10 of the Largest in Business ranking again
In the Largest in Business analytical rankings, Amrop Jenewein has reached first place in the Executive Search sector among all companies of this category. The entire Jenewein Group has achieved shared sixth and seventh place in the largest Business Consulting firms ranking (which is one step up compared to 2020).(1/5)

JM Search and The Amrop Partnership announce strategic alliance to expand global reach for clients
Two of the world’s leading independent Executive Search & Leadership Advisory firms, The Amrop Partnership and JM Search, have announced an exclusive strategic alliance that will see both companies expanding their offerings for their clients as well as growing their respective global reach. This new relationship will allow both companies to bring considerable added value to their respective domestic and international clients and an opportunity to work jointly on global projects. Given the long-established nature of both businesses as well as their shared values, Amrop and JM Search will not only be able to provide their clients with access to new geographies; the alliance will also provide immediate access to the specialist local expertise and the proven track records of both firms.(2/5)

We have been putting our love into shoeboxes during Giving Tuesday
As part of this year's Worldwide Day of Giving and Giving Tuesday 2020, the consulting group Jenewein Group and the companies Amrop Jenewein and Fipra in its portfolio have joined the nationwide collection How much love will fit in a shoebox?. Responsibility for those who need help is one of the five pillars of our social responsibility and corporate philanthropy. We realize (and appreciate) that we are strong enough to help the weaker ones, especially those who do not have the same opportunities as us.(3/5)

30th anniversary of Jenewein Group in graphics by academic sculptor Milan Lukáč
As a special gift and as a memorial to the 30th anniversary of the birth of Jenewein Group, and Amrop Jenewein and Fipra in its portfolio, the academic sculptor Milan Lukáč created a series of hand-colored graphics FACE 2 FACE with four principal motives. The unique works of the closed collection imaginatively combine the main visual elements of our corporate identity with artist motives and will become a rare reminder of another milestone in the Jenewein Group timeline beginning in 1990.(4/5)

PRF – Partners for Development of Companies
Client Partners of Jenewein Group are founding members of the Partners of Family-owned Companies PRF – Partneri Rodinných Firiem association. The current difficult period, during which many family companies have to deal not only with everyday duties but also with the future, has accelerated the planned establishment of the association. Also, that is why our experts joined forces with advisors from the consulting company nebotra consulting. Their ambition is to interface specializations and references, which belong among the best in family business consulting.(5/5)

Disconnected Data: The Case for Wisdom in Leadership Assessment
Leadership assessment sits at the very heart of the talent management landscape. It is extensively (and enthusiastically) deployed by Executive Search firms and organizations. Yet it is in this domain that shortfalls in leadership talent strategy are most starkly reflected. In this article authors – Juliana John and Igor Šulík, both leaders Amrop Global Leadership Services Practice, will argue that wise leadership needs better integration in the way in which these key executives are assessed – a high-stakes intervention in recruiting, development and career progression.(1/5)

Strategic Personnel Consulting for Public Sector
Our experience across all sectors allows us to deliver complex consulting services strengthening the quality and culture of public service and the level of leadership aiming to efficiently administer and manage publicly funded entities with a diverse range of tasks and functions necessary for the state's effectiveness and economy. We find and develop personalities able to engage in the management of public sector entities and their mission completion, equipped with a wide range of managerial competencies and tools aimed at achieving the set goals.(2/5)

State Owned Enterprises / Public & Social Sector
Can state-owned enterprises, organizations and institutions owned and managed by the state or self-government function effectively? Certainly yes. The ability to respond in a timely and appropriate manner to current trends and changes is important. We have been using our own experience for a long time to provide effective and innovative consulting solutions for corporate governance in this sector and to strengthen the quality of public service.(3/5)

Private & Family Companies / Jenewein.private
We understand private entrepreneurship mainly thanks to our own business experience of more than thirty years. At the same time, we are very close to Family Companies with our values.(4/5)

Leadership Services / i4 Neuroleader
Without top-level leaders, it is hardly possible to implement the new strategies and business plans for getting over the crisis or any change the new era will bring. While providing Leadership Services, we are using our in-depth business environment knowledge, unique know-how, and the ability to understand and solve challenging situations of companies or individuals.(5/5)

