Through our consulting teams active within global partnerships and networks we manage to keep a finger on the pulse of latest developments and thus offer proven experience combined with innovative expertise in and beyond the central European region.
We have many clients including international companies, Czech and Slovak companies, investors, private holdings, family businesses, as well as the public and non-profit sector. Our consulting teams are committed to creating mutually beneficial partnerships and building long-term relationships.
Press Releases
Corporates for children. THANK YOU! – this year a part of the European Week of Sport
We will run again to help for children on Sunday, September 11, 2016. Amrop Slovakia is actively supporting one of Children's Safety Line’s main events – the run 21 km for children. Already for the seventh time we are uniting our partners, clients and general public for a good cause with the common logo Corporates for children. THANK YOU!.
Marika Gombitová, Jenewein Group and friends together again
At the end of the celebration of our 25th anniversary as well as fifteen years ago Jenewein Group prepared unforgettable and unrepeatable evening for our friends. Music icon Marika Gombitová did the unique atmosphere and pleasant artistic experience again.