• Since our foundation in 1990, we have been providing complex strategic one-stop shop services.

  • We rely on partners and a senior team as well as personal involvement of our founders with their own successful experience.

  • As part of our individual approach, we implement customized and often exceptional solutions.

  • Thanks to the global reach, our presence goes beyond the Czech and Slovak borders.


Case studies | Surveys | Analyses
Publications | Articles | Interviews
Blogs | Strategies | Concepts | Projects

We are a premier Czech-Slovak consulting group with strong ties to Austria. Over the past 35 years, we have become one of the best-known and most frequently recommended one-stop-shop Central European boutique consultancies with global reach delivering complex Strategic Leadership, Management and Public Policy services.

Through our consulting teams active within global partnerships and networks we manage to keep a finger on the pulse of latest developments and thus offer proven experience combined with innovative expertise in and beyond the central European region.

We have many clients including international companies, Czech and Slovak companies, investors, private holdings, family businesses, as well as the public and non-profit sector. Our consulting teams are committed to creating mutually beneficial partnerships and building long-term relationships.



Marika Gombitová will delight Czech and Slovak audience with two concerts in 2024


In cooperation with her team and Czech producer Tomáš Ságl (SAGL Production), singer and composer Marika Gombitová is preparing two exclusive concerts in Prague's O2 Arena on January 16 and 30, 2024. As Marika said, Prague has a special place in her heart, and she feels a kind of debt to the fans there. The reason is not only the number of Czechoslovak and Czech awards, but also dozens of invitations that she regularly receives from the Czech environment. Marika Gombitová is preparing a spectacular stage for the O2 Arena, where she will be accompanied by a musical group led by Štefan Hegedüš, star guests – friends and colleagues with whom she has experienced smaller or larger connections on her life's journey, and a number of legendary hits that delighted and still delight many generations. The announced news will be the premiere of two new compositions by the author duo Marika Gombitová and Kamil Peteraj. For us at Jenewein Group, as usual, both concerts will be an opportunity to meet our friends, colleagues and clients.

Trailer audio CZ...
Invitation video SK...
Invitation video CZ...
Press release SK...
Press release CZ...
Invitation audio...


Largest in Business 2023: two spots in TOP 10 again


For several years in a row, we have been among the largest companies in Slovakia, which, thanks to the achieved results, won a place in the yearbook Largest in Business 2023. Jenewein Executive consulting company placed in the TOP 10 in the sector of the largest Executive Search firms, after taking into account a combination of various criteria. The entire consulting group Jenewein Group has also taken spot in the ranking of the largest companies in the Business Consulting sector based on the number of consultants. The Largest in Business yearbook is published by The Slovak Spectator and SME daily in cooperation with the company Finstat. The Slovak-English publication presents rankings of the largest companies and institutions in fifty categories and comparable information on the growth of sectors and companies over the past year (including the names of top executives and contact details). It was published for the fourth time as a special appendix to SME daily and The Slovak Spectator. It successfully continues the tradition of the Book of Lists, of which the Jenewein Group has been a part since its first publication in 1999.

More information...
The Slovak Spectator...


JENEWEIN GALLERY: Jenewein Garden Party I S. Ilavský, M. Palonder and M. Kramár


Three more exhibits of our Jenewein gallery are connected with HR and management consulting. On the last days of May in 1998 and 1999, we organized a Jenewein Garden Party or, as the subtitle on the invitation explained, an event that brought "fun for the whole family" at the shooting range in Stupava. And not just entertainment – the proceeds from the raffle went to support the Občianske združenie Zdravá rodina (Healthy Family Civic Association). Since it is important to hit the target precisely in headhunting, the program started with a shooting competition for children and adults. Prizes for the winners came from the workshop of the academic painter and sculptor Svetozár Ilavský. Like other exhibits from those times, they are united by a common motif – a person in various artistic representations as an original and unique creator of thoughts, ideas and innovations is the main commodity in our consulting business. Family members and friends of our colleagues, clients and partners from the fields of art, media, sports, diplomacy and social life also had fun shooting artificial pigeons, a tour of historic vehicles, performances by a historical fencing group or recitals by Marcel Palonder and the Belasí country group. Actor Maroš Kramár also posed for the photographer with a target with the iconic Jenewein letter J, the moderator was Gabriela Ruman Drobová. Not only the rich program, but also the varied feast menu were a pleasant addition to family days full of fun.
Jenewein gallery is a virtual gallery that presents a selection of art, music or advertising works created in the history of the Jenewein Group.

