• Since our foundation in 1990, we have been providing complex strategic one-stop shop services.

  • We rely on partners and a senior team as well as personal involvement of our founders with their own successful experience.

  • As part of our individual approach, we implement customized and often exceptional solutions.

  • Thanks to the global reach, our presence goes beyond the Czech and Slovak borders.


Case studies | Surveys | Analyses
Publications | Articles | Interviews
Blogs | Strategies | Concepts | Projects

We are a premier Czech-Slovak consulting group with strong ties to Austria. Over the past 35 years, we have become one of the best-known and most frequently recommended one-stop-shop Central European boutique consultancies with global reach delivering complex Strategic Leadership, Management and Public Policy services.

Through our consulting teams active within global partnerships and networks we manage to keep a finger on the pulse of latest developments and thus offer proven experience combined with innovative expertise in and beyond the central European region.

We have many clients including international companies, Czech and Slovak companies, investors, private holdings, family businesses, as well as the public and non-profit sector. Our consulting teams are committed to creating mutually beneficial partnerships and building long-term relationships.



Portraits of public figures as a gift


We understand the talent, uniqueness and strength of personality. This statement maintain Jenewein Group and companies in its portfolio for the long term and because we are at the end of the celebration of our 25th anniversary we requited with cooperation with the eminent photographer Alan Hyža. We supported the publication of his latest book of hundred portraits of prominent representatives of Slovak culture and their most beloved places in Slovakia. With pleasure and gratitude we gave the book as a Christmas gift not only hundreds of readers but also to ourselves and our partners.

Book cover...
Vote of thanks...
The exhibition at the Central European House of Photography...
Book in the media... >>>


Christmas party in Vienna


In the year of our 25th anniversary we chose Vienna – the city of birth of the brand Jenewein, for the Christmas party. After two previous great trips to Budapest (2013) and Prague (2014) we enjoyed the Christmas atmosphere in another of Europe's capitals. Christmas outing of consulting companies Jenewein Group, Amrop, Fipra and advisory and analytical institute EPPP was held on December 14 and 15, 2015. Once again common rail journey, comfortable accommodation at Austria Trend Hotel beim Theresianum, Christmas markets at Vienna City Hall or at Statue of Maria Theresa, a gastronomic experience and Austrian cuisine in the restaurant Plachuttas Gasthaus zur Oper and entertainment in a stylish Cabaret Fledermaus were determining points of the rich and memorial program. Two days in the Austrian capital were reward for yearlong work and a means of cementing the whole team before entering the New Year.

PF 2016...


Saint Nicolas Evening


Many children of Amrop company´s employees were born in recent years so Saint Nicolas decided to visit the address Štefanovičova 12. It has been such a long time he did not visit our company that's why we invited him to celebrate his name day with us. Saint Nicolas came up with a beautiful angel after the third calling up of almost twenty children. He was asking children a few questions and with his eloquence he achieved that some of the little daredevils sang, recited poems and told a few other words or a jokes. Although Nicolas was the honored person he had prepared a sweet package for everyone. Along with the angel he left for additional responsibilities and children with their parents and relatives were watching an animated fairy tale and enjoying the tasty food. December is packed with activities because of the year of our 25th anniversary celebration but visit of Saint Nicolas with sincere joy of children helped us properly came to the pre-Christmas period.



Job search tips and tricks


In terms of voluntary activities, the consulting company Amrop has become a partner with organization Úsmev ako dar. With this initiative came Lucia Nacíková, Consultant at Amrop with aim to help the talented students from orphanages the first step into the real life of adults. Participants of the workshop Job search tips and tricks will be four university students who have been growing up in orphanage. Consultants of Amrop will introduce four topics during four sessions: Everything begins with CV, Where and how to search for a job? I am invited for the job interview – What now? and Job interview. Amrop has started this long-term activity in December 2015 with enthusiasm in line with the ambition to identify young talents and help them to enter the labour market.


Youth Employment Support


Friday November 13, 2015 was nice day for students of Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of University of Trenčín. In terms of cooperation with Non-profit organization EPIC on the project Youth Employment Support Lucia Nacíková, Consultant at consulting company Amrop led the Simulator of Job Interviews – specially designed training focused on the successful completion of the job interview and getting the job. On the initial meeting we followed up on December 1, 2015 at the University of St. Cyril and Methodius where Michal Lukáč, Manager at Amrop, worked with students. The aim of this voluntary activity of Amrop is to increase young people's readiness to respond to current requirements of potential employers.