Top News
Last news: 8.06.2021

EPPP supports digital business expansion through the project Za Tatry a za Dunaj
In line with the third of the four main initiatives – education, research and development, entrepreneurship and social sciences – the advisory and analytical institute EPPP – European Public Policy Partnership has prepared the project Za Tatry a za Dunaj: Ako uspieť online a rásť (aj) za hranicami – Crossing the Tatra Mountains and the Danube: How to Succeed Online and Grow (Also) Beyond Borders. The aim is to support the entrepreneurial ambitions of the Slovak public and entrepreneurs in Slovakia and beyond through a unique platform expandujonline.sk on the website of the Slovak Entrepreneurs Association. The platform covers different business types and life situations and provides simple, practical and easy-to-understand guidelines and procedures for those who want to start a business, as well as for existing small and medium-sized entrepreneurs who want to grow their business and/or successfully enter the digital market. This includes information on business support schemes, grant calls or laws and practical examples in the field of digitalisation of business. EPPP organises the project under the auspices of the Ministry of Economy of the SR, with the support of the Slovak Business Agency and in cooperation with the Slovak Entrepreneurs Association and a number of leading technology companies, which enhance the quality of the project with their know-how and through the aforementioned best practices. The project officially kicked off on March 6, 2025 with a press conference in Bratislava, where representatives of the Ministry of Economy of the SR, the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the SR, partner organisations and associations and cooperating technology companies Allegro, Wolt, Meta and Expandeco met with media representatives.Press release...
The project Za Tatry a za Dunaj in the media >>>

BLOG: Which 15 qualities are the basis of success?
In another series of author blogs, Martin Krekáč, chairman and the founding partner of Jenewein Group, presents his views on the fifteen most important qualities of successful people. The list of these qualities was recently published by the global job portal indeed. Martin Krekáč reads them from his own perspective as an expert on special and therapeutic pedagogy and career consultant and headhunter. Although there is no clear recipe for success, common features can be found in the career paths of successful people. What are they?(2/20)

The platform expandujonline.sk aims to increase interest in doing business online
The project Za Tatry a za Dunaj (Crossing the Tatra Mountains and the Danube): How to Succeed Online and Grow (Also) Beyond Borders supports the entrepreneurial ambitions of the Slovak public and entrepreneurs by providing a practical demonstration on the expandujonline.sk platform that selling online is easier than it seems. It is organized by the consulting and analytical institute EPPP – European Public Policy Partnership under the auspices of the Ministry of Economy of the SR, in cooperation with the Slovak Entrepreneurs Association and with the support of the Slovak Business Agency and leading technology companies.(3/20)

BLOG: Consultants doing business – (not) of their own free will
Martin Krekáč, Chairman and Founding Partner of Jenewein Group, once again devotes his new blog to the dynamic world of consulting in Executive Search, Public Affairs & Professional Services. This time, he focused on consultants who enter consulting from a corporate environment. This change is not rare in career profiles. In countries where consulting services have a longer tradition than here, it is even a natural development. However, these are not always experts with long-term experience, but rather junior managers who decided to take this step under the influence of current circumstances...(4/20)

FIPRA mentioned again as one of reliable partners for critical decision-making in 2025
In the latest edition of the Best in Brussels Report for the period 2024 and 2025, FIPRA – Foresight International Policy & Regulatory Advisers has once again made it to the prestigious list of the best public affairs consultancies and law firms specializing in public policy. BestinBrussels.eu is the first and only independent guide to lobbying and law firms operating in Brussels. With almost 250 pages, it is the most comprehensive edition to date, full of useful information for anyone involved in European affairs. Among other things, it contains chapters on AI and Data Science in public affairs as well as a comprehensive market overview including the best consultants, consultancies and digital agencies. The aim is to help individuals or organizations in identifying and selecting a reliable partner needed to take critical decisions. FIPRA, the leading and largest European public affairs advisory network, of which Fipra Slovakia is a part, is ranked in the top 35 in the mid-to-large consultancies category.More information...
Download the report...

