• Since our foundation in 1990, we have been providing complex strategic one-stop shop services.

  • We rely on partners and a senior team as well as personal involvement of our founders with their own successful experience.

  • As part of our individual approach, we implement customized and often exceptional solutions.

  • Thanks to the global reach, our presence goes beyond the Czech and Slovak borders.


Case studies | Surveys | Analyses
Publications | Articles | Interviews
Blogs | Strategies | Concepts | Projects

We are a premier Czech-Slovak consulting group with strong ties to Austria. Over the past 35 years, we have become one of the best-known and most frequently recommended one-stop-shop Central European boutique consultancies with global reach delivering complex Strategic Leadership, Management and Public Policy services.

Through our consulting teams active within global partnerships and networks we manage to keep a finger on the pulse of latest developments and thus offer proven experience combined with innovative expertise in and beyond the central European region.

We have many clients including international companies, Czech and Slovak companies, investors, private holdings, family businesses, as well as the public and non-profit sector. Our consulting teams are committed to creating mutually beneficial partnerships and building long-term relationships.



Christmas trip to the mountains


This year we afforded ourselves really enough of time for the Christmas party-whole two days. After the demanding year all of us deserved it, so on December 13, 2012 the teams of the consulting companies Jenewein Group, Amrop and Fipra and the analytical institute EPPP got on the train at the Bratislava main station and through Poprad-Tatry were taken to the Nový Smokovec. In Villa Siesta waited for us a comfortable accommodation, great food and first of all a lot of fun what we interlaced with walks and stay in the fresh Tatra's air. We enjoyed the time for dance, conversations and gourmet specialities to the last moment-some of us almost to the Friday's train departure and return back home. The Christmas raffle was not missed, everybody gave and got something. And it is needless to say that-however last year we thought that it is impossible to go further, we got over the existing maximum of the good mood and we are looking forward to what will bring us the year 2013...

Invitation and menu...
PF 2013...


Light of Understanding


Companies Amrop Dr. Kaufmann & Partner and Amrop Slovakia are two of the main partners of the concert Light of Understanding which took place on November 7, 2012 at the same time in The Spanish Synagogue and Church of the Holy Spirit in Prague. The father of the idea and promoter of this unique project is Peter Gyori, musician and priest of The Spanish Synagogue in Prague. Celebration of tolerance, empathy and extraordinary musical performances is organized once a year and its uniqueness determines not only the venue but also the composition of the performers of different genres of music-from classical music through folklore to jazz. The concert is every year largely attended by the members of the diplomatic corps and representatives of leading political, economic and spiritual life.

Final song…


Amrop University/Researchers & Associates Campus Session


After last year's Researchers & Associates Campus Session in Amsterdam as part of Amrop University, an educational program designed for development of Amrop professionals, this year moved to mainland Italy. Researchers, consultants and analysts from the Executive Search companies operating on the market under the common brand Amrop spent four days-from 24 to 27 October 2012 in Rome. The program was, as in the previous ten years, focusing primarily on professional training and exchange of experience. Under the leadership of the best lectors the main topic was about specific features such as the contexts based approach to Executive Search, which differ Amrop from the competition, about the high ethical principles-based approach to clients and candidates and examining the qualities of human potential. In addition to new knowledge and skills the participants of Amrop University took away new experience from the social part of the program-Rome offers many possibilities. Slovak Amrop was represented by Marek Hradílek, Senior Consultant.


Automotive & Industrial Practice Group in Brussels


From October 12 to 14, 2012, the global meeting of Amrop Automotive & Industrial Practice Group was held in Brussels what was attended by 18 partners, mostly from European countries. As Mario Fondati who represented the Slovak office said, meeting was initiated by German colleagues as representatives of the strongest European economy and the automotive great power who took over leadership of this working group recently. Participants of the meeting dealt with the most important today's issues but also discussed the further strategic direction of the industrial sector which represents the largest share on the consulting activity of Amrop. They agreed on the specific tasks that lead not only to the improvement of the services providing beside the changing needs of the clients (another common approach for the global clients or possible extension of services portfolio) but also to the strengthening of internal communication among partner companies. The following meeting of Automotive & Industrial Practice Group will be held in January 2013 at the annual Amrop EMEA conference in Tegernsee, Germany.

