• Since our foundation in 1990, we have been providing complex strategic one-stop shop services.

  • We rely on partners and a senior team as well as personal involvement of our founders with their own successful experience.

  • As part of our individual approach, we implement customized and often exceptional solutions.

  • Thanks to the global reach, our presence goes beyond the Czech and Slovak borders.


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We are a premier Czech-Slovak consulting group with strong ties to Austria. Over the past 35 years, we have become one of the best-known and most frequently recommended one-stop-shop Central European boutique consultancies with global reach delivering complex Strategic Leadership, Management and Public Policy services.

Through our consulting teams active within global partnerships and networks we manage to keep a finger on the pulse of latest developments and thus offer proven experience combined with innovative expertise in and beyond the central European region.

We have many clients including international companies, Czech and Slovak companies, investors, private holdings, family businesses, as well as the public and non-profit sector. Our consulting teams are committed to creating mutually beneficial partnerships and building long-term relationships.



Slovak Atlantic Commission celebrates its 15th anniversary


At the end of year 2008, Slovak Atlantic Commission celebrated the 15th anniversary of its establishment. In this occasion, several related events were organized in order to point out the importance of the path that Slovakia has taken within its integration in Euro-Atlantic political, security and economic institutions and their value area. As Rastislav Káčer, the president of the commission, Slovak Ambassador (Ret.) in the USA and the chairman of consulting company FIPRA Slovakia has confirmed, unveiling of a commemorative plaque of the American president W. Wilson on the frontage of Pálffy palace on Zámocká street in Bratislava was one of the highlights of the 15th anniversary celebration on December 18, 2008.

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W. Wilson in Bratislava...


Hungarian-Slovak relations in the context of the Euro-Atlantic integration of the two countries


The representatives of Slovak and Hungarian non-governmental sector were present at the conference Hungarian-Slovak relations in the context of the Euro-Atlantic integration of the two countries that was organized on December 9, 2008 in Budapest in order to demonstrate the example of co-operation and friendship at the level of civil society. The aim of the conference was rejecting the extremism, evaluating the reasons of unwished situation in international relations, looking for solutions and particularly, pointing out the need for awareness of common values following from NATO and EU memberships of both countries. The organizers of the event were Slovak Atlantic Commission and Hungarian Atlantic Council. In addition to the presentations of the ambassador Rastislav Káčer, The President of Slovak Atlantic Commission and the ambassador György Bánlaki, The President of Hungarian Atlantic Council, several public figures from non-governmental and academic life of both countries contributed to the conference with their presentation.

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St. Nicolas Evening


JENEWEIN GROUP Board honors all the values such as tradition, family and quality of life and tries to contribute in their strengthening not just within the company but among all the employees as well. For this reason, all the employees and mainly their children were invited for St. Nicolas Evening. St. Nicolas accompanied with an Angel and a Devil came to the company on Zámocká ulica Street on December 8, 2008 shortly after 5 p. m. Although he was a little bit taciturn, he was generous in giving all the presents from his overfull sack. Every poem, song or good news was rewarded by cute present and sweet gift. After St. Nicolas leaving, all the children enjoyed the hospitality of good food prepared by the company and watched the movies. All the Christmas decoration helps to create an original Christmas mood for recent days for whole people in JENEWEIN GROUP.

Letter from St. Nicolas...
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SAF on ground of European Parliament


Slovak Association of Finance and Treasury (SAF) actively reflects to the course of events worldwide and Slovakia too. In tune of searching for financial and economical crisis solution, SAF showed endeavor to reach that control arrangements have less administrative nature and are not an obstruction, but reliance in business. This emerged as the reason for the SAF members to decide to meet Member of European Parliament Sergej Kozlík in Brussels. Within this meeting another topic regarding the Code of Corporate Governance in Slovakia was discussed, which was defined by the Central European Corporate Government Association (CECGA). On behalf and invitation of SAF, the discussion was led by the Vice-President of the Governing Board CECGA and Senior Partner of consulting company AMROP HEVER Slovakia Radomír Mako. The program included presentation of Martin Krekáč (JENEWEIN GROUP) and Patrik Zoltvány (FIPRA Slovakia) focused on lobbing companies and task of EESC in Brussels.