The tradition of New Year's concerts in Brussels continues
On January 30, 2025, the Flagey cultural center in Brussels once again became the venue for the Slovak New Year's Concert. As in previous years, the consulting company Fipra Slovakia became one of the partners of the popular event, which traditionally belongs to the calendar of (not only) the Slovak community in Brussels. The event was sponsored by the European Commissioner Maroš Šefčovič, Permanent Representative of the Slovak Republic to the EU Juraj Nociar, Chargé d´affaires of the Slovak Republic to the Kingdom of Belgium Andrej Michalec and Permanent Representative of the Slovak Republic to NATO Marek Varga. Foreign and Slovak guests, mainly from European institutions and the diplomatic and entrepreneurship environment, listened to performers from various musical genres – opera singers Eva Hornyáková, Otokar Klein and Titusz Tóbisz, singers Michaela Kukurová and Marta Ďumbalová forming Duo La Femme, singers Marián Čekovský, Lukáš Adamec and Ondrej Kandráč, orchestra The Music of the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic under conductor Július Selčan and children's folklore ensemble Klnka. The evening was moderated by Ľubomír Bajaník. As in previous years, we personally participated at the concert, which brings contact with Slovak culture to the center of the EU.Invitation...

Our Bratislava office with renovated premises
At the turn of the year, we began to fully enjoy the renovated company premises. The Bratislava office of the Jenewein Group and the consulting companies Fipra, CEC Group a EPPP remains at the same address in the city center and on the same floor – and at the same time looks completely different. Our approach, openness, history and enthusiasm for innovations and original ideas are also reflected in the new design of our interior. The center is a pleasant chill out zone with a 24/7 coffee & tea bar, interactive board, birdy box, golf putting set and table soccer. In a pleasant and inspiring environment, which we change over time thanks to thematic accessories, we like to debate, plan or negotiate with each other and with our partners, clients and guests. The backdrop is completed by the illuminated sign Trust me, I am a lobbyist and a design wallpaper created from archive issues of Amrop Jenewein News from 2001 to 2005. Trusted advisors, headhunters and lobbyists are represented by strong and long-term relationships with clients, building trust, empathy, understanding and common goals. We are looking forward to welcoming you!Photogallery...

The end of the year with roast goose and Christmas punch
On December 11, 2024 none of us planned any evening program and we all sat down together at one big table. At the invitation of Martin Krekáč, the chairman of the Jenewein Group consulting group, we met at the Matyšák Hotel in Bratislava to enjoy the traditional St. Martin's roast goose (albeit a bit later). We slowed down a bit and in the pre-Christmas hectic period we still enjoyed the autumn atmosphere and one of the most exquisite delicacies of our cuisine. Exactly one week later, we spent our lunch break together again at the Christmas markets in Bratislava's Hviezdoslavovo and Main Squares. This time at the invitation of Patrik Zoltvány, senior partner of Fipra Slovakia. Thank you both for the invitation and all colleagues for the pleasant moments – we had a great time together as always. For a few hours we stopped in order to speed up again...PF 2025...

Jenewein again in the rankings of the Largest in Business
This year, we are again among the leading companies in Slovakia, which made it into the TOP 10 in their respective business field in 2024. The rankings were published for the fifth time in the yearbook Largest in Business. We have repeatedly ranked among the largest in the sector of Executive Search companies, after taking into account a combination of various criteria. Jenewein Group consulting group is part of the TOP 10 in the Business Consulting sector based on the number of consultants. The Yearbook Largest in Business is published by The Slovak Spectator and the daily SME in cooperation with the company Finstat. The Slovak-English publication presents rankings of the largest companies and institutions in fifty categories and comparable information on the growth of sectors and companies over the past year (including the names of top executives and contact details). As a special supplement of SME daily and The Slovak Spectator, it successfully continues the tradition of the Book of Lists, which Jenewein Group has been a part of since its publication in 1999.More information...
The Slovak Spectator...

Stúpanie and 3 CDs Nevy(í)dané rarity by Marika Gombitová
Marika Gombitová surprised again and succeeded in something that few artists who have been active on the scene for several decades have achieved. Marika Gombitová's new 3 CD Nevy(í)dané rarity (Unreleased rarities), which officially went on sale on October 24, 2024, is far from dusting off the archive – 35 recordings from 1975 to 1992, which were never released on any of Marika's albums, are even for many supporters a novelty from the most part. To a certain extent, the same as the bonus, which is a separate third CD in the form of this year's premieres of the hit Fantóm srdca (Phantom of the Heart) and Stúpanie (Rising). Together with Marika Gombitová, her team and the international publishing house MUSICA, we devoted several Art Consulting months to this project. Our Filip Krekáč is again one of the team of collaborators. Not only thanks to the rare recordings and the novelty single Fantóm srdca – Stúpanie, but also to the text, image and graphic processing of the cover and booklet, including Marika's personal memories and an autograph card for a limited number of the first thousand fans, the new 3 CD is already considered a sought-after collector's trophy. The new album became no. 1 in the largest bookstores Panta Rhei, Martinus and Gorila a few days after the sales started. At the same time as the new 3 CD was released on sale, on October 24, the Slovak Radio premiered the studio recording of the new song Rising, for which Marika will soon present a new video clip.Press release...
3 CD Nevy(í)dané rarity – order...
Stúpanie on streaming platforms...
Official YouTube channel of M. Gombitová...
Stúpanie – official video clip... (coming soon)
Premiere of the studio recording and new 3 CDs in the media >>>

