• Since our foundation in 1990, we have been providing complex strategic one-stop shop services.

  • We rely on partners and a senior team as well as personal involvement of our founders with their own successful experience.

  • As part of our individual approach, we implement customized and often exceptional solutions.

  • Thanks to the global reach, our presence goes beyond the Czech and Slovak borders.


Case studies | Surveys | Analyses
Publications | Articles | Interviews
Blogs | Strategies | Concepts | Projects

We are a premier Czech-Slovak consulting group with strong ties to Austria. Over the past 35 years, we have become one of the best-known and most frequently recommended one-stop-shop Central European boutique consultancies with global reach delivering complex Strategic Leadership, Management and Public Policy services.

Through our consulting teams active within global partnerships and networks we manage to keep a finger on the pulse of latest developments and thus offer proven experience combined with innovative expertise in and beyond the central European region.

We have many clients including international companies, Czech and Slovak companies, investors, private holdings, family businesses, as well as the public and non-profit sector. Our consulting teams are committed to creating mutually beneficial partnerships and building long-term relationships.



Non-traditional St. Nicolas Day versus Traditional Christmas


In headquarters of JENEWEIN GROUP and its companies this year's celebration of St. Nicolas day had slightly unusual course. Instead of receiving gift ourselves, we decided to give them forward. The usual St. Nicolas Evening was replaced by "exchange market”, which has been prepared from the initiatives of our receptionist Katarína Báčiková. Our "exchange market” consists mainly of plush toys, which are at the end of the year looking for their new owners. If they don't find any among our employees till the end of Advent, all of them will go to charity. We hope, there will be children, who will be happy to find them under their Christmas tree. Except of the traditional Christmas decorations (including the beautiful tree) and Christmas mood, Katka came up with another innovation. All employees can listen to Xmas SONGS-specially designed mix of Christmas song-from the corporate information system. This is one of the ways we are getting in the mood for incoming holiday moments. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

PF 2010


Günther Tengel vs. Dominika Cibulková


On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Austrian consulting company Jenewein & Partner/AMROP HEVER establishment, Martin Novotný and his colleagues from consulting company AMROP HEVER Slovakia, in June this year, gave a truly original present to Günther Tengel, its Managing Partner. As a former active tennis player, he was given an invitation to exhibition match with Dominika Cibulková-current 30th player of WTA. The tennis match, as expected, became a reality on Saturday November 14, 2009 in Penati club. Although the result 2:0 (after sets 6:1, 6:1) meant victory for Dominika Cibulková, the result itself was not the main purpose of this great event. Excellent athletic performances on both sides, the charity dimension-Dominika donated her royalty to charitable purposes, and most of all, cheering and afternoon get-together of really enthusiastic tennis fans team from companies Jenewein & Partner/AMROP HEVER and AMROP HEVER Slovakia, moved this event to the category of actions that are hard to forget.

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The Best Annual Report


Ceremonial anniversary of the 10th year of the competition The Best Annual Report results announcement was held on November 11, 2009 within Trend awards for extraordinary business results. This year, 42 commercial companies and 27 non-for-profit organizations participated. Although the number of competitors lowered in comparison to last year, quality of annual reports increased and is currently comparable to foreign companies. Expert jury rated transparency of public available information and financial indicators, creative graphics and overall utilization of the annual report as a tool for investors´ and business partners´ trust development. This event was also joined by Martin Krekáč, President of Business Alliance of Slovakia and co-founder and co-chairman of JENEWEIN Group's Governing Board. He, together with František Okruhlica, handed the main awards to The Best Annual Report winners.

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Martin Krekáč elected for PAS President for the fifth time


Martin Krekáč, co-founder and co-chairman of JENEWEIN GROUP´s Governing Board, was elected for the President of Business Alliance of Slovakia (PAS) for the fifth time on this year's annual meeting on 27th October 2009 in Bratislava. Ondrej Smolár, Executive Director of Soitron, a.s. became the Vice-President of PAS, Róbert Kičina remained the PAS's Executive Director. On the annual meeting, members of PAS discussed PAS´s activities realized during past twelve months, as well as the plans of PAS for upcoming period. Along with activities focused on analyzing chosen areas of business environment and formulizing improvement proposals PAS is planning to progress in "Observation and influence on European legislation” project; for its purpose, PAS has its own representation in Brussels for its members needs.

