• Since our foundation in 1990, we have been providing complex strategic one-stop shop services.

  • We rely on partners and a senior team as well as personal involvement of our founders with their own successful experience.

  • As part of our individual approach, we implement customized and often exceptional solutions.

  • Thanks to the global reach, our presence goes beyond the Czech and Slovak borders.


Case studies | Surveys | Analyses
Publications | Articles | Interviews
Blogs | Strategies | Concepts | Projects

We are a premier Czech-Slovak consulting group with strong ties to Austria. Over the past 35 years, we have become one of the best-known and most frequently recommended one-stop-shop Central European boutique consultancies with global reach delivering complex Strategic Leadership, Management and Public Policy services.

Through our consulting teams active within global partnerships and networks we manage to keep a finger on the pulse of latest developments and thus offer proven experience combined with innovative expertise in and beyond the central European region.

We have many clients including international companies, Czech and Slovak companies, investors, private holdings, family businesses, as well as the public and non-profit sector. Our consulting teams are committed to creating mutually beneficial partnerships and building long-term relationships.



The end of the year with roast goose and Christmas punch


On December 11, 2024 none of us planned any evening program and we all sat down together at one big table. At the invitation of Martin Krekáč, the chairman of the Jenewein Group consulting group, we met at the Matyšák Hotel in Bratislava to enjoy the traditional St. Martin's roast goose (albeit a bit later). We slowed down a bit and in the pre-Christmas hectic period we still enjoyed the autumn atmosphere and one of the most exquisite delicacies of our cuisine. Exactly one week later, we spent our lunch break together again at the Christmas markets in Bratislava's Hviezdoslavovo and Main Squares. This time at the invitation of Patrik Zoltvány, senior partner of Fipra Slovakia. Thank you both for the invitation and all colleagues for the pleasant moments – we had a great time together as always. For a few hours we stopped in order to speed up again...

PF 2025...


Jenewein again in the rankings of the Largest in Business


This year, we are again among the leading companies in Slovakia, which made it into the TOP 10 in their respective business field in 2024. The rankings were published for the fifth time in the yearbook Largest in Business. We have repeatedly ranked among the largest in the sector of Executive Search companies, after taking into account a combination of various criteria. Jenewein Group consulting group is part of the TOP 10 in the Business Consulting sector based on the number of consultants. The Yearbook Largest in Business is published by The Slovak Spectator and the daily SME in cooperation with the company Finstat. The Slovak-English publication presents rankings of the largest companies and institutions in fifty categories and comparable information on the growth of sectors and companies over the past year (including the names of top executives and contact details). As a special supplement of SME daily and The Slovak Spectator, it successfully continues the tradition of the Book of Lists, which Jenewein Group has been a part of since its publication in 1999.

More information...
The Slovak Spectator...


JENEWEIN GALLERY: Amrop Jenewein News I various authors


Historical printing is part of many museum collections. Our Jenewein gallery is no exception. In the years 2001 to 2005, we published our own printed newspaper – Amrop Jenewein News. The first issue was published in the year of the 11th anniversary of our consulting group, the fifth and last one was presented at the 2005 CEE Executive Search Forum, which we organized on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of Executive Search consulting in Slovakia. The individual editions are a picture of the Jenewein Group at that time – with its people, themes and brands, when the Amrop brand was part of the group's portfolio (1999 – 2022). For Jenewein Group, the sharing of own knowledge and practical experience has been important from the very beginning. We are open and welcoming and publish various articles, studies and analyses that are of interest to the wider public. We have been sticking to this commitment for years. Not only our news confirms that only the form in which we do it is changing. Technological progress over the past 35 years has brought fundamental changes and transferred a greater part of information and communication to virtual space. We constantly update the web portal www.jeneweingroup.com and the content on the social networks LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook and X. Another interesting thing is connected with the introduction of Amrop Jenewein News to the Jenewein gallery. We connected this part of our history with the interior of our company premises. And an original design wallpaper was created from archival newspapers to beautify part of the newly created chillout zone.
Jenewein gallery is a virtual gallery that presents a selection of art, music or advertising works created in the history of the Jenewein Group.

Amrop Jenewein News 1/2001...
Amrop Jenewein News 2/2002...
Amrop Jenewein News 3/2003...
Amrop Jenewein News 4/2004...
Amrop Jenewein News 5/2005...
Chillout zone...


Stúpanie and 3 CDs Nevy(í)dané rarity by Marika Gombitová


Marika Gombitová surprised again and succeeded in something that few artists who have been active on the scene for several decades have achieved. Marika Gombitová's new 3 CD Nevy(í)dané rarity (Unreleased rarities), which officially went on sale on October 24, 2024, is far from dusting off the archive – 35 recordings from 1975 to 1992, which were never released on any of Marika's albums, are even for many supporters a novelty from the most part. To a certain extent, the same as the bonus, which is a separate third CD in the form of this year's premieres of the hit Fantóm srdca (Phantom of the Heart) and Stúpanie (Rising). Together with Marika Gombitová, her team and the international publishing house MUSICA, we devoted several Art Consulting months to this project. Our Filip Krekáč is again one of the team of collaborators. Not only thanks to the rare recordings and the novelty single Fantóm srdca – Stúpanie, but also to the text, image and graphic processing of the cover and booklet, including Marika's personal memories and an autograph card for a limited number of the first thousand fans, the new 3 CD is already considered a sought-after collector's trophy. The new album became no. 1 in the largest bookstores Panta Rhei, Martinus and Gorila a few days after the sales started. At the same time as the new 3 CD was released on sale, on October 24, the Slovak Radio premiered the studio recording of the new song Rising, for which Marika will soon present a new video clip.