Learning Region - partnership for prosperity


On December 4, 2008 in Bratislava, National Conference for Implementation of National Program for Learning of Regions, named Learning Region-partnership for prosperity was organized Section of Life Education by Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic. Marek Mitošinka, Manager of AJG Consulting and Program Officer of EPPP think-tank presented an expertise output-Qualitative Evaluation of Learning Regions Results in program period 2007-2013 within this event.

Program of conference...
Presentation of M. Mitošinka...


Rastislav Káčer among students


On November 26, 2008 Rastislav Káčer, ambassador (Ret.) of Slovakia to the U. S. A. and a Chairman of the consulting company FIPRA Slovakia visited the Faculty of Political Sciences and International Relations in Banská Bystrica, where he discussed the topic of America´s foreign policy after the Presidential Election with students. The President of the Slovak Atlantic Commission (SAC) introduced in Banská Bystrica also the activity of SAC, the establishment of which in 1993 he supported and where he holds, since July 2008, a representative office of the President. The Board of the Faculty also participated in the discussion with the students, the working language was Slovak.


Foundations - Professional players of non-profit sector


Since year 2002, Forum of donors, has every year organized annual conference with an aim to provide space for a change of knowledge and experience and to introduce actual challenges of donor community in Slovak republic and abroad. Since 2006, this conference is being prepared in 2-year intervals and the last one was held under name Foundations-Professional players of non-profit sector in Bratislava on November 25, 2008. The program of the conference included the most important issues that foundations deal with. The objective is mainly resourcing, investing, communication, public relations and personal management. Within the frame Foundations are people Alexandra Lichvárová, senior manager of AMROP HEVER Slovakia, had speech not just about the importance of recruitment and selection of employees but also about the importance of keeping them and defining the correct strategy of human capital management.

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Best annual report


The ninth year of the competition Best annual report, which partner is for several years also consulting company AMROP HEVER Slovakia, culminated on November 11, 2008 by a solemn declaration of results. This year the competition involved 52 companies and 36 non-governmental organizations. A professional jury evaluated not only information, financial, but also the communication level of annual reports. In the case of printed annual reports was assessed the awareness of stakeholders on the activities of the organization, the financial part of and a communication and technical level. In the case of electronic annual reports experts evaluated the aforementioned criteria and the quality of the Web site, and thus the availability of the reports. The awards ceremony attended also Igor Šulík, Managing Partner AMROP HEVER Slovakia, which along with Ľuboš Vančo, Managing Partner of KPMG Slovakia, on behalf of sponsors of professional competition awarded the main prizes to the winners in the category of business.

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Learning region of Prešov municipality


Community Foundation Prešov, in cooperation with the Learning Centre Prešov organizes under the project supported by the European Social Fund conference Learning region of Prešov Municipality. Expert forum, which took place on November 5, 2008 in Prešov, is the culmination of the implementation of the project's initial part and the implementation of the strategy of learning region. On the one hand, its aim was to present the local strategy and compare it with the strategy of Ministry of Education, on the other hand, the organizers aimed to define a new form of communication between the parties as necessary conditions for effective networking while implementing lifelong learning strategies. On the conference had a speech also Marek Mitošinka, the EPPP think-tank program officer. Under his leadership authorial EPPP team developed a Learning Region Strategy of Prešov Municipality containing the identification of priorities, goals and concrete follow-up measures facilitating the complete system of further education, development, monitoring and evaluation, which will be the main content of his speech.

Conference programme…
Presentation of M. Mitošinka…


EQUAL Community Initiative


In connection with the completion of the implementation of the EQUAL Community Initiative in Slovakia has been in Bratislava on November 4, 2008 held the final conference. Its organizers have set themselves the objective of following the mainstreaming strategy of developing partnerships and making the verified practices, achievements and innovative products brought to the attention of a wide range of experts from the public and the private sector and to get these practices reflected in the wider practice. The basic mission of the initiative as a whole was to create conditions and provide space for the search, verification and implementation of new approaches to solving problems in the fight against all forms of discrimination and inequality in the labour market. In the initiative through the activities of the National Thematic Network (NTS-C), aiming to promote the adaptability of firms and employees to structural changes has also participated the think-tank EPPP. Marek Mitošinka, EPPP program officer, acts as its Vice-Chairman since 2006. Among other things, he has greatly contributed to the elaboration and implementation of Thematic mainstreaming strategy, which assessment and the message was presented on the final conference. The chairman of NTS-C for the Business Alliance of Slovakia is Martin Krekáč, co-founder and chairman of the EPPP Board.

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