• Since our foundation in 1990, we have been providing complex strategic one-stop shop services.

  • We rely on partners and a senior team as well as personal involvement of our founders with their own successful experience.

  • As part of our individual approach, we implement customized and often exceptional solutions.

  • Thanks to the global reach, our presence goes beyond the Czech and Slovak borders.


Case studies | Surveys | Analyses
Publications | Articles | Interviews
Blogs | Strategies | Concepts | Projects

We are a premier Czech-Slovak consulting group with strong ties to Austria. Over the past 35 years, we have become one of the best-known and most frequently recommended one-stop-shop Central European boutique consultancies with global reach delivering complex Strategic Leadership, Management and Public Policy services.

Through our consulting teams active within global partnerships and networks we manage to keep a finger on the pulse of latest developments and thus offer proven experience combined with innovative expertise in and beyond the central European region.

We have many clients including international companies, Czech and Slovak companies, investors, private holdings, family businesses, as well as the public and non-profit sector. Our consulting teams are committed to creating mutually beneficial partnerships and building long-term relationships.



We are placed twice in the TOP 10 of the Largest in Business ranking again


In the Largest in Business analytical rankings, Amrop in Slovakia has reached first place in the Executive Search sector among all companies of this category. The entire Jenewein Group has achieved shared sixth and seventh place in the largest Business Consulting firms ranking (which is one step up compared to 2020). The Largest in Business yearbook is published by The Slovak Spectator and the SME daily in cooperation with Finstat. The publication offers rankings of the largest companies and institutions in 50 diverse sectors in both Slovak and English. Each of the rankings shares contact details for the great players, what their operation in the market is, what country their parent company comes from, who the top representative is, how many employees they have, and other details. All important information in one place allows easy comparison of the greatest business players in Slovakia. The publication follows the tradition of the Book of Lists that Jenewein Group has been part of since its publication start in 1999.

The pictogram for Amrop...
The pictogram for Jenewein Group...
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Amrop Jenewein helped students to gain precious know-how


Under the auspices of the Representation of the European Commission in Slovakia, the 3rd annual Skills of the Future conference organized by the Alliance for Youth – All4Youth took place on November 10, 2021 with excellent feedback. It is a voluntary association of companies that actively support and promote programs for young people (especially high school and university students graduating from Slovakia and the Czech Republic) in order to help them prepare for entering the labor market. Interesting interactive lectures were given online in the main rooms Digital, Green and HR. Experts from the most significant international companies, as well as inspiring local companies, including the consulting company Amrop Jenewein, shared their experience with a record number of 470 participants. We have built our contribution to the program into three basic parts. As a guest in the moderated discussion and unique source of inspiration, we invited Ema Key Kľúčovská, a young 3D animator with a breathtaking career and a huge talent for drawing and creating animations. In the HR room, partners of Amrop Jenewein talked about the mysteries of the human brain and making the most out of its potential at work. They also addressed how to prepare best for a career in a family business, introducing all the personalities that are present in business families.

Press release...


Marika Gombitová's author's double album Zem menom Láska released


Marika Gombitová, a singer with a unique voice and great charisma, celebrated her small anniversary – 65 years – on September 12. On this occasion, the Opus publishing house included in its publishing plan a representative selected double album of her original songs, named after one of the hits Zem menom Láska (Earth named Love). For the first time, Marika is presented mainly as a composer – Marika Gombitová has got more than 60 of her own songs on her account. Out of these songs, 23 were included in the final selection, which best describes the maturation of her author manuscript. The digitally remastered songs were released on double-CD at the end of September and were also appeared on vinyl double album 2LP at the beginning of November. The written appendix to the album contains an extensive, authorized and encyclopedically accurate description of Marika's career, including photographs and a special confession from a close collaborator, text-writer Kamil Peteraj. A unique and timeless album has been released – has pleased not only ourselves, but also our friends and clients.

Press Release...
Zem menom Láska on digital services...
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Jenewein private at the 2nd year of the International Family Business Congress


Almost exactly a year after the successful first year, the 2nd year of the International Family Business Congress was planned for all owners, successors, members of business families, and managers working in a family company on September 8, 2021, at the manor Studené in Most pri Bratislave. The Family Business Institute (IRB) prepared it with the theme Strong Family – Strong Company, which was also linked to the lectures and workshops and the selection of speakers from the domestic and international environment. Through Jenewein private platform, Jenewein Group, as a privately owned group with values close to Family Business, was one of the thematic partners of the congress with its own workshop Innovation and Family Business – a unique connection. How to benefit from it?, which was led by Ján Uriga, an experienced expert in managing the changes in organizations through innovation and corporate culture.

More information and program...

