• Since our foundation in 1990, we have been providing complex strategic one-stop shop services.

  • We rely on partners and a senior team as well as personal involvement of our founders with their own successful experience.

  • As part of our individual approach, we implement customized and often exceptional solutions.

  • Thanks to the global reach, our presence goes beyond the Czech and Slovak borders.


Case studies | Surveys | Analyses
Publications | Articles | Interviews
Blogs | Strategies | Concepts | Projects

We are a premier Czech-Slovak consulting group with strong ties to Austria. Over the past 35 years, we have become one of the best-known and most frequently recommended one-stop-shop Central European boutique consultancies with global reach delivering complex Strategic Leadership, Management and Public Policy services.

Through our consulting teams active within global partnerships and networks we manage to keep a finger on the pulse of latest developments and thus offer proven experience combined with innovative expertise in and beyond the central European region.

We have many clients including international companies, Czech and Slovak companies, investors, private holdings, family businesses, as well as the public and non-profit sector. Our consulting teams are committed to creating mutually beneficial partnerships and building long-term relationships.



Christmas party in Dunakiliti


Traditional Christmas party for the whole consultancy AJG-Amrop Jenewein Group was realized on December 20, 2006 in neighboring Hungary. Romantic atmosphere, decoration of Princess Palace in Dunakiliti and introductory speech of co-founder and chairman of AJG Martin Krekáč created celebrative mood, powered with hearty menu. Followed socializing with glass of wine, desserts, sweets, dance and music with DJ, tombola, in which everyone won something, midnight halászlé… great party lasted almost to morning. End of Year for people, whose hearts are connected with trademarks AJG and Jenewein, came off more than successfully.



St. Nicolas evening


Like it is good habit in good companies, the seat of consultancy AJG-Amrop Jenewein Group was also visited by St. Nicolas with accompaniment on December 6, 2006. The content of really full sack gave joy to 20 children. Eternal lectures of kind angel and strict devil (Janka Krajčovičová and Andrejka Rečková) always solved Santa (Igor Šulík) and rewarded all children for their short performance with sweet bags.



On European lobbying


Christian D. de Fouloy, President of the Association of Accredited Lobbyists at the European Parliament and President and CEO in Business Advisors International, has visited Bratislava-having accepted the invitation by a think-tank EPPP-European Partnership for Personnel Policy. Regarded expert in the area of Government Relations, lobbying advocacy of interests was a guest at two events. On the last November day, he attended the Seminar on European Lobbying, where he made an appearance on Particularities of EU Lobbying theme. Event, especially designated for the public officers in the central bodies of public administration representing Slovak Republic at the European institutions and other public officers dealing with an European agenda, was organized by EPPP. It did take place in co-operation and with financial assistance of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the SR. Patrik Zoltvány, vice-chairman of the EPPP Board and Partner at the consultancy group AJG-Amrop Jenewein Group, moderated the event. Next day, Christian D. de Fouloy met the representatives of many business organizations and other guests during the Breakfast on European Lobbying organized by the consultancy group AJG-Amrop Jenewein Group in co-operation with Penati Club. The newest trends in European lobbying of business organizations were among the key issues discussed.

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Human Resources in Slovakia


Human Resources in Slovakia was main topic of the Francophone Center of Commerce (Carrefour Francophone des Affaires) meeting, which was organized by French-Slovak Chamber of Commerce on November 14, 2006 in the hotel Danube in Bratislava. Igor Šulík, partner of consultancy AJG-Amrop Jenewein Group, was also in attendance. His presentation started informal discussion joined with mutual exchange of knowledge and experiences and with tasting of gastronomic specialties.

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AmCham Human Resources Conference 2006


The main topic of 5th year Regional HR Conference, organized at the end of October by American Chamber of Commerce in SR, was Strategic function of Human Resources in dynamically changing environment. The major aim of the conference was to inform participants with current trends in HR via foreign and local speakers' presentations, discussions, work seminars and practical exercises. Igor Šulík, partner of consultancy AJG-Amrop Jenewein Group, spoke about The Role of Leadership and Change Management in Organizational Development. In his speech he also underlined that priority of present seems to be movement from Change Management to Conscious Change Leadership.

