• Since our foundation in 1990, we have been providing complex strategic one-stop shop services.

  • We rely on partners and a senior team as well as personal involvement of our founders with their own successful experience.

  • As part of our individual approach, we implement customized and often exceptional solutions.

  • Thanks to the global reach, our presence goes beyond the Czech and Slovak borders.


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We are a premier Czech-Slovak consulting group with strong ties to Austria. Over the past 35 years, we have become one of the best-known and most frequently recommended one-stop-shop Central European boutique consultancies with global reach delivering complex Strategic Leadership, Management and Public Policy services.

Through our consulting teams active within global partnerships and networks we manage to keep a finger on the pulse of latest developments and thus offer proven experience combined with innovative expertise in and beyond the central European region.

We have many clients including international companies, Czech and Slovak companies, investors, private holdings, family businesses, as well as the public and non-profit sector. Our consulting teams are committed to creating mutually beneficial partnerships and building long-term relationships.


We in media

Zisk manažment: Happiness Manager: giving a smile all day


They don’t have to cheer up the people on the workplace, but they are giving them a feeling that they can influence the way the company operates, decide independently and simply, the feeling that they are important for their employer. They believe that happy employees are better, more efficient and more satisfied. Happiness managers help in programming of such a status. What does Martin Krekáč, chairman and founder of Jenewein Group, say about this position? Read more in the September magazine Zisk manažment.

Zisk manažment: Work for us. For better salary and benefits


Where to find the right people into the team? This is a question that worries many companies. If a company wants to find an employee and place him to the free position, it often must provide not only a good salary, but also other interesting benefits. Nowadays, it is not enough what was good a few years ago. Lucia Nacíkova, Consultant, with Lucie Országhová, Research Consultant at Amrop, address to this topic in the September issue of Zisk manažment magazine.

Trend: How to save Family Businesses


The state has decided to help family businesses. It was pushed by the fact that most family businesses in Slovakia were founded after year of 1989 and generational exchanges are waiting for them in the present or in the years to come. Slovak laws are not ready for this situation. The package of measures adopted brings some of the necessary solutions, but others remain questionable. The topic of the number is also devoted to the weekly magazine Trend. For the preparation of the article, the editorial board has invited several experts, including Mario Fondati, Managing Client Partner at Amrop and a guarantor of co-operation with Family Businesses.

webnoviny.sk: Who would not want clowns as the colleagues


Having more than sixty clowns as colleagues – that's something! At first sight it may seem that finding new person for such a team will not be that complicated. As it usually goes in life (and it goes like that even multiplied in working life), the opposite is true. However, Amrop managed it and did a project aimed at placing the position of Director of Strategic Communication and Fundraising for OZ/Civic Association RED NOSE Clowndoctors. On the webnoviny.sk portal, you can read about how exactly it was going and what the main actors think.

Podnikam.sk: With a digital resume, no talent will be lost


The innovations in HR are progressing slowly. It is this fact that causes many companies wrinkles on the forehead – every day they must come up with new approaches and procedures to identify and attract new employees. One of the possible innovative solutions that can help the company to discover even the hidden talents and attract them, is the digitization of recruiting. Read the article on the website podnikam.sk, which presents the Slovak startup CapaCV. It is exactly the first one to embark on a journey of near future.

Zisk manažment: When the boss hinders his own company, it is time to call the coach


Many owners of successful companies often call themselves a brake of their own business. They spend long hours at work, including weekends. They spend there even their free time and family life. They want to be at every decision of the managers and to decide everything at all... What does the coaches advise in such cases? Read how Mario Fondati, Managing Client Partner at Amrop, sees this. With the support of Ladislava Molnárová, Talent Acquisition Partner, he shared a few recommendations with the magazine Zisk manažment (Profit Management).

Zisk manažment: Get the company out of red numbers. The crisis manager will help


From time to time, every company can get into trouble, which threatens its day-to-day operation. The editorial office of the magazine Zisk manažment (Profit Management) has decided to be engaged in detail in this issue and has invited two specialists to handling the crisis management topic. One of them is Michal Lukáč, Manager for Digital & Technology segment from the consulting company Amrop.

InStore: A storehouse full of talents

Ladislava Molnárová, Talent Acquisition Partner, Amrop Slovakia

Companies often face the challenge of finding people like Chief Futurist, Marketing Creator, Sales Creator, and Workplace Futurist... This is not about sci-fi characters, but about specific jobs that require completely different approaches than ever before. Simply: jobs and demands for people are changing and time horizons are moving – we already need to know how to find people for tomorrow. More says Ladislava Molnárová, Talent Acquisition Partner in Amrope for monthly magazine InStore.

InStore: Motivational synchronization of working and personal life

Marek Hradílek, Client Partner, Amrop Slovakia

Financial income, mobile phone, notebook and car. Years ago, these were four motivators which meant a certain status and played a crucial role for most people at the career interface. After some time, there have been added more thrombus to the major ones and its power gradually weakened. People have responded more to the content, development and process, work environment, and human relationships. And where are we today? What decides whether we will stay at work place or receive a new job offer in the maximum effort and satisfaction? It is more than interesting to compare the current situation with the situation at the turn of the century. Read the article that Marek Hradílek, Partner at Amrop in Slovakia, wrote for monthly magazine InStore.

Forbes: How do leaders decide? More than 70 percent made an unethical decision


Executive directors and general managers often face the decisions that influence their business. According to the latest report by consulting company Amrop, in the last three years there has been up to 71 percent of those who had to take a decision that was contrary to their ethical values. And the most common reasons were money, business culture or demands of co-workers. Nevertheless, 82 percent of them believe that business should be built on the highest moral values. Forbes brings an overview of the most interesting findings of a vast study of the leaders, their decisions and motivations.