Thoughts from the congress in the weekly Trend 38/2021 >>>


Pacifist Challenge '21


After a break of several years, on the first summer day of 2021, we returned to the once regular outdoor team building event, which we named the Pacifist Challenge. Like last time in 2009, a paintball field near Kúty became its venue. The invitation from Amrop Jenewein's Managing Partner Igor Šulík, flawlessly grasped by the organizational commitment of our Office & Happiness Manager Ingrid Svitaničová, went to all employees of the Jenewein Group. After the morning coffee, members of the two teams led by non-playing captains, dressed in camouflage, and armed with other protective equipment and ammunition, played several rounds of tactical-combat games on several courts. A total of seven rounds brought the winning team. But, as it is usual at similar events, everyone won. We made pleasant the hot day by tasty food and nearby lake bathing.



The concert Chyťme sa za ruky traditionally with Jenewein Group´s support


Jenewein Group has been supporting a beneficial event Chyťme sa za ruky (Let us hold hands) for several years. The 12th annual edition was held on June 13, 2021, in the courtyard of the historic neo-Gothic manor house in Galanta, for mentally and physically handicapped children and adults from institutes and facilities to integrate and include them in more than a hundred "regular" visitors. As Milan Štefánik, the founder of the Civic Association for mentally handicapped, wrote to us in gratitude, the disabled clients of these facilities have almost no opportunity to participate in a music concert or other event during the year. Therefore, every year, the Civic Association organizes a meaningful benefit concert for them, in which mostly children are actively involved with their own program. Traditionally, a number of singers and bands, including guests from abroad, performed at the concert that is pro bono (HEX, Adam Ďurica, PUĽS – Poddukelský umelecký ľudový súbor, Zumba Zoli etc.), while this year Roman Pomajbo was the presenter. The program was complemented by creative workshops, dance lessons, decorating plaster casts, face painting and hot wax painting on the paper wax or canvas painting.

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We are the largest provider of Executive Search services in Slovakia


For the first time in its twenty-two-year history, the ranking of top Executive Search companies functioning in the Slovak market has become part of the Career & Employment Guide, which is published as a supplement to The Slovak Spectator. In each of the six evaluation criteria, we took the leading positions, which in the final means the overall championship – we reached the ranking's top of largest Executive Search companies in Slovakia in 2020.

Ranking of Executive Search companies...


Trend: Amrop Jenewein is a professional partner of the Family Business series again


With the power of its brand, Amrop Jenewein has supported this year's spring Family Business series in the weekly magazine Trend. Within its framework, the editorial office presented successful business and family stories and solutions leading to the success of Family Businesses, especially in connection with the current pandemic situation and the necessary preparation for other critical scenarios. In an editorial interview, Amrop Jenewein Client Partner Rastislav Mackanič and Michal Kukula, Managing Partner at nebotra consulting, both founding members of Partners of Family-Owned Companies (Partneri Rodinných Firiem – PRF), whose members are also other experts working in Jenewein Group, introduced the assessment of the impact on Family Companies environment and the professional presentation of effective tools and solutions for helping and development of Family Business.

Trend 21/2021 (Part 5)...
Trend 20/2021 (Part 4)...
Trend 19/2021 (Part 3)...
The Pandemic Emphasized the Weaknesses of Family Businesses... (Interview with R. Mackanič and M. Kukula, Trend 19/2021)...
Trend 18/2021 (Part 2)...
Trend 17/2021 (Part 1)...


Remix: Robert Burian feat. Marika Gombitová – V období dažďa


At the beginning of May 2021, the iconic Slovak singer and composer Marika Gombitová, the holder of several significant awards, together with the well-known Slovak producer and DJ Robert Burian, released a remix of the song V období dažďa. There is the original vocal part used in the recording, but the musical background is new. OPUS, which is continuously giving over to re-editions of well-known albums and songs from its catalog, has published this remix. The edition plan also includes a double album (2LP and 2CD) of Marika Gombitová's auctorial songs, which will be released in the autumn of this year under the title Zem menom láska. The idea of making a remix came exactly during the preparation of this album. Due to our long-standing partnership with Marika, the remix received strong support from Jenewein Group.

Press Release...

Remix V období dažďa in the media >>>


Amrop Jenewein is a partner of the event from the FUTURE TALK series


A strategic approach to talent acquisition is one of the main rules on which Amrop Jenewein consultants base many consulting solutions. It is, therefore, logical to have a long-term connection with the Alliance for Youth – All4Youth, whose mission is to help young people find employment. FUTURE TALK: A new standard of internships and brigades after the COVID-19 conference, which took place on April 29, 2021, was the first online event of this year's series of these joint activities. Thanks to this event, university and high school students received answers to the questions What do internships look like today and what will they be like after COVIDE? What changes await me in companies and what will be the new normal? and Why is it necessary to develop? In addition to the direct support in which Amrop Jenewein participated together with brands such as dm drogeriemarkt, PwC, Junglee, O2, Nestlé or IBM, we were also represented in the discussion that could be watched online from the dm drogeriemarkt academy in OC Retro in Bratislava. Ladislava Molnárová, a partner for Strategic Talent Acquisition, gave space to consultant Patrícia Lofajová and researcher Adriana Odlerová. They talked about gaining the first work experience while studying during a pandemic, in the way they experience it in everyday practice.