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Martin Krekáč, re-elected president of PAS


"PAS will proceed as a universal think-tank business association with quality analytical potential and high added value in its activities and outputs. PAS will focus on its own original topics in order to develop business environment in context of development of the whole society by means of regular and irregular activities, likewise in last five years and wants to offer co-operation to relevant business associations in key areas of business environment, common for all business associations in order to promote changes in these areas more effective,” said Martin Krekáč, reelected president of PAS. By membership in European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) in Brussels, which is advisory and consulting committee for Council, European Commission and European Parliament, PAS has obtained the direct way for monitoring of the latest European trends with distinctive influence on Slovak business environment and unique Access to all important upcoming European directives with the right of active influence to its contents. „I will focus also on creation of long-term strategy of representation and advocacy of interests of Slovak business sector in EU during my mandate as a president of PAS and as a member of EESC. My target is in coordination with the National Union of Employers and another relevant associations and organizations to gradually create steady partnership between Slovak enterprisers and European institutions through the establishment of effective and efficient platform in Brussels as well,” added Martin Krekáč.

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Extended weekend in Brussels


Since relatively large part of AJG-Amrop Jenewein Group activities relate to European Affairs, it was high time for employees to see unofficial capital of European Union, European Parliament and AJG European Office in Brussels. Although for most of them tour began with entering the bus traveling all night to end destination, main program opened sightseeing tour of Brussels on Saturday-big circle by bus and small circle by foot. On Sunday they went to Antverp, on Monday they visited complex of European Parliament with skilled lecture. Social part, inseparable of extended weekend, also aimed to strengthen reciprocal relations and co-operation in AJG team, concluded meetings in magic coffee bars and shopping centers.



CRM training in Galbov mlyn


Since 2000, consultancy AJG-Amrop Jenewein Group has had Professional Practice Academy, the own system for qualitative and continuous growth of consultants teams and its certifications. The important parts of academy are internal trainings, realized two times a year. For now the last training was on October 5 and 6, 2006 focused on CRM, which comprised Research, Junior Consultant and Consultant level. Two days event traditionally happened in attractive environment of Galbov Mlyn in Viničné. Program consisted of theoretical part, model situations, brainstorming, team work and experience passing from Partners and Senior Consultants.



Council for University Reform in Slovakia


Identifying of problem areas in high school education in Slovakia and targeting barriers to its elimination is the main priority of Council for University Reform in Slovakia. Project is organized by INEKO-Institute for Economic and Social Reforms in a cooperation with USA Embassy in Slovakia. The main objectives are to target main problems of High school education in Slovak republic and to define what are causes of these problems, describe main barriers, which are limiting possible solving of these problems and also to find in which ways can be USA helpful with its rich experiences within high school development. Member of the Council for University Reform in Slovakia has become Martin Krekáč, Co-Founder and Group Chairman of AJG-Amrop Jenewein Group.

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EESC has new members


Based on initiative of Council of Economy and Social Partnership and interest groups, the government has agreed on new Slovak representatives to European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) for next four years. Employers will be represented by Ján Oravec and Patrik Zoltvány, both representing National Union of Employers and Martin Krekáč from Business Alliance of Slovakia. Representative of Trade Union Confederation will be Vladimír Mojš, Eugen Škultéty and Naile Prokešová. Other interest groups are represented by Vladimír Báleš from Slovak Rector Conference, Juraj Stern from Slovak foreign policy association and Martin Chren from Hayek foundation. Ecosoc has been established in 1958 based on Rome treaty as one of consulting bodies of European community. Apasrt from consulting activities in a connection to European commission, the Council of European union and European parliament is also its duty to promote task of citizen community in EU and to help with establishing consulting structures. Beside commenting economy and social legislation can also initiate its creation. EESC has 344 members.

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