• Since our foundation in 1990, we have been providing complex strategic one-stop shop services.

  • We rely on partners and a senior team as well as personal involvement of our founders with their own successful experience.

  • As part of our individual approach, we implement customized and often exceptional solutions.

  • Thanks to the global reach, our presence goes beyond the Czech and Slovak borders.


Case studies | Surveys | Analyses
Publications | Articles | Interviews
Blogs | Strategies | Concepts | Projects

We are a premier Czech-Slovak consulting group with strong ties to Austria. Over the past 35 years, we have become one of the best-known and most frequently recommended one-stop-shop Central European boutique consultancies with global reach delivering complex Strategic Leadership, Management and Public Policy services.

Through our consulting teams active within global partnerships and networks we manage to keep a finger on the pulse of latest developments and thus offer proven experience combined with innovative expertise in and beyond the central European region.

We have many clients including international companies, Czech and Slovak companies, investors, private holdings, family businesses, as well as the public and non-profit sector. Our consulting teams are committed to creating mutually beneficial partnerships and building long-term relationships.


We in media

InStore: Is The Great Resignation coming to us?

Rastislav Mackanič, Partner, Amrop

Significant changes to recent employment rates have forced employers to re-evaluate their approach to staff retention and the factors that influence longevity and strength in a workforce. The Great Resignation, in which millions of people are leaving their jobs in search of better lifestyles, has caused upheaval in almost every industry, creating large gaps in talent and production, while impacting budgets and company morale. Read more about the topic in the article written for InStore by Rastislav Mackanič, Partner at Amrop in Slovakia.

Sme: What does Slovak business sector look like? See who is the largest in business


More than 500 addressed companies and institutions filled out the questionnaire for the Largest in Business 2022 yearbook, which was also published as a separate appendix to the SME daily. The rankings provide ratings in 50 different categories while also showing which sectors and companies have grown the most. In the comprehensible tables, companies‘ economic results but also their contact details and the areas they deal with are published in a printed form. The article mentions all the top companies, including brands belonging to the Jenewein Group, which have scored high in the Executive Search and Business Consulting sector.

The Slovak Spectator: We found out who the largest in business are in Slovakia


Hundreds of companies and institutions filled out questionnaires for the Largest in Business yearbook. This article, as well as the yearbook, provides information about the largest companies in 50 categories and shows which sectors or companies have grown the most. In this article, the names of all top-ranked companies are published. The detailed results with comprehensive information about all listed companies as well as the names of directors, contact details and the areas in which the ranked companies operate are available in the Largest in Business 2022 yearbook.

InStore: Versatility or specialization? That's the question...

Igor Šulík, Managing Partner, Amrop

The depth of knowledge that highly specialized professionals can bring to the work process is sometimes astounding. At the same time, we should not forget the value that generalists are able to bring to teams. If we look at the question from the title from the perspective of personal career development, it is about deciding which path is closer to us. When it comes to building and managing your own team, you need to think about what added value you are looking for. Read more about the topic in the article written for InStore by Igor Šulík, Managing Partner at Amrop in Slovakia.

Connection Magazine: Life within the planetary boundaries

Dávid Bielik, Account Manager, Fipra Slovakia

An unprecedented crisis with unprecedented consequences of nowadays exposes societies across the world to acute insecurities interalia in the field of energy, food as well as social well-being. Environmental governance has not been an exemption. Enhancing the sustainable path that leaves no one behind therefore remains of a critical importance for the health of populations and the planet itself. Read more about this topic in the article of Dávid Bielik, Account Manager at Fipra Slovakia, written for the Connection – the official magazine of AmCham Slovakia.

Woman magazín: A phenomenon called Quiet quitting

Ladislava Molnárová, Partner, Amrop

Have you heard about the Quiet quitting phenomenon, which began to spread on TikTok in the summer of 2022 and once again opened up the issue of setting balance between work and private life? What does this trend mean, which is becoming relevant in the post-covid period, after almost two years of hybrid work, online work and a major transformation in the work environment? In order to better understand it, Ladislava Molnárová, a partner at Amrop in Slovakia, offers for Woman magazine an answer to the question: What is the difference between those who perceive work as a daily prison and others who feel that it gives them meaning and purpose and maybe even passion and engine for life?

InStore: Purposeful leadership or how to move towards a vision of sustainability

Ladislava Molnárová, Partner, Amrop

We constantly hear about socially responsible investing, green investment, social and sustainable development... The field of ESG includes social responsibility, environment and corporate governance. This means that in addition to economic goals and entrepreneurial thinking, companies must also have a sense of responsibility. Take a closer look at a new perspective and a new concept of leadership for companies and their leaders at a time of global changes and business transformation towards sustainability, as described in the article by Ladislava Molnárová, a partner in Amrop in Slovakia.

InStore: What really counts in the era of digital leadership

Matej Taliga, Partner, Amrop

Digital transformation in companies requires exceptional leaders, a kind of bridge builders needed not only directly in the field of digital technologies, but also in other dimensions such as strategy, organization or corporate culture. Especially in non-technical sectors, important questions arise in this context: How to define the requirements for digital leaders? What is actually the goal of digitization? Which parts of the organization does it affect? How can it be translated into a clear and coherent set of requirements and competencies? And where to find the motivation for all this? You can find the answers in an article written by Matej Taliga, partner at Amrop in Slovakia.

AmCham: COVID-19 has stress-tested the government relations industry

Tomáš Bereta, Partner, Fipra Slovakia

AmCham Slovakia published the 20th edition of its annual yearbook “Directory of Members”. In this jubilee edition, several leaders of the Slovak business community are presented. Consultancy company Fipra Slovakia used this opportunity to be a part of the WHO IS WHO ALMANAC with other top CEOs of AmCham member companies. Tomáš Bereta, partner at Fipra Slovakia, is represented by his expert article about how the government relations industry has changed and what to expect.

InStore: What attracts and discourages leaders on their career path?


There are numerous studies that deal with motivation. At the same time, several theories and approaches try to explain how the "energy" that drives us is forged and how it is born. Briefly, even simplistically, Maslow's famous pyramid connects motivation with a set of needs. He argues that when our basic physiological needs are not met, higher needs will not be fully satisfied. Dissatisfaction can result in the absence of motivational stimuli. Read more in the article written for InStore by Marek Hradílek, partner at Amrop in Slovakia.