Plaques for the winners of the shooting competition...
M. Kramár...


Exhibition Miro Žbirka – Years and Days from Prague through Bratislava to Košice


The album Miro Žbirka The Last Things (Posledné veci) and the trio of concerts TRIBUTE TO MIRO ŽBIRKA 70 are complemented by the exhibition Miro Žbirka – Years and Days (Roky a dni). It is not only a memory of the career of an exceptional songwriter and singer, with whom we are connected by a long-term friendship and partnership, but also a celebration of his 70th birthday anniversary. Almost 30 panels and three hundred exhibits present Meky's life and work through stories that depict his musical enthusiasm, talent and empathy. The authors designed the entire project in such a way that it is a walk through ordinary moments and fateful milestones, from strumming on a park bench to recording at Abbey Road. From October to December 2022, not only fans of Miroslav Žbirka could see the exhibition about the legend of Slovak and Czech pop music in the Historical Building of the National Museum in Prague. At the beginning of 2023, the rare collection was moved to Bratislava Castle, where it was open to the public from February 4 to September 30. From the beginning of December until the mid-June 2024, the exhibition is open in the historical building of the Eastern Slovak Museum in Košice. Košice exhibition also presents exhibits that did not appear either in Prague or Bratislava. And since Meky had a special relationship with the Eastern Slovak metropolis, it carries something special with it. The exhibition was opened by Marika Gombitová, who at the same time baptized the new Memory Book Miro Žbirka Years and Days. And we are glad that we could be there again.

More information Košice...
More information Bratislava...
More information Praha...
Memory Book CZ...
Memory Book SK...


Erik Szedély as speaker at the business breakfast of AmCham Slovakia


Processes, automation and funding – terms often used in business. At the same time, these are topics that are current, regardless of whether we move in the public sector, in the non-profit sector or in the world of local and family businesses or large international corporations. Processes, Automation and Funding – this is also the name of the business breakfast organized by the American Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia for almost 300 member companies and other interested parties. It took place on October 24, 2023 in Jurkovič Heating Plant (Jurkovičova tepláreň) in Bratislava, and one of the speakers was Erik Szedély who looked at the key concepts of the meeting from the perspective of human capital through the presentation How to create an environment for attracting and keeping talent. He also was talking about the experience gained within the consulting group Jenewein Group – because people in organizations are either carriers of or obstacles to the transformation processes that are necessary in fulfilling their strategic goals.

More information...


JENEWEIN GALLERY: Jenewein Golf Classic & Jaguar Land Rover Golf Tour I Callaway Golf


In addition to chess, the Jenewein Group also operates in the world of other sports – for example, golf. We became the general ad partner and active participant of the Slovak firm golf league, which took place in 2008 under the name Jenewein Golf Classic, and a partner of the tournament Jaguar Land Rover Final Golf Challenge in 2016 and 2017 for a simple reason: golf as a game personifies many properties that are close to a professional approach and values in the field of business as well. The first one is the ethics and moral dimension of golf as a game of gentlemen who respect and value each other despite being rivals. The second dimension is the pursuit of continuous improvement, which is also one of the basic principles of the Jenewein Group. When it comes to the exhibits in our Jenewein gallery, there are two associated with golf. The mascot of the Jenewein Golf Classic competition was a sculpture by the academic painter Svetozár Ilavský named in honor of Jean-François Jenewein – the creator and founder of the Jenewein brand, who was not only a successful businessman, but also a passionate golfer. We have already presented the rare sculpture in our gallery – under the name Golfista, it is part of the Danubiana Meulensteen Art Museum art collection in Bratislava. The second artifact is a memorable collection of golf balls from the premium Australian brand Callaway Golf. It is no. 1 among the world's manufacturers of golf clubs, balls and equipment, so this set has become not only a high-quality sports equipment but also a valuable collectors' item.
Jenewein gallery is a virtual gallery that presents a selection of art, music or advertising works created in the history of the Jenewein Group.

Callaway Golf Collection...


