• Since our foundation in 1990, we have been providing complex strategic one-stop shop services.

  • We rely on partners and a senior team as well as personal involvement of our founders with their own successful experience.

  • As part of our individual approach, we implement customized and often exceptional solutions.

  • Thanks to the global reach, our presence goes beyond the Czech and Slovak borders.


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We are a premier Czech-Slovak consulting group with strong ties to Austria. Over the past 35 years, we have become one of the best-known and most frequently recommended one-stop-shop Central European boutique consultancies with global reach delivering complex Strategic Leadership, Management and Public Policy services.

Through our consulting teams active within global partnerships and networks we manage to keep a finger on the pulse of latest developments and thus offer proven experience combined with innovative expertise in and beyond the central European region.

We have many clients including international companies, Czech and Slovak companies, investors, private holdings, family businesses, as well as the public and non-profit sector. Our consulting teams are committed to creating mutually beneficial partnerships and building long-term relationships.


We in media

InStore: What is the value of the employer's brand? Heavy-duty!

Michal Lukáč, Client Partner, Amrop Slovakia

From the corporate culture’s point of view, what should be HR marketing focused on and who is its part? What is important to consider and what leaders of the most successful companies will never forget? Knowing the answers to these questions is more than important, because every organization needs executive, professional and human best employees for the efficient functioning and further advancement of committed. Read how it is perceived and recommended by Michal Lukáč, Amrop Client Partner.

InStore: Generation exchange in Family Businesses is in full swing. Or it’s not?

Mario Fondati, Managing Client Partner, Amrop Slovakia

Almost thirty years of private business in Slovakia brought the current topic of generation exchange. Founders of companies from the 1990s are gradually coming to retirement age and are thinking about who they are handing over the scepter in their companies. They plan everything and communicate in good time. Does it really look like this in Family Businesses or the reality is different from the ideal scenario? – Mario Fondati, Managing Client Partner at Amrop and a guarantor of cooperation with Family Businesses, points out and questions in an article written specifically for InStore magazine.

Zisk manažment: A diversity of work teams is a requirement of success for companies


Not only a few top management officials spend more than half of their working time with team activities. Teamwork is seen by them as prerequisite for solving increasingly challenging tasks in today's environment. How interesting is our market regarding the composition of the working teams? In the Personalistics and Management column, the editorial office of Zisk Manažment magazine tried to find a response not only to this question, while also Marek Hradílek and Michal Lukáč, both client partners at Amrop, have participated along.

Trend: Five facts about new leaders in Family Businesses


Lately, there has been talking about Family Business quite a bit. Experts are giving advises on how to handle the current problem number one that is the process of succession, and they draw attention to what should not be forgotten. But what does it look like in real practice? What is the upcoming generation of owners of Slovak Family Businesses like? Are they ready to take over the scepter of their parents? How do they prepare for it and who accompanies them? For Trend magazine, Mario Fondati, Managing Client Partner at Amrop, who has long been devoted to the co-working with Family Businesses, comments five facts about new leaders.

Hospodárske Noviny: Slovak companies are afraid to risk


In the current World Economic Competitiveness Index of the World Economic Forum, Slovakia ranks at the 41st place, with the weakest approach to the risk. According to the latest analysis, it seems like the Slovaks mostly believe the negative scenario and avoid risky activities. The outcome we have achieved as a country is detailed in the daily newspaper Hospodárske noviny – the topic is also expressed by Mario Fondati, Managing Client Partner at Amrop.

Zisk manažment: Grab another wave. Cope with a career change/It’s time for a change… Is it a good idea or an unreal utopia?


Career change may not be a terror. Many people postpone this decision indefinitely, although they are unhappy with the current job and feel stuck at one point. How to ensure a desired change in the rhythm of the labor market? The big topic of the October issue of the Zisk manažment magazine was edited by the editorial office in close cooperation with Ladislava Molnárová, Strategic Talent Acquisition Partner at Amrop. An interview with Ladislava as an expert from practice is a part of the article too.

InStore: Do you already have a Customer Experience Manager?

Igor Šulík, Managing Leadership Partner, Amrop Slovakia

The area of customer experience is becoming more and more often the focus of leaders at the head of retail organizations. The seriousness with which they approach this issue is one of the key competencies that we are assessing on managers in this sector. Exceptional customer experience gives the organization an exceptional competition advantage. There are many ways how to achieve it. And that's what Amrop was interested in, so we decided to explore it – says Igor Šulík, Managing Leadership Partner at Amrop, at the beginning of an article written specifically for the monthly magazine InStore.

The Slovak Spectator: New generations enter job market


The youngest generation is bringing new approaches to the labour market, along with new requirements. This is true for Generation Y, or Millennians, which have already entered the labour market, but also for Generation Z, which is just arriving. Companies should be prepared, warn HR experts in supplement Career of magazine The Slovak Spectator. Also Katarína Polakovičová and Lucie Országhová, Research Consultants at Amrop gave their opinion to this topic.

The Slovak Spectator: Rules for hiring foreigners are simpler. For exceptions


If a citizen of a country outside the European Union, like Ukraine, wants to obtain residence or a work permit in Slovakia, they need to wait for at least three months. Though the state has adopted some changes aimed to help firms recruit such workers quicker, observers say it is still not enough since the process remains very long and administratively difficult. Also Martin Krekáč, founding partner at Amrop and chairman of Jenewein Group gave his opinion to this topic.

The Slovak Spectator: Attract a future employer with a digital CV


Writing a CV that catches the attention of a possible employer can be hard, especially when many applicants are competing for the same position. A strong skill-set is a must for employers, but the way these skills are presented can also make a difference when attracting the right people. “Present yourself in the most unique way ever,” is the motto of Slovak start-up CapaCV, the first digital CV. Also Marek Hradílek, Client Partner at Amrop gave for the supplement of The Slovak Spectator, which was focused on Human Resources his opinion to this topic.