• Since our foundation in 1990, we have been providing complex strategic one-stop shop services.

  • We rely on partners and a senior team as well as personal involvement of our founders with their own successful experience.

  • As part of our individual approach, we implement customized and often exceptional solutions.

  • Thanks to the global reach, our presence goes beyond the Czech and Slovak borders.


Case studies | Surveys | Analyses
Publications | Articles | Interviews
Blogs | Strategies | Concepts | Projects

We are a premier Czech-Slovak consulting group with strong ties to Austria. Over the past 35 years, we have become one of the best-known and most frequently recommended one-stop-shop Central European boutique consultancies with global reach delivering complex Strategic Leadership, Management and Public Policy services.

Through our consulting teams active within global partnerships and networks we manage to keep a finger on the pulse of latest developments and thus offer proven experience combined with innovative expertise in and beyond the central European region.

We have many clients including international companies, Czech and Slovak companies, investors, private holdings, family businesses, as well as the public and non-profit sector. Our consulting teams are committed to creating mutually beneficial partnerships and building long-term relationships.



The About My Brain Institute

We have been the official partner of The About My Brain Institute. Thanks to this combination, we are possible to present and successfully apply the i4 Neuroleader model on the Slovak and the wider Central European market.

KL Racing Rally Team 2014

We are the advertising partner of KL Racing Rally Team from Žilina, one of the most famous and most successful rally teams in Slovakia, in the 2014 season.

eu PAS newsletter

In partnership with the Business Alliance of Slovakia (PAS) we have been publishing an electronic newsletter euPASnewsletter.

Brain Awareness Week

We are a partner of the worldwide initiative Brain Awareness Week which is a joint action of the international organization Society for Neuroscience and non-profit organization The Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives.

The Lost City Project

We support the unique project of Europe-wide significance in order to preserve the memory of the lost cultural heritage – virtual recovery of now physically not existing outer bailey of Bratislava.

Project Uni2010/Start up!

We perceive as an obligation the participation in the development of young people and talents and the development of a knowledge-based society. We have therefore for a long time been supporting the independent and non-profit organization Uni2010 and its main project Rozbehni sa! (Start up!).


On the basis of common project with European Parliament Information Office in SR we participate on organizing of eighteen events focused on presentation and visibility of European Parliament activities.

The best annual report

In the effort to promote the principles of good Corporate Governance, we are actively supporting the competition The Best Annual Report.

Evaluation of self-governing measures

Center for Economic Development (CPHR) has thanks to its activities and excellent reputation gained our long-term support.

Metropolitan Tribune

We have enterd into co-operation with Metropolitan Tribune – a prestigious periodical, which is published four times a year in Czecho-Slovak-English language versions in circulation with 10 000 copies in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.