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José Ignacio Leyún – Global CEO of Amrop in Bratislava


As part of our 25th Anniversary celebration José Ignacio Leyún, Amrop Global CEO accepted invitation of Amrop Slovakia to celebrate this milestone with us in Bratislava. We are honored that this exceptional professional who is a trusted advisor to many international CEOs and Boards congratulated us personally on our anniversary that marks also 25 years of human capital consulting in Slovakia. During his two-day visit J. I. Leyún was the guest of honor of our traditional Meet the new Chiefs and was presented to the Slovak business community by the interview with Peter Bielik, a moderator TA 3. Their conversation focused on Leaders for What’s Next and what distinguishes them to lead their companies in a world with so many variables. The second day of the visit was about meetings with the media - José Ignacio Leyún was a guest at television program Téma dňa (The Topic of the Day) in TA 3 and was interviewed by an editor Juraj Porubský in monthly magazine Forbes. Before leaving J. I. Leyún attended a short tour in Old Town where he visited Christmas market, had a lunch with the team of Slovak Amrop and also had a few internal deliberations.

Téma dňa on TA3 with J. I. Leyún...
Interview for Forbes...
Interview for Career and Employment Guide...
J.I. Leyún congratulates on 25th anniversary...


25 Years of Entrepreneurship


Over the past 25 years of its operation Jenewein Group with the consulting firms Amrop and Fipra has significantly contributed to shaping the market of personal, respectively management consulting and development of various disciplines of management and leadership in Slovakia. For this reason, we have the immense pleasure from the fact that we have been actively involved in the issuance of a special supplement of the weekly Trend, entitled 25 Years of Entrepreneurship, which represents 27 personalities – representatives of the strong generation of Slovak managers and their success stories.

Leading Article by M. Krekáč...
Editorial of Editor-In-Chief O. Brunovský...

St. Martin's goose in Slovenský Grob


Feast of St. Martin in Slovakia is linked not only with folk literature of arrival of St. Martin on a white horse but also with well-fattened and baked St. Martin's goose. This autumn on November 11, 2015 there was no snow and the air temperature climbed at a comfortable 18°C so we focused on the second of St. Martin's customs. All employees of Jenewein Group were pleased to return to this centuries-old Slovak traditions – at the invitation of Chairman Martin Krekáč we spent the moments at a banquet in Pivnica U Zlatej Husi in Slovenský Grob. We believe we have laid the foundations of firm annual banquet with goose, “lokše”, cabbage and quality red wine.


…almost a family gathering with the focus on family business


After the extremely positive feedback rating of the June meeting were the Amrop Slovakia’s Family Business Practice and the company RSM TACOMA Family Office transferred to Eastern Slovakia, on Friday, November 6, 2015. In the hotel Slamený Dom*** in Malá Ida was organized an expert seminar with interesting title … almost a family gathering with the focus on family business. Both organizers created optimal conditions for exchange of the expertise and personal experiences of owners (and their successors in many cases) of family enterprises, that achieved remarkable success in Slovakia. As a part of expert program the presenters gave their time to the topics such as the family property, family constitution and family relations and the establishment and management of family holding. Mario Fondati, Partner of Amrop Slovakia, talked about the succession, respectively the identification and education of possible successor, then about the setting of relation between the owner and the external manager and the coach Vladimír Homoľa talked about moving from the owner’s role to the role of consultant and strategist or the search for new opportunities outside the company. The meeting was also attended by Martin Krekáč, chairman and owner of Jenewein Group, who was involved in free discussion and follow-up interviews. Guests appreciated the timeliness of topics and in many cases they will continue the discussion on specific individual solutions. The success of the event and the positive effect on guest satisfaction had also excellent cuisine and pleasant environment.

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Autumn Coffee time with Amrop


After the spring meeting about topic Talent Dynamics the consulting company Amrop Slovakia continues to organize expert meeting discussions of a series Coffee Time with Amrop. How to play and win additional 30% in performance was the main topic and the guests – especially HR managers can listened Rastislav Madunický with a cup of quality coffee. Rastislav Madunický with the professionals from Amrop introduced effective leaders manual containing best performing and best practice management style which have a positive influence on the motivation of individuals and also team, relationships and organizational climate, overall performance and job satisfaction. The meeting, which is part of the yearlong celebration of the 25th anniversary of the personnel consultancy in Slovakia was closed with discussion about the latest trends in motivating teams and improving performance. Partner of the event was the Au Café, successor of coffeehouse tradition that began on riverside of Danube in Bratislava in 1827.
