• Since our foundation in 1990, we have been providing complex strategic one-stop shop services.

  • We rely on partners and a senior team as well as personal involvement of our founders with their own successful experience.

  • As part of our individual approach, we implement customized and often exceptional solutions.

  • Thanks to the global reach, our presence goes beyond the Czech and Slovak borders.


Case studies | Surveys | Analyses
Publications | Articles | Interviews
Blogs | Strategies | Concepts | Projects

We are a premier Czech-Slovak consulting group with strong ties to Austria. Over the past 35 years, we have become one of the best-known and most frequently recommended one-stop-shop Central European boutique consultancies with global reach delivering complex Strategic Leadership, Management and Public Policy services.

Through our consulting teams active within global partnerships and networks we manage to keep a finger on the pulse of latest developments and thus offer proven experience combined with innovative expertise in and beyond the central European region.

We have many clients including international companies, Czech and Slovak companies, investors, private holdings, family businesses, as well as the public and non-profit sector. Our consulting teams are committed to creating mutually beneficial partnerships and building long-term relationships.



Amrop Hever Awards


Results of the first year Amrop Hever Awards were announced at group of companies JENEWEIN GROUP Christmas party, which took place on December 19th, 2007 at Kriváň Boat. The AMROP HEVER Slovakia will annually reward winners from nominated employees in two categories: Best Innovation Idea Consultant and Best Innovation Idea Researcher. The award is a part of motivation and remuneration of employees in searching and introduction of new, innovative and untraditional solutions in area of approach to client needs, in projects realization or in searching for effective practices in area of internal processes. All the employees of AMROP HEVER Slovakia have a chance to nominate themselves or their colleagues during first two November weeks. On the basis of decision of a selection committee consisting of Igor Šulík, Martin Krekáč, Martin Novotný, Radomír Mako a Juraj Studeník, winners and Amrop Hever Award holders of the first year are: Lucia Miklášová for creation and implementation of new research-analyst team operation system, Branislav Mráz for creation of electronic evaluating system of psychological tests. Ingrid Svitaničová for complex and special approach to advisory solution and finally team with Eva Slobodová in charge, who had jointly accomplished outsourcing of complex HR activities and their implementation for one of the key clients.

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From St. Nicolas to Christmas


On December 5th, 2007, St. Nicolas visited Zámocká Street in Bratislava in spirit of longtime traditions. With accompanied music, words and dance he pleased not only adult employees of JENEWEIN GROUP, but mainly almost twenty kids. St. Nicolas rewarded all the children for some short song or poem with sweet gift according to an age. Adults took a rest for a while from work and pre-Christmas haste with wine pledge, while the children watched fairy tales and enjoyed prepared delicacies. Christmas mood influenced with exceptional work moral connected with transformation of the group to strategic holding company this year, came to a head on December 19th, 2007 in traditional Christmas party. This year the event took place on waves of the river Danube-on the Kriváň Boat. Informal atmosphere raised with informal speeches of single senior partners and partners, which were followed with first year Amrop Hever Awards praising. Dance on the main-deck, giving presents each other in tombola, midnight cabbage soup…great mood like every year lasted almost until morning.

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Anticipating Change


The main issues of the Anticipating Change Conference: Effective Approaches to Lifelong Learning and Age Management were preparation for changes in connection with effective approaches to lifelong learning and older people enforcement on labour market. The conference organized by the Greek Ministry of Labour and Social Protection on December 6th and 7th, 2007. Participants met in Hotel Imperial in Athens including Juraj Studeník, partner of consultancy group AJG Consulting and Chief Business Officer JENEWEIN GROUP. Marek Mitošinka, manager of consultancy group AJG Consulting, gave a speech within the workshop aimed at presentation of advantages and approaches to experience exchange in area of lifelong learning and enforcement of older people on labour market at regional, national and European level. Since 2006, Marek Mitošinka is a vice president of National Thematic Network C-Adaptability established within the EQUAL program to which had been nominated as a representative of think-tank organization EPPP-European Public Policy Partnership .

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Presentation of M. Mitošinka…


Economy from view above


Ľudovít Ódor, member of Bank Council of National Bank of Slovakia (NBS) responsible for economical research wrote a publication Economy from View Above together with twenty-five leading Slovak economists. Right in spirit of subheading 50 thoughts not only for Economists, the content of publication (filling with Shooty´s illustrations) offers more or less smiling view at serious issues like knowledge economy, reforms, euro implementation, state budget or inflation. Book launch carried out on half of November 2007 on thirty floor of NBS building in Bratislava with participation of partners of consulting group FIPRA Slovakia, which has become one of the three partners supporting publication of this no doubt interesting piece of work.