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Coffee time with Amrop


On October 9, 2012 within the pleasant rooms of Body Energy Club on the Einsteinova street in Bratislava the next from the series of events Coffee time with Amrop took place. Invited guests-top managers of outstanding companies, human resources professionals and journalists have discussed with experts of consulting company Amrop Slovakia over a cup of coffee. The topic of the event was connected with the introduction of the innovated service Context Driven Leadership Assessment which Amrop has been successfully provided on the market for years. Currently, elements inspired by neurology have been involved in it to offer the clients truly comprehensive assessment of managers.

Presentation extract…
Press release…


How lobbying does (not) work in Slovakia


Manageria-an independent association of active students, managers and personalities joined together by their will and determination to change Slovakia for a better place, organized a workshop on: How lobbying does (not) work in Slovakia. Patrik Zoltvány, Senior Partner at Fipra Slovakia attended this event held on October 3, 2012 at the Faculty of Management of Comenius University in Bratislava as guest speaker. The main topics discussed were issues related to lobbying such as the legislative and regulatory framework, ethical and other boundaries as well as practical insights from an expert active in this area both at the domestic and European level.



In La Clusaz also about building of the Amrop brand


In the middle of September in the tourist resort La Clusaz in France the representatives of the Retained Executive Search companies from the Central and Eastern Europe region operating in the market under a common brand name Amrop met again. The Slovak office was represented by Partner Mario Fondati. The sixth year of the event was held on September 14-17, 2012, while the program was traditionally divided into working part and teambuilding part. The core of the working part consisted of workshops during which individual teams dealt with possibilities of further improvement of the marketing and communication strategy of Amrop. During formal and informal meetings there were discussions about the deepening of cooperation among partner agencies, strengthening of networks, exchange of experience and improvement of practices leading to the providing the best quality services. In the social-relaxing part the participants could choose between the adrenaline paragliding and the boat trip.


...HR for children. THANK YOU!


Following a long-term partnership with Children's safety line, a part of Slovak UNICEF Committee, consulting company Amrop Slovakia-member of Jenewein Group, supported actively also the fourth annual of charitable 21 km run for children. Our contribution is based on three major points: in the help with organization and propagation of the undertaking which has been involved as a pleasant sports and social event in the calendar of many inhabitants of Bratislava, in the creation of initiative HR for children. THANK YOU! which we address to and associate a wide community of the human resources area and from individual companies we involve as much as possible active participants and in the positioning of our own team at the starting point. We are pleased that this year we passed even better than the last year-after the race, which was this year held on September 9, again on Partizánska lúka, Children's safety line has credited to its account 16 475 EUR! In the competition of corporate teams Amrop supported by the runners of Jenewein Alumni occupied 2nd place as the twelve members of our team made together 92 km for children. Of course, there should be added also numerous representation in the Family run and in the audience scene which raised the pleasant experience from the summer Sunday morning. THANK YOU!

Proposition for runner´s...
More information and results...
Picture gallery...

Amrop initiative in media... >>>


The Amrop Group World Conference


The annual world conference of The Amrop Group along with the general assembly of Amrop Partnership, the traditional platform for strengthening the cooperation and exchange of best practices of global network of leading Executive Search companies from 57 countries from all around the world, was held on June 24-27, 2012 in the seaside resort of Da Nang in Vietnam. The central topic of the conference was The Partnership in Action and its focus was on long-term growth strategy of Amrop network. Amrop Slovakia was represented by the Managing Partner Igor Šulík who actively took part in regional and sector practice group sessions. One of the main points on the agenda of the general assembly was the election of members of Board which will be chaired for additional two years by Ulrich Dade (Germany). An important part was the introduction of new partners who will represent Amrop in United Kingdom. The conference was concluded by a Gala Dinner where the annual Amrop Awards were presented-Anthony Saxton Award for 2011 as in previous year went again to Günther Tengel, Managing Partner of Amrop Jenewein (Austria) and Chairman Amrop CEE who also received the Chairman Award for longstanding contribution to the Executive Search industry and to the brand Amrop. Traditionally were presented also Quality awards which this year for the services of the highest level went to the representatives of member companies from Austria, France, Sweden, Holland, Turkey and Slovakia.

Quality award...
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We worked (and drove) for joy


Few weeks ago, consulting company Amrop Slovakia with its very own enthusiasm participated in a competition of Rádio Expres Pracuj pre radosť! (Work for joy!). Although the top award the team for the original video filmed in the company spaces did not win, as a surprise we received a special gift from BMW Group Slovakia-the new BMW 1 Series which we were testing for a whole week. Noticeable driving characteristics caused a pure joy from the drive to all who tried a new car. Encouraged by the reward we are prepared to participate in a competition again.

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