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New Challenges - Better Capabilities


Bratislava has become for several days the centre of the world's safety discussion. More than four hundred experts, Secretaries of Defence and generals in chief attended the conference New Challenges-Better Capabilities about the future of NATO, which took place in the historical building of the National Council of the Slovak Republic. The main subject of the discussion was the research of a clear message about what exactly the alliance wants to be and how will it face the global threats. The conference was a collateral event of the Reunion of Secretaries of Defence of NATO (October 22nd and 23rd) organized by the Slovak Atlantic Commission in cooperation with the Ministry of Defence of the Slovak Republic, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic and with the Division of the public diplomacy of NATO. Rastislav Káčer, the president of the Slovak Atlantic Commission, Slovak ambassador in the USA (Ret.) and Chairman of the consulting company FIPRA Slovakia noted that one of the essential subjects of the discussion was shaping the strategic concept of NATO, in which the Slovak Republic has taken part for the first time.

For more information ...
R. Káčer on TA3...


Slovak Donors´ Forum working breakfast


Slovak Donors´ Forum, for directors and managers of their member organizations, prepared working breakfast under the name It's all about the people or The right people at the right places. The main purpose of this meeting was to provide the essential information regarding human capital management to representatives of the most significant foundations in Slovakia. Alexandra Lichvárová, Senior Manager of consulting company AMROP HEVER Slovakia provided professional recommendations to the participants' compensation claimless. Key topics of the discussions were management audits in organization, key leaders, motivation and compensation of employees, hiring of new employees, integrating of job positions and redistribution of work tasks in times of economical crisis.

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Nobel price winner E. C. Prescott about crisis and Slovakia perspective


On September 22, 2009 a Nobel price winner Edward C. Prescott spoke at the University of Economics in Bratislava. This 68-year old academician spoke about economy cycles, current crisis and economical integration of independent countries with strong impact on their development. Ladislava Chvostaľová, manager of consulting company AMROP HEVER Slovakia and Martin Toman, partner of consulting company FIPRA Slovakia participated in this significant event.

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AMROP HEVER in La Clusaz again


Again, for the third time, representatives of Executive Search companies operating under the Amrop Hever brand within the CEE region met in a gorgeous touristic resort La Clusaz in French Alps. The Slovak branch was represented by Igor Šulík, Managing Partner of the consulting company AMROP HEVER Slovakia. This already traditional event took part on September 11 to 14, 2009 and had a great combination of work, sporty and fun program. Besides further strengthening relationships and broadening network of contacts between the offices, the key purpose of this event was sharing best practice in communication strategies coordination due to improving relationships and approach towards clients. Among the teambuilding activities, the strongest impression was left by adrenaline canyoning and visiting an ice cave. Social evening events in alpine chalets were nice endings to every-day get-togethers.


Annual Conference of The Amrop Hever Group


The traditional annual meeting of The Amrop Hever Group (TAHG), geographically the largest network of Executive Search companies in the world, this year for the first time took place in Central Europe, i.e. in the region where the group achieves in the long-term excellent results. The capital of the Czech Republic Prague from 18th to 21st June 2009 welcomed the partners of each member organization from the whole world. The motto of this year's conference was Creating Cohesion. In the event also has participated Radomír Mako, Senior Partner, and Igor Šulík, Managing Partner of AMROP HEVER Slovakia, who, alike as in previous years, were actively involved in the activities of working and regional groups. One of the conference results was the new Chairman election-Ulrich Dade from Germany was chosen for upcoming three-year period. TAHG also announced a new member of the group which will cover regions of Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia. The conference ended up with ceremonial dinner served in the Majakovský Hall at Národní dům, where were awarded chosen partners of AMROP HEVER for their contribution to the Group.

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30th anniversary of the Austrian company Jenewein & Partner / AMROP HEVER


On June 16, 2009, more than 600 clients, partners and friends came to congratulate Günther Tengel, Managing Partner of the Austrian consulting company Jenewein & Partners/AMROP HEVER, to the 30th anniversary of the company's establishment. As in the opening speech it was said, history of the company began on the Vienna Schmidgasse in the living room of Rita and Jean-François Jenewein. Today, through its own representations or partner organizations within The Amrop Hever Group, it is present in 17 countries of Central and Eastern Europe. As well as in the beginning, today it stands on the triangle of ideas Trust-Reliability-Team. "These values may sound conservative today. However, we are proud of them," said G. Tengel. At the celebration in the castle garden of the Schönburg palace, executives of tens of top Austrian and international companies were invited. Since this event took place right before The Amrop Hever Group World Conference, the host also welcomed more than 50 top representatives of partner organizations from all over the world. Slovakia was represented by Martin Novotný with his wife, Igor Šulík and Alexandra Lichvárová from AMROP HEVER Slovakia, who presented G. Tengel with the invitation to training with Dominika Cibulková, current Slovak number one tennis player and 12th player of WTA. G. Tengel-former active tennis player-is already looking forward to the autumn exhibition meeting, where the whole Jenewein & Partner/AMROP HEVER and AMROP HEVER Slovakia teams will be cheering.

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