FIPRA Slovakia - Public Policy & Regulatory Advisers was established


FIPRA Slovakia-Public Policy & Regulatory Advisers a consulting company, which is part of FIPRA Group-Finsbury International Policy & Regulatory Advisers-a leading European group active in public policy and regulatory affairs with a special focus on strategic government relations started its activities in October 2007. The merger with the prestigious global brand FIPRA is not only the result of our past cooperation but mainly the result of the ten-year successful activities in the areas of strategic consulting and lobbying services within JENEWEIN GROUP. The launch of a company and its incorporation into The FIPRA Group provides the opportunity to further strengthen the consulting portfolio in this area. FIPRA Slovakia specializes in the area of strategic consulting with a focus on competition and consumer policy in the sectors of: energy, transport, trade, innovations, intellectual property, industry and consumer policy, public procurement and finance. The portfolio of services of the company includes the wide spectrum of activities-from helping the set up of a government relations strategy from scratch, risk assessment and risk management projects, regulatory reviews, and advice on how to manage specific issues of importance to the firm through building coalitions.

Press release...


Slovak day in Brussels


In the atrium building of European Economic and Social Committee in Brussels in co-operation with Slovak Tourist Board was organized Slovak Day under the auspices of European Economic and Social Committee, which members for term of years 2006-2010 are Martin Krekáč and Patrik Zoltvány, the Permanent Representation of the Slovak Republic to the EU, the Slovak Day in Brussels took place on October 24, 2007. Having traditional Slovak food, seeing the performance of shows of traditional customs, hearing the music by Gipsy Devils Band, opera singer Adriana Kučerová, singer Tina, folk group Technik and the works of Slovak young artists and designers at least one could travel from Brussels to Slovakia for a couple of hours.


The implementation of euro in the business sector


Preparation for the implementation of the European currency was the main issue of the conference called EURO-what are the main causes for the business sector. Conference was organized by the Institute for International Research. The conference was held in the Hotel Devin in Bratislava in October 23rd and 24th, 2007. All the speakers focused on providing relevant information on Euro implementation and best practices from Slovenia experience. One of the speakers was also Juraj Studeník, a chief of EU representation of Business Alliance of Slovakia in Brussels and a Chief Business Officer JENEWEIN GROUP, with his presentation called EURO-risks and challenges in the business domain.

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Autumn conference for territorial self-government


The 16th conference for the territorial self-government, organized by CalypsoPM, Ltd., and which had been accompanied by rich festivity, took place on October 16th to 18th, 2007 in Štrbské Pleso in High Tatras. The scholarly program of traditional autumn meeting of mayors, employers, voted members of the territorial self-government was the first day oriented on Financial management and the Euro implementation. Among of lecturers was also Marek Mitošinka, manager of consultancy group AJG Consulting responsible for preparation of clients concerning about implementation of the Euro currency. In presentation Complex preparation of self-government institution for implementation of the Euro currency focused on legislation and concrete parts of implementation of euro currency in self-government, the mission of self-government and main menaces, goals, techniques and implementation programs.

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Martin Krekáč is again re-elected for the president of PAS


The main representatives of Business Alliance of Slovakia (PAS) elected in October 11th, 2007 Martin Krekáč, the senior partner and co-founder of the JENEWEIN GROUP, for the president of the alliance for the third time. Ladislav Mikuš, a director of company Interim Management, Ltd., has become a vicepresident. Róbert Kičina remains as an executive director of alliance. Beside all the present activities, alliance is going to launch new issues and activities. Some of the more important are: connecting need of the labor market with the education system, monitoring and influencing European legislation. Members of PAS have a strong intention to improve coordination activities with other business associations in promoting their main interests towards European institutions.

Press release ...


Slovakia and (in) EU - Quo vadis?


Public Policy Institute (PPI), progressive political think tank, which main vision is to assist in sustainable development in Middle Europe area, organized on October 11th, 2007 the discussion meeting titled Slovakia and (in) EU-Quo vadis?. Main guests of meeting, which took place in the Café Scherz on Partizánska Street in Bratislava, were Miroslav Adamiš, commissioners J. Figeľ, Head of Cabinet, Katarína Mathernová, Deputy Director General for Regional Policy of EC and Patrik Zoltvány, member of European Economic and Social Committee and partner of personal consultancy group AJG-Amrop Jenewein Group. Informal discussion meeting among invited guests and the rest of panelists was moderated by Milan Ježovica, Foreign Policy Advisor M. E. S. A. 10.