Martin Krekáč – member of the Board of Trustees of Comenius University in Bratislava
Martin Krekáč is a chairman and founding partner of the Jenewein Group consulting group. In 1990, he managed to build a strong international background for the provision of consulting services focusing on Executive Search & Professional Services. Already at that time, he laid the foundations of the current Czech-Slovak premium group with strong ties to Austria and global reach, which helps organizations and individuals in defining and implementing strategic visions and improving performance through a one-stop-shop consultancy providing complex services within Strategic Leadership, Management & Public Policy. Since its establishment, he has gradually and systematically expanded its portfolio of expert consulting services through creation specialized companies, which became part of global partnerships and networks.He focuses on Strategic Consulting Services and over more than thirty years, he has helped evaluate and appoint hundreds of CEOs and board members and delivered a number of successful CEO succession planning solutions. He has got extensive professional expertise in Strategic Leadership, Executive Search & Public Affairs. He is currently strengthening and improving the group's consulting portfolio and creating synergic solutions between individual companies, advisory platforms and their teams, which are an integral part of the Jenewein Group. He manages the strategic development of relations in the public sector and in regulated private sectors and helps create effective partnerships and knowledge transfer between the private and public entities. He is happy to pass on his many years of experience and unique know-how about major companies and organizations and his typical clients include the biggest personalities of Czech-Slovak business, founders and owners of family companies, family offices, private investors, shareholders, top managers, professional athletes and artists. He is a sought-after personal adviser on strategic issues and a recognized expert in HR policy and family business.
Martin Krekáč is also the founder and president of the European Public Policy Partnership (EPPP) – advisory and analytical institute operating in Bratislava and Brussels. He is a member of several boards and associations, clubs and organizations at home and abroad, as well as members of advisory bodies of the Slovak Parliament and the Slovak Government. From 2005 to 2013 he served as President of the Business Alliance of Slovakia (PAS) and from 2006 to 2010 he was a member and adviser of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) in Brussels. He is leveraging many years of experience from university education as a member of the Board of Trustees of the University of Žilina (2011 – 2016) and of Comenius University in Bratislava (2024 – 2029). In 2016, he was nominated for the Crystal Wing Award in the category Business. He has given several dozens of professional lectures and has had extensive publishing activities at home and abroad.
Composition of the Board of Trustees...

BLOG: Chief Political Officer must read the world with confidence
Martin Krekáč, chairman and founding partner of the Jenewein Group, again focused on the topic of Political Intelligence (PQ) in his blog. This time through a look at the concept of engaging a Chief Political Officer (CPO), which is usually more than promising. However, in the initial stage, high expectations must be set aside and one must realize that it is not a panacea by itself. Simply put, just having a CPO is not enough. Read why thorough preparation for a new political director will allow for a smoother landing and a better chance for success.(12/20)

We are once again in the TOP 10 largest Executive Search companies in Slovakia
Traditionally, at the end of spring, the Career Guide 2024 Yearbook was published as a special edition of The Slovak Spectator. In addition to a number of articles and personalities working in the field of HR consulting and human capital, it also contains the expected and respected ranking of the largest players in Executive Search on the Slovak market. We are happy that our Jenewein Executive has repeatedly placed in the TOP 10 in the category of Executive Search companies in Slovakia. The ranking is compiled according to a combination of several indicators for the year 2023 (number of active Executive Search partners and consultants, revenue and the number of successfully filled positions by individual levels, etc.). In addition to rankings and useful data and contacts, the Career Guide yearbook has been bringing interesting information and trends not only for HR professionals for 25 years. We have been a part of it since the beginning of publication in 1999. Martin Krekáč also contributed to the creation of the content of the current edition by writing the article Seven trends that change the selection of leaders in the TRENDS section.Ranking of the largest Executive Search companies...
Article in The Slovak Spectator...
Article in SME...
Who is Who in HR consultancy companies...
M. Krekáč: Seven trends influencing the hiring of leaders (EN)...
Pictogram for Jenewein Executive...

Seven trends influencing the hiring of leaders
Many consider Executive Search consulting to be a young profession. However, this is not the case. Its roots go back to the end of the 19th century, when innovations accompanying the so-called the second industrial revolution created a need for new leaders who can adapt to a changing environment and growing demands. And so it is to this day. Generational change, an unstable political climate, digitisation, etc. – there are many factors influencing the Executive Search world. Martin Krekáč presents seven key areas that have a high impact on how leaders are hired, what kind of leaders they are, and the kind of future they will create.(14/20)

BLOG: Thanks to crises, the importance of political intelligence increases
Martin Krekáč, chairman and founding partner of the Jenewein Group, focused on the topic of political intelligence (PQ) in a new blog. The increasing complexity of the surrounding environment in organizations reinforces the need to have a professionally filled position of Chief Political Officer (CPO), who can navigate complex political issues and at the same time translate this skill into business success. Geopolitics is simply back. Business owners and top organizational leaders need to have their own political generals at their side – ones who won't get lost in the wild world of politics.(15/20)

The New EU Commission and Parliament are coming. Are your stakeholders your allies?
As Europe navigates the end of one political term and transitions to the next, now is the time to think ahead as to how this will impact your business or organisation and plan your engagement accordingly. In today’s complex policy landscape, alliances with stakeholders are needed to progress agendas. Across the board, stakeholders need to collaborate on a holistic approach and thrash out the win/win. In this analysis written by FIPRA, we offer some of our top-line advice, on how to make a difference and shape policy that works for you.(16/20)

Special Crystal Wing Award for M. Gombitová
On March 16, 2024, we participated not only as guests at the Crystal Wing awards (Krištáľové krídlo) for the year 2023 at the Slovak National Theater. We were part of Marika Gombitová's team, which won the Special Crystal Wing Award. The added value of Marika's participation at the gala evening was the Slovak and TV premiere of the new song Phantom of the Heart (Fantóm srdca) by the proven author tandem M. Gombitová – K. Peteraj. The prestigious lifetime achievement award is in the right hands – we are sure of that as a long-term partner of this exceptional singer and songwriter. Moreover, the success of our partners is also our success. Long-term managerial and consulting experience across many sectors is the basis of our specialized expertise in the field of Art Consulting as well. We work with Marika especially when setting artistic strategies or creating new business opportunities. Every year we are also involved in the Crystal Wing project – we are among the supporters of its legacy. The effort to spread the positive and inspiring results of the creative work of the most successful personalities, regardless of borders and field of activity, has been close to us for years. Wherever possible, we encourage the visibility of worthy examples to follow and pay tribute to admirable human achievements.Photogallery...
Crystal Wing behind the scenes...
Crystal Wing – M. Gombitová (recording)...
Fantóm srdca – SK and TV premiere...
Crystal Wing – TA3...

Largest in Business 2023: two spots in TOP 10 again
For several years in a row, we have been among the largest companies in Slovakia, which, thanks to the achieved results, won a place in the yearbook Largest in Business 2023. Jenewein Executive consulting company placed in the TOP 10 in the sector of the largest Executive Search firms, after taking into account a combination of various criteria. The entire consulting group Jenewein Group has also taken spot in the ranking of the largest companies in the Business Consulting sector based on the number of consultants. The Largest in Business yearbook is published by The Slovak Spectator and SME daily in cooperation with the company Finstat. The Slovak-English publication presents rankings of the largest companies and institutions in fifty categories and comparable information on the growth of sectors and companies over the past year (including the names of top executives and contact details). It was published for the fourth time as a special appendix to SME daily and The Slovak Spectator. It successfully continues the tradition of the Book of Lists, of which the Jenewein Group has been a part since its first publication in 1999.More information...
The Slovak Spectator...

Filip Krekáč in the expert team at the conference Nevyhorení
After Filip Krekáč obtained the qualification that authorizes him to provide professional peer support services to clients with mental illness, in addition to working for the Jenewein Group as a peer consultant under the auspices of the League for Mental Health, he builds and develops his know-how at the Calma Clinic in Bratislava. Also thanks to this, on October 7, 2023, he was part of the expert team at the conference Nevyhorení – Zažite nevyhorených naživo (Not Burned Out – Experience those that did not burn out), which was organized by Forbes Slovensko in the P. O. Hviezdoslav Theater in Bratislava. As part of Walks & Talks at the event, Filip led peer conversations with clients on the topic How can you live better life with mental illness and what has the journey of recovery taught me?. Lectures and discussions with experts and other guests brought new perspectives on the topics of mental health and well-being. It is also worth noting that, for the first time in Slovakia, at such an important business event, experts with their own experience were accepted on an equal footing with professional experts.Photography 1...
Photography 2...
Photography 3...

Erik Szedély as speaker at the business breakfast of AmCham Slovakia
Processes, automation and funding – terms often used in business. At the same time, these are topics that are current, regardless of whether we move in the public sector, in the non-profit sector or in the world of local and family businesses or large international corporations. Processes, Automation and Funding – this is also the name of the business breakfast organized by the American Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia for almost 300 member companies and other interested parties. It took place on October 24, 2023 in Jurkovič Heating Plant (Jurkovičova tepláreň) in Bratislava, and one of the speakers was Erik Szedély who looked at the key concepts of the meeting from the perspective of human capital through the presentation How to create an environment for attracting and keeping talent. He also was talking about the experience gained within the consulting group Jenewein Group – because people in organizations are either carriers of or obstacles to the transformation processes that are necessary in fulfilling their strategic goals.More information...
Top Events
Last news: 29.07.2021

Amrop Jenewein helped students to gain precious know-how
Under the auspices of the Representation of the European Commission in Slovakia, the 3rd annual Skills of the Future conference organized by the Alliance for Youth took place with excellent feedback. It is a voluntary association of companies that actively support and promote programs for young people in order to help them prepare for entering the labor market. Interesting interactive lectures were given online in the main rooms Digital, Green and HR. Experts from the most significant international companies, as well as inspiring local companies, including the company Amrop Jenewein, shared their experience with a record number of 470 participants.(1/5)

Jenewein private at the 2nd year of the International Family Business Congress
Almost exactly a year after the successful first year, the 2nd year of the International Family Business Congress planned for all owners, successors, members of business families, and managers working in a family company took place on September 8, 2021. The Family Business Institute (IRB) prepared it with the theme Strong Family – Strong Company. Through Jenewein.private platform, Jenewein Group was one of the thematic partners of the congress with its own workshop Innovation and Family Business – a unique connection. How to benefit from it?.(2/5)

Trend: Amrop Jenewein is a professional partner of the Family Business series again
With the power of its brand, Amrop Jenewein has supported this year's spring Family Business series in the weekly magazine Trend. Within its framework, the editorial office presented successful business and family stories and solutions leading to the success of Family Businesses, especially in connection with the current pandemic situation and the necessary preparation for other critical scenarios. In an editorial interview, Amrop Jenewein Client Partner a member of Partners of Family-Owned Companies (PRF) Rastislav Mackanič introduced the assessment of the impact on Family Companies environment and the professional presentation of effective solutions for helping and development of Family Business.(3/5)

We support talented Roma children through the Divé maky Fund
The civic association Divé maky (Wild poppies) has long supported the talent and education development of exceptionally talented Roma children from communities at risk of poverty. At the end of 2020, we accepted an invitation from Divé maky to support the Divé maky Fund created to sustain scholarship holders more effectively. Through inspiring leaders, we continue to support talented Roma children and, thanks to our help, they are getting a huge chance of success.(4/5)

Jenewein Group is a strategic partner for the Family Business Platform
Jenewein Group is one of the strategic partners with which Združenie podnikateľov Slovenska joined for the creation of a concept and the establishment of a Family Business Platform. The vision of this joint activity is to become a trusted, transparent and long-term partner for all Family Businesses in the Slovak market, and thus underlining the importance of Family Business. Jenewein Group, as a privately owned Czech-Slovak group, is very close to Family Companies with its values. This puts us in the position of an equal partner, understanding the challenges faced by family and privately owned companies, mainly in the area of management and organizing.(5/5)