Press release...
3 CD Nevy(í)dané rarity – order...
Stúpanie on streaming platforms...
Official YouTube channel of M. Gombitová...
Stúpanie – official video clip... (coming soon)
Premiere of the studio recording and new 3 CDs in the media >>>


JENEWEIN GALLERY: Nine years of the Grand Prix Jenewein I various authors


In 1998, the Jenewein brand became a partner of the competition in show jumping, which, since 1999, has been called the Grand Prix Jenewein. This event was usually held at the end of May at the TJ Karpatia Equestrian Complex in Bratislava-Záhorská Bystrica. It was one of the most important competitions of its kind in Slovakia in terms of organization and, in particular, sports. Since 2003, we have dedicated the Grand Prix Jenewein to the memory of Dr. Jean-François Jenewein (1945 – 2002), who in 1990 laid the foundations of the current consulting group Jenewein Group with offices in Prague and Bratislava. We are still pleased that in 2002 he personally participated in the competition with his wife Rita. In addition to the attractive skills of riders and the performances of noble horses, the event also included a fun tandem competition of personalities in the Fun Radio Ride & Drive competition for the Jeep Prize. The active participation of important guests, our clients and friends, has for several years been the source of a unique atmosphere not only in the Ride & Drive competition, but also at the accompanying Garden Benefit Party in support of the Children's Safety Line. Although the Grand Prix Jenewein was a sporting event with a significant social and charitable dimension, its trace cannot be left out from our Jenewein gallery. The graphics of the invitations, logo, catalog, raffle tickets and gift vouchers were processed by professional designers in such a way as to express the corporate identity, values and professionalism that the Jenewein Group respects and professes.
Jenewein gallery is a virtual gallery that presents a selection of art, music or advertising works created in the history of the Jenewein Group.

Plaques for winners...


JENEWEIN GALLERY: February 3, fashion shows, hats and more I Iveta Lederer


Since the very beginning of the Jenewein Group, we have collaborated countless times with the academic painter, fashion designer, lace maker, teacher, jewelry maker, theater and stage designer Iveta Lederer. She is not only our long-term colleague, but also a family friend of our chairman – among other things, they share the same day and month of birth. The holder of several top awards from various international exhibitions of contemporary art, she is also known as a supporter of young fashion designers and talented emerging artists. This is also one of our common topics during conversations at birthday parties, dozens of fashion shows of which we were the general partner, social events or meetings for other occasions and projects. Iveta Lederer, as a recognized expert on etiquette and clothing culture, also became the president of the jury of the Competition for the most attractive hat. It was part of the Garden Benefit Party in support of the Children's Safety Line (Linka detskej istoty) during the Grand Prix Jenewein in show jumping. Even in 2002, this event, of which we were the general partner between 1998 and 2006, was dominated by colorful creations of straw and textile hats. The main prize went to the then director of the British Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia, the second prize was won by a hat with red poppies and a ribbon from the workshop of Iveta Lederer, the third place was taken by Zuzana Krekáčová with a delicate flower decoration. In addition to the photo from this event, in the Jenewein gallery we also have a 3D painting by Iveta Lederer called Fénix, which decorates one of the rooms in our company premises.
Jenewein gallery is a virtual gallery that presents a selection of art, music or advertising works created in the history of the Jenewein Group.

Competition for the most attractive hat...


JENEWEIN GALLERY: Film MEKY and CD The Last Things I Miroslav Žbirka


The Jenewein gallery's music collection is enriched by two exhibits associated with the name of Miroslav Žbirka, which are extremely precious not only for us. The documentary film MEKY (Miro Žbirka Close Snapshot – Zblízka) became part of our collection in 2020, when we commemorated the 30th anniversary of Jenewein Group. Miro Žbirka's album The Last Things (Posledné veci) was added in May 2022, only half a year after Meky's death in November 2021. For the Jenewein Group, it is known that we like to connect special moments with artistic personalities from different fields. Music and singing legend Miroslav Žbirka has a prominent place among them. As the general partner of the music documentary MEKY, we accompanied its journey to the audience from the pre-premiere at a private garden party in Prague, through the Czech and Slovak premieres to the ceremonial screening in Prague's Lucerne connected with the launch of the representative 3CD The Best Of Miro Žbirka and the Songbook. Both are a continuation of the recapitulation of more than forty years of successful activity of Miroslav Žbirka on the Czech-Slovak scene. Of course, we also supported its distribution among our partners and thousands of Meky's supporters. It is with admiration and gratitude that we became the general partner of Miro Žbirka's CD The Last Things (Posledné veci). It is the fifteenth studio album that Meky managed to write and sing before his death. David Žbirka completed the successful and later frequently awarded work with the help of supportive producers and musicians. Although Meky's life has ended, his work remains here with us - also as part of our gallery. #mekynaveky
Jenewein gallery is a virtual gallery that presents a selection of art, music or advertising works created in the history of the Jenewein Group.

Film MEKY...
Meky in Lucerna...
CD Posledné veci...


A new hit after 24 years – also thanks to Jenewein Art Consulting


Jenewein Group is a long-standing Art Consulting partner of the singer and composer Marika Gombitová. The result of this collaboration is also the new song Fantