Through our consulting teams active within global partnerships and networks we manage to keep a finger on the pulse of latest developments and thus offer proven experience combined with innovative expertise in and beyond the central European region.
We have many clients including international companies, Czech and Slovak companies, investors, private holdings, family businesses, as well as the public and non-profit sector. Our consulting teams are committed to creating mutually beneficial partnerships and building long-term relationships.
Jenewein again in the rankings of the Largest in Business
This year, we are again among the leading companies in Slovakia, which made it into the TOP 10 in their respective business field in 2024. The rankings were published for the fifth time in the yearbook Largest in Business. We have repeatedly ranked among the largest in the sector of Executive Search companies, after taking into account a combination of various criteria. Jenewein Group consulting group is part of the TOP 10 in the Business Consulting sector based on the number of consultants. The Yearbook Largest in Business is published by The Slovak Spectator and the daily SME in cooperation with the company Finstat. The Slovak-English publication presents rankings of the largest companies and institutions in fifty categories and comparable information on the growth of sectors and companies over the past year (including the names of top executives and contact details). As a special supplement of SME daily and The Slovak Spectator, it successfully continues the tradition of the Book of Lists, which Jenewein Group has been a part of since its publication in 1999.
More information...
The Slovak Spectator...
Martin Krekáč – member of the Board of Trustees of Comenius University in Bratislava
Martin Krekáč is a chairman and founding partner of the Jenewein Group consulting group. In 1990, he managed to build a strong international background for the provision of consulting services focusing on Executive Search & Professional Services. Already at that time, he laid the foundations of the current Czech-Slovak premium group with strong ties to Austria and global reach, which helps organizations and individuals in defining and implementing strategic visions and improving performance through a one-stop-shop consultancy providing complex services within Strategic Leadership, Management & Public Policy. Since its establishment, he has gradually and systematically expanded its portfolio of expert consulting services through creation specialized companies, which became part of global partnerships and networks.
He focuses on Strategic Consulting Services and over more than thirty years, he has helped evaluate and appoint hundreds of CEOs and board members and delivered a number of successful CEO succession planning solutions. He has got extensive professional expertise in Strategic Leadership, Executive Search & Public Affairs. He is currently strengthening and improving the group's consulting portfolio and creating synergic solutions between individual companies, advisory platforms and their teams, which are an integral part of the Jenewein Group. He manages the strategic development of relations in the public sector and in regulated private sectors and helps create effective partnerships and knowledge transfer between the private and public entities. He is happy to pass on his many years of experience and unique know-how about major companies and organizations and his typical clients include the biggest personalities of Czech-Slovak business, founders and owners of family companies, family offices, private investors, shareholders, top managers, professional athletes and artists. He is a sought-after personal adviser on strategic issues and a recognized expert in HR policy and family business.
Martin Krekáč is also the founder and president of the European Public Policy Partnership (EPPP) – advisory and analytical institute operating in Bratislava and Brussels. He is a member of several boards and associations, clubs and organizations at home and abroad, as well as members of advisory bodies of the Slovak Parliament and the Slovak Government. From 2005 to 2013 he served as President of the Business Alliance of Slovakia (PAS) and from 2006 to 2010 he was a member and adviser of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) in Brussels. He is leveraging many years of experience from university education as a member of the Board of Trustees of the University of Žilina (2011 – 2016) and of Comenius University in Bratislava (2024 – 2029). In 2016, he was nominated for the Crystal Wing Award in the category Business. He has given several dozens of professional lectures and has had extensive publishing activities at home and abroad.
Stúpanie and 3 CDs Nevy(í)dané rarity by Marika Gombitová
Marika Gombitová surprised again and succeeded in something that few artists who have been active on the scene for several decades have achieved. Marika Gombitová's new 3 CD Nevy(í)dané rarity (Unreleased rarities), which officially went on sale on October 24, 2024, is far from dusting off the archive – 35 recordings from 1975 to 1992, which were never released on any of Marika's albums, are even for many supporters a novelty from the most part. To a certain extent, the same as the bonus, which is a separate third CD in the form of this year's premieres of the hit Fantóm srdca (Phantom of the Heart) and Stúpanie (Rising). Together with Marika Gombitová, her team and the international publishing house MUSICA, we devoted several Art Consulting months to this project. Our Filip Krekáč is again one of the team of collaborators. Not only thanks to the rare recordings and the novelty single Fantóm srdca – Stúpanie, but also to the text, image and graphic processing of the cover and booklet, including Marika's personal memories and an autograph card for a limited number of the first thousand fans, the new 3 CD is already considered a sought-after collector's trophy. The new album became no. 1 in the largest bookstores Panta Rhei, Martinus and Gorila a few days after the sales started. At the same time as the new 3 CD was released on sale, on October 24, the Slovak Radio premiered the studio recording of the new song Rising, for which Marika will soon present a new video clip.
Press release...
3 CD Nevy(í)dané rarity – order...
Stúpanie on streaming platforms...
Official YouTube channel of M. Gombitová...
Stúpanie – official video clip... (coming soon)
Premiere of the studio recording and new 3 CDs in the media >>>
BLOG: Chief Political Officer must read the world with confidence
Martin Krekáč, chairman and founding partner of the Jenewein Group, again focused on the topic of Political Intelligence (PQ) in his blog. This time through a look at the concept of engaging a Chief Political Officer (CPO), which is usually more than promising. However, in the initial stage, high expectations must be set aside and one must realize that it is not a panacea by itself. Simply put, just having a CPO is not enough. Read why thorough preparation for a new political director will allow for a smoother landing and a better chance for success.
Seven trends influencing the hiring of leaders
Many consider Executive Search consulting to be a young profession. However, this is not the case. Its roots go back to the end of the 19th century, when innovations accompanying the so-called the second industrial revolution created a need for new leaders who can adapt to a changing environment and growing demands. And so it is to this day. Generational change, an unstable political climate, digitisation, etc. – there are many factors influencing the Executive Search world. Martin Krekáč presents seven key areas that have a high impact on how leaders are hired, what kind of leaders they are, and the kind of future they will create.