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  • As part of our individual approach, we implement customized and often exceptional solutions.

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We are a premier Czech-Slovak consulting group with strong ties to Austria. Over the past 35 years, we have become one of the best-known and most frequently recommended one-stop-shop Central European boutique consultancies with global reach delivering complex Strategic Leadership, Management and Public Policy services.

Through our consulting teams active within global partnerships and networks we manage to keep a finger on the pulse of latest developments and thus offer proven experience combined with innovative expertise in and beyond the central European region.

We have many clients including international companies, Czech and Slovak companies, investors, private holdings, family businesses, as well as the public and non-profit sector. Our consulting teams are committed to creating mutually beneficial partnerships and building long-term relationships.


We in media

Hospodárske Noviny: Inquiry


At the end of year 2009 regular supplement of daily Hospodárske noviny starts with single question inquiry: Do you see anything positive in current economic crisis? One of the six respondents is Martin Novotný, Co-Founder and Co-Chairman of the Board of Directors of JENEWEIN GROUP.

Hospodárske Noviny: Inquiry


Last pre-Christmas weekend supplement of daily Hospodárske noviny is all about incoming "most beautiful holidays in the year”. Question What did you wish for Christmas when you were child? is answered also by Martin Krekáč, Senior Partner of JENEWEIN GROUP and President of Business Alliance of Slovakia.

Hospodárske Noviny: 2010: Less Money, More Ideas


Main article in the supplement Kariéra (Career) of the daily Hospodárske noviny deals with future developments in the labor market. Editor Juraj Soviar writes that in year 2010 will be needed especially those people who have new ideas, who are not afraid to take responsibility, who can make good decisions, motivate others and who are able to learn constantly. Martin Krekáč, Senior Partner of JENEWEIN GROUP and President of Business Alliance of Slovakia comments on the topic.

Pravda: Blind CV could be even harmful


Based on French example vice-chairwoman of KDH Ms. Jana Žitňanská has come up with an initiative „blind CVs or anonymous profiles". If the initiative is passed than people applying for a job would not have to specify their name or sex in their CVs and applications, so the employers would have to select the candidate purely on the basis of their stated experience, skills and knowledge. Igor Šulík, Managing Partner of consulting company AMROP HEVER Slovakia commented this topic for section Kariéra (C areer) of daily SME.

Žurnál: Specter of unemployment/Where to find a good job


Unemployment doesn't seem to decline soon, but it doesn't necessarily mean finding a good job is impossible. However, the employers, who can dictate terms and offer lower salaries, are in advantage. Do people have to accept their conditions or there is still way how to push trough, even in these hard times? Igor Šulík, Managing Partner of consulting company AMROP HEVER Slovakia comments on the topic for the weekly magazine Žurnál.

Pravda/Malé a stredné podnikanie: The Crisis - more opportunities than threads


The facts and percentages say it all. While a year ago the demand for qualified (and later even for less qualified) professionals exceeded the offer, the fortune has changed in the past months. Current situation and expectations on the labor market are described in the supplement Malé a stredné podnikanie (Small and Medium Enterprising) of the daily Pravda by Martin Novotný, Senior Partner of consulting company AMROP HEVER Slovakia.

Pravda/Malé a stredné podnikanie: How to raise the attractiveness of Slovakia in the eyes of investors?


One way to keep Slovakia attractive for foreign and local investors is, according to the Business Alliance of Slovakia (PAS), a tax reform. Martin Krekáč, the president of PAS talks about its positive influence on the quality of business environment in an interview publicized in the supplement Malé a stredné podnikanie (Small and Medium Enterprising) of the daily Pravda.

Profit: Change a job? Sometimes it's worth doing/Why do people change their jobs?


Rapid change of the world evokes constant changes in demands of the labor market as well. Something, that seemed interesting short while ago, does not attract attention anymore. Consequently, more than a half of the Slovak alumni do not work in the field they studied. Ján Blažej, publicist, focuses on the question: Why do some employees move to other professional fields? in the magazine Profit. The topic is discussed in a separate interview with Radomír Mako, Senior Partner of consulting company AMROP HEVER Slovakia.

Sme: Finding quality people is about to get more difficult


Gaining quality people for key positions will be even more difficult within upcoming five years in comparison to resent times of growth. This reflects estimation of almost half of The Amrop Hever Group survey's respondents within CEE and/or CIS region. Igor Šulík, Managing Partner of consulting company AMROP HEVER Slovakia, gave his opinion on this topic for supplement Kariéra (Career) of the daily SME.

Televízia Markíza: Election fiasco in Afghanistan


The foreign editorial team of the main evening news of TV Markíza covered the second round of presidential election in Afghanistan which did not take place. Rastislav Káčer, the Slovak Ambassador in the USA (Ret.), the President of the Slovak Atlantic Commission and the Chairman of the consulting company FIPRA Slovakia, spoke about criteria on the basis of which the world perceives the future functioning and stability of this country.