JENEWEIN GALLERY: Four studio albums I Janko Lehotský


We open the presentation of the music collection in the Jenewein gallery with four albums from the rich discography of Ján Lehotský, one of the most successful singers and composers of Slovak popular music and the leader of the band Modus. Jenewein Group, in addition to consulting activities, never forgets about the society and the surrounding environment. In accordance with a deep belief, the basis of which is the desire to create and contribute to the creation of values that inspire not only the current but also future generations, we support a range of artists from various fields. And Janko Lehotský has been one of them for many years. We were at the birth of his profile solo albums Láv sa píše "Love" (2002), Sám (2010), Moje mladšie ja (2016) and 70 Pýtam sa? Novo dur & staro mol (2017). Concerning our gallery, it is also important to remind that Janko Lehotský presented his album Moje mladšie ja (his eighth profile solo album) at the Umelka Gallery in Bratislava in 2016 – together with the opening of the art exhibition of the same name, in which he revealed his artistic dimension to the public for the first time.
Jenewein gallery is a virtual gallery that presents a selection of art, music or advertising works created in the history of the Jenewein Group.

Láv sa píše "Love"...
Moje mladšie ja...
70 Pýtam sa? Novo dur & staro mol...


Filip Krekáč in the expert team at the conference Nevyhorení


After Filip Krekáč obtained the qualification that authorizes him to provide professional peer support services to clients with mental illness, in addition to working for the Jenewein Group as a peer consultant under the auspices of the League for Mental Health, he builds and develops his know-how at the Calma Clinic in Bratislava. Also thanks to this, on October 7, 2023, he was part of the expert team at the conference Nevyhorení – Zažite nevyhorených naživo (Not Burned Out – Experience those that did not burn out), which was organized by Forbes Slovensko in the P. O. Hviezdoslav Theater in Bratislava. As part of Walks & Talks at the event, Filip led peer conversations with clients on the topic How can you live better life with mental illness and what has the journey of recovery taught me?. Lectures and discussions with experts and other guests brought new perspectives on the topics of mental health and well-being. It is also worth noting that, for the first time in Slovakia, at such an important business event, experts with their own experience were accepted on an equal footing with professional experts.

Photography 1...
Photography 2...
Photography 3...




In 2020, academic sculptor Milan Lukáč created a series of hand-colored FACE 2 FACE graphics with four basic motifs as a special gift and as a commemoration of the 30th anniversary of Jenewein Group and the companies in its portfolio. The original works of the limited collection imaginatively combine the main visual elements of our corporate identity with artistic motifs. For us and our friends, partners and clients, they became a precious reminder of another milestone on our timeline that began in 1990. Sculptor, painter and university teacher Milan Lukáč is one of the prominent representatives of the Slovak art scene of the middle generation. He is the author of many monumental works, monuments and memorials. He has had numerous individual and collective exhibitions in Slovakia and abroad. He received the Prize for Young Sculptors of the Académie des beaux-arts, Institut de France in Paris (1985), the Martin Benka Prize (1988), the Paul Louis Weiler Prize (1990), the Crystal Wing (2022) and other awards, and his works are represented both in public and private collections in Slovakia and abroad.
Jenewein gallery is a virtual gallery that presents a selection of art, music or advertising works created in the history of the Jenewein Group.

FACE 2 FACE (A)...
FACE 2 FACE (B)...
FACE 2 FACE (C)...
FACE 2 FACE (D)...


Week of Marika Gombitová in Prague


In the Jenewein Group‘s client structure in 2022, 10% were Art & Sports Individuals and Agencies. It is well known that our collaboration with singer and composer Marika Gombitová, DIAMOND MUSIC (SK) and SÁGL Production (CZ) is also a long-term partnership. And so it is natural that we supported Marika not only during the promotion of exclusive concerts, which are scheduled for 16 and 30 January 2024 in Prague's O2 arena. On Tuesday, September 19, 2023, she accepted an invitation to film the talk show Honza Dědek's 7 Falls in the Švanda Theater; on Wednesday, September 20, at the Four Seasons Hotel Prague, Marika Gombitová, producer Tomáš Ságl and Martin Krekáč met with representatives of the media and a day later they spent the early evening sailing on boat on the Vltava, which was a birthday present for Marika. Throughout the week in Prague, Marika Gombitová, in addition to the official meetings with journalists, completed a series of interviews for the most watched Czech and Slovak media. As always, she generated huge interest and emphasized that Prague has a special place in her heart. Just like for us – so the two Prague concerts will be an ideal opportunity for our meetings with Czech and Slovak friends and clients.

Week of Marika Gombitová in Prague in media >>>