• Since our foundation in 1990, we have been providing complex strategic one-stop shop services.

  • We rely on partners and a senior team as well as personal involvement of our founders with their own successful experience.

  • As part of our individual approach, we implement customized and often exceptional solutions.

  • Thanks to the global reach, our presence goes beyond the Czech and Slovak borders.


Case studies | Surveys | Analyses
Publications | Articles | Interviews
Blogs | Strategies | Concepts | Projects

We are a premier Czech-Slovak consulting group with strong ties to Austria. Over the past 35 years, we have become one of the best-known and most frequently recommended one-stop-shop Central European boutique consultancies with global reach delivering complex Strategic Leadership, Management and Public Policy services.

Through our consulting teams active within global partnerships and networks we manage to keep a finger on the pulse of latest developments and thus offer proven experience combined with innovative expertise in and beyond the central European region.

We have many clients including international companies, Czech and Slovak companies, investors, private holdings, family businesses, as well as the public and non-profit sector. Our consulting teams are committed to creating mutually beneficial partnerships and building long-term relationships.


We in media

InStore: Employee experience as a competitive advantage

Ladislava Molnárová, Talent Acquisition Partner, Amrop Jenewein

The experience of employees is the basis of the company's performance. In times when money is no longer the main motivating factor, focusing on the employee experience is the most promising competitive advantage that organizations can take advantage of in an imaginary battle for talent. Ladislava Molnárová, Amrop Jenewein Talent Acquisition Partner, writes in an article for InStore more about how employees and their experience can – both positively and negatively – affect how hard they work, how much they will cooperate or whether they will invest in improving personal, team and company performance.

Sme: What does Slovak business sector look like? See who is the largest in business


More than 500 addressed companies and institutions filled out the questionnaire for the Largest in Business yearbook, which was also published as a separate appendix to the SME daily. The rankings provide ratings in 50 different categories while also showing which sectors and companies have grown despite the pandemic. In the comprehensible tables, companies‘ economic results but also their contact details and the areas they deal with are published in a printed form. The article mentions all the top companies, including brands belonging to the Jenewein Group, which have scored high in the Executive Search and Business Consulting sector.

The Slovak Spectator: We found out who the largest in business are in Slovakia


More than 500 companies filled out the questionnaire for the Largest in Business yearbook. This article, as well as the yearbook, provides information not only about the largest companies in 50 categories but also specifies which sectors were successful during the pandemic and which companies were able to grow in challenging conditions. In this article, the names of all top-ranked companies are published. The detailed results with comprehensive information about all listed companies as well as the names of their head representatives are available in the Largest in Business yearbook.

InStore: Are the leaders already feeling at ease in the online world?

Matej Taliga, Client Partner, Amrop Jenewein

Data has become a new world commodity, our image on social networks is climbing on the ladder of significance and we use artificial intelligence not only in business but also in personal lives. But have the last two years really moved us further in the field of digitization? Can we consider the shift of communication channels more and more towards the online world as a real progress? And if we look more closely at the commercial sector: how are the authorities and management of companies prepared for digital disruption? Matej Taliga, Amrop Jenewein Client Partner, offers answers in an article for InStore based on interesting findings from a global study by Amrop.

InStore: Becoming a real leader is an art

Martin Krekáč, Chairman & Founding Partner, Jenewein Group

Like many other skills, the ability to be a strategic leader needs to be learned. In the vast majority of cases, it does not come naturally. Therefore, it is important to know as much as possible about the qualities that make successful managers become strategic leaders. Martin Krekáč, Jenewein Group Chairman & Founding Partner presents several characteristics that must be embodied by people who want to become real leaders. Learn the seven prerequisites for successful strategic leadership in the world of corporations and family business!

Trend: Innovations move the world. If family businesses want to survive, they have to adapt


What is the difference between innovation and creativity? This was also one of the questions to the audience at the 2nd year of the International Family Business Congress. There is a difference between them but both can be improved, experts from the Jenewein Group state. This is how the weekly Trend starts its article where it captures some of the ideas of a workshop led by Ján Uriga, a specialist representing the Jenewein.private platform at the congress.

InStore: Do the bosses want us in the office again?

Rastislav Mackanič, Client Partner, Amrop Jenewein

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the world economy. As a result of the measures and orders, several organizations have closed their workplaces or moved to privacy, and they have set different rules for their operation and their management. The decline in the number of tested-positive and hospitalized has led many leaders to consider returning their teams to offices. Should they call everyone back to permanent workplaces, should they let them work from home, or should they create a new model that combines both options? Rastislav Mackanič, Amrop Jenewein Client Partner, also outlined the answers to these questions in an article written for InStore magazine.

InStore: Searching for the optimal organizational structure! How to do it?

Igor Šulík, Managing Partner, Amrop Jenewein

If there is one thing that is really not lacking, it is management advice. There are many theories – from Taylorism to bureaucratic organizations, from behavioral theories to modern approaches to empirical management, lean organizations, agile teams, and so on. This influx of theories offers two observations – one is quite clear, the second less so, but it is equally important. Igor Šulík, Managing Partner at Amrop in Slovakia, looked at both options and other contexts in more detail in an article written for InStore magazine.

Sme: Ranking of employment agencies. Who found the most jobs for people?


The ranking of recruitment agencies and Executive Search companies operating in Slovakia in 2020 is well known. Which are the biggest? And the most successful? Listen to how this market was presented and evaluated in the weekly economic podcast of the SME daily. The hosts of presenter Nikola Bajánová are Michaela Terenzani, the editor-in-chief of The Slovak Spectator and the publisher of The Slovak Spectator Ján Pallo.


The Slovak Spectator: Largest companies that help search for jobs or employees


The ranking of HR companies in Slovakia in 2020 is topped by ManpowerGroup, which is strong in the field of recruiting as well as personnel leasing. The rankings creation is the result of the cooperation between The Slovak Spectator and the company FinStat. They used five criteria to evaluate which agencies were the largest. Jenewein Group has reached the TOP 10 HR companies ranking based on the average number of permanent employees. In this article, you can find detailed information about HR companies. However, a separate ranking for Executive Search firms is also available.