• Since our foundation in 1990, we have been providing complex strategic one-stop shop services.

  • We rely on partners and a senior team as well as personal involvement of our founders with their own successful experience.

  • As part of our individual approach, we implement customized and often exceptional solutions.

  • Thanks to the global reach, our presence goes beyond the Czech and Slovak borders.


Case studies | Surveys | Analyses
Publications | Articles | Interviews
Blogs | Strategies | Concepts | Projects

We are a premier Czech-Slovak consulting group with strong ties to Austria. Over the past 35 years, we have become one of the best-known and most frequently recommended one-stop-shop Central European boutique consultancies with global reach delivering complex Strategic Leadership, Management and Public Policy services.

Through our consulting teams active within global partnerships and networks we manage to keep a finger on the pulse of latest developments and thus offer proven experience combined with innovative expertise in and beyond the central European region.

We have many clients including international companies, Czech and Slovak companies, investors, private holdings, family businesses, as well as the public and non-profit sector. Our consulting teams are committed to creating mutually beneficial partnerships and building long-term relationships.



Christmas Prague


After last year’s brilliant experience we enjoyed again this year’s Christmas atmosphere in one of the European capitals. This time, we chose Prague for our final destination, while this choice was surely influenced by the 25th anniversary of the Velvet Revolution – which stands for memories of the time when city of Prague was for most of us the capital city of joint Czech-Slovak state. This Christmas trip of consulting companies Jenewein Group, Amrop and Fipra and advisory and analytical institute EPPP took place on December 17-18, 2014. The highlights of our varied program already started with our train travel, but then continued with comfortable accommodation in the hotel Perla, typical Christmas markets at the Staromestské námestie square, the dinner at the restaurant called Staré časy and even real fun and entertainment in the stylish Hard Rock Café. These two days off were exactly the right thing for us after this hectic year. But at the same time, not only the Christmas holiday brought us the celebratory mood. Next year we will be celebrating the 25th anniversary of our successful and inspiring existence on the Slovak market.

PF 2015...


EPPP in cooperation with the U.S. Embassy in Bratislava issued an information brochure on TTIP


European Public Private Partnership (EPPP) as a consulting and analytical institute operating in Bratislava and Brussels is fully aware of the importance of the agreement on free trade area TTIP – Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership for the future growth and development of the Slovak economy. In order to raise awareness about the positive impacts of the envisaged agreement EPPP in cooperation with the U.S. Embassy in Bratislava compiled and published comprehensive information brochure in Slovak and English, which provides essential information not only on the main principles, process and content of the discussions, but also on the priorities and expectations of Slovak entrepreneurs and impacts on the Slovak economy.


Amrop Slovakia – general partner of TREND seminar


Another seminar from series of traditional expert meetings organized under the headline TREND seminar was focused on the topic Attitude is everything with its subtitle Why is the coaching way of managing in companies such effective these days?. It took place in Bratislava on November 13, 2014 while its program was the unique combination of interesting topics and top personalities – such as managers and coaches from Slovakia or abroad. Thanks to high expertise and long-term experience with the carrier topic, Amrop as a consulting company, which includes specialization on Leadership Assessment and Executive Coaching in its portfolio, has become the general partner of the seminar. For Amrop Slovakia, the uniqueness of this event is also connected with the forthcoming 25th anniversary of personnel consulting in Slovakia.

Amrop is a proud partner...
Program and partners...
Topic Coaching on TA3...


EPPP joined SME WEEK initiative


EPPP joined SME WEEK initiative by means of organizing a seminar Why are family businesses in Slovakia invisible?. The seminar took place on October 29, 2014 in Hotel Max Inn in Bratislava. EPPP prepared the seminar in cooperation with Slovak Business Agency and other partners and was focused on opening the debate related to actual situation on family businesses in Slovakia. Participants were addressed by representatives from public sector, academic field and non-profit sector, advisory experts and representatives of family businesses. One of guests who took a part at the seminar was Mrs. Lenka Beinhoff from Switzerland who is long-acting in family businesses at international level and as an expert with Slovak roots shared her personal long lasting experience with participants. Mario Fondati, the partner at Amrop Slovakia, which became a partner of the seminar, performed with the theme Will children return home? or The succession in family business.

Study Family business does (not) stay in the family...
Program and partners...
More information...
Profiles of guests...
Presentation of D. Pitoňák...
Presentation of Z. Kováčová...
Presentation of H. Knuuttila...
Presentation of M. Fondati...
Presentation of M. Krošláková...


Corporates for children. THANK YOU!


