• Since our foundation in 1990, we have been providing complex strategic one-stop shop services.

  • We rely on partners and a senior team as well as personal involvement of our founders with their own successful experience.

  • As part of our individual approach, we implement customized and often exceptional solutions.

  • Thanks to the global reach, our presence goes beyond the Czech and Slovak borders.


Case studies | Surveys | Analyses
Publications | Articles | Interviews
Blogs | Strategies | Concepts | Projects

We are a premier Czech-Slovak consulting group with strong ties to Austria. Over the past 35 years, we have become one of the best-known and most frequently recommended one-stop-shop Central European boutique consultancies with global reach delivering complex Strategic Leadership, Management and Public Policy services.

Through our consulting teams active within global partnerships and networks we manage to keep a finger on the pulse of latest developments and thus offer proven experience combined with innovative expertise in and beyond the central European region.

We have many clients including international companies, Czech and Slovak companies, investors, private holdings, family businesses, as well as the public and non-profit sector. Our consulting teams are committed to creating mutually beneficial partnerships and building long-term relationships.



Slovak Business Agency/National Business Centre

We are one of the partners with whom the Slovak Business Agency joined forces in compiling the publication Succession in Family Businesses – How to Get Started.

PRF – Partners for Development of Companies

We are the initiator of the establishment of the association Partners for Development of Companies.

Family Business Platform

We have become one of the strategic partners with which Entrepreneurs Association of Slovakia joined for the creation of a concept and the establishment of a Family Business Platform.

Divé maky – prijatelni.sk

We have become supporter of the project prijatelni.sk, through which OZ Wild poppies develops talent and supports the employment of Romanies.

Career & Employment Guide

We support leadership and innovative research in the area of Human Capital also through long-term partnership with the Career & Employment Guide publication, published annually by The Slovak Spectator.

Children's Safety Line

Since 2005, we have been a partner of Children's Safety Line. We promote directly and indirectly its activities which include free services of expert team for 24 hours, 365 days on telephone number 116 111 or 116 000 to assist children and their parents.

Charity Concert Chyťme sa za ruky

We have been supporting the civic association for the mentally handicapped and the charity concert Chyťme sa za ruky for a long time.

Alliance for Youth in Czech Republic and Slovakia

We have become long-term supporter of the Alliance for Youth, witch actively participates in specific programs for young people.

Women Entrepreneurship Forum of Slovakia

Through advisory and analytical institute European Public Policy Partnership (EPPP) we support the mission and activities of Women Entrepreneurship Forum of Slovakia.

HN Club – economic newspaper club

Within social responsibility, we want to contribute to forming of economic strategy of Slovakia.