Already for the fifth time Amrop Slovakia actively supported another year of charitable run 21 km for children under the new and innovated tagline. The aim of this innovation was to reach even wider target group. The punchline of effort in which is Amrop involved in the form of a long-term partnership with Children's Safety Line remained still the same – under the headline Corporates for children. THANK YOU! we were actively motivating the Slovak companies from the beginning of the summer in order to unite owners, top managers, HR directors and all employees for a good cause. And also thanks to our effort on Sunday, September 7, 2014 in Bratislava on Partizánska lúka more runners than last year were at the start of the runs (21 km, 7 km, 3 km and Family run) – this year we had more than two hundred starters. Amrop donated the main prize to the competition of corporate teams in which we were supported by the runners of Jenewein Alumni and took fourth place (our team run together 113 km for children). It should be noted that we were also represented in the Family run (we achieved an unlisted prize for the youngest participant) and enjoyed overall pleasant atmosphere; our few weeks' efforts and voluntary activities organized for the benefit of Children's safety line were also rewarded by a pleasant corporate teambuilding.

Amrop initiative...
Press release...
More information and results...


The Amrop Group World Conference


The annual world conference of The Amrop Group was traditionally associated with the general assembly of Amrop Partnership and took place in Lisbon this year on June 14-17, 2014. The key points of respected forum which is focused on strengthening the cooperation and exchange of best practices of global network of leading Executive Search companies around the world were topics such as the long-term growth strategy of Amrop network, the evaluation of the past year and approval of the financial plan for the coming season. The main objective from the perspective of achieving the vision of Amrop 2020 was strengthening the position of Amrop as a “trusted advisor” or preferred counselor for dynamically developing and growing companies which are seeking leaders for the future. The general assembly approved the addition of new members of the Board which is confirmation of a global dimension of the group and a capability to approach sophistically to the various needs of clients. An interesting point of the conference program was the launch of initiative for an identification and a development of the talents in Amrop with aim to obtain future leaders and prepare them in time. The leadership issues also dominated in the discussion about a long-term survey focused on what type of leadership is needed by fast growing companies. The result will be a global study of Amrop and IMD University. Also the preliminary summary of the study was presented at the conference and its final disclosure is scheduled for this year’s autumn.

Press Release/New members of the Board...


MBA Alumni Reunion Bratislava


The third event in order was again organized under the auspices of WU Executive Club associated to the Wirtschaftsuniversität (WU) Executive Academy and held place at the Austrian Embassy in Slovak Republic in the capital city of Slovakia on June 4, 2014. The invitation was traditionally accepted by the MBA graduates – members of active Alumni club established alongside the university, and other guests. The meeting was opened by introductory speech of the Austrian ambassador in Slovakia Joseph-Markus Wuketich. As the WU Executive Club works as a dynamic platform for the exchange of knowledge and experience as well as the networking and outreach, the themes from previous events and current concerns of present continuously grew into informal discussions. The representative of Slovak Amrop Mario Fondatii said that one of them was career counseling, which is the target of interest between the WU Executive Academy and company Amrop Slovakia.

More information...
Photo gallery...


Employer with focus on family, gender equality and equal opportunities


Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic wishes to reward employers having the focus on family, gender equality and equal opportunities, and therefore, organized the 12th edition of Family Friendly Employer, gender equality and equal opportunities competition in collaboration with non-profit organization Srdce Slovenska (Heart of Slovakia). The women in management were the main focus in the field of gender equality and the priority in the field of family support was the reconciliation of work and family life. The winners were announced on the second annual forum Company of 21st century-Family Friendly Employer, which took place in Bratislava on May 22, 2014. Martin Krekáč, chairman and senior partner of Jenewein Group and president of the EPPP was one of the participants of this wonderful event. Under the baton of the emcee Andrea Vadkerti, the forum talked about pioneering activities related to the reconciliation of work and family life and inspirations from businesses that put into practice such measures successfully.

More information...


We Again Supported the Concert Chyťme sa za ruky


Like last year, a consulting company Jenewein Group financially supported the 5th year of the beneficial event Chyťme sa za ruky (Let us hold hands) which was held on May 4, 2014 at vaudeville hall of Dom kultúry in Galanta. Music was the common language for everybody, as the representative of the organizer of Občianske združenie Milan Štefánik said, it is the only language that does not need a translation dictionary. More than six hundred mentally or otherwise handicapped children from 27 institutions and facilities for people with disabilities from all over western Slovakia enjoyed a number of amazing experiences. Several singers and bands, including guests from abroad, performed at the concert pro bono. There were also some other activities prepared such as a latino dance lessons, painting on canvas and painting on paper with hot wax, dowse ring and traditional archery. The aim of the event was to connect people with borderless culture and we are pleased that we have once again supported a good thing.


Slovak Retail Summit 2014


In order to be a part and an engine of the process of modeling the future of business in Slovakia, INCOMA Slovakia organized the 18th annual conference Slovak Retail Summit. The summit took place at the Doubletree by Hilton in Bratislava from 29 April till 30 April 2014. Igor Šulík, Managing Partner at Amrop Slovakia and member of Strategy Board of Jenewein Group was one of the three speakers to kicked off a two-day series of lectures, forums and workshops. The main idea of his speech entitled Entrepreneurship - a compulsory subject for all? was the development of innovative and creative entrepreneurial mindset as the ability to change ideas into actions, to cope with new and unexpected challenges, to adapt to the changing conditions and to behave responsibly to their surroundings and society.

Program of the conference...
Presentation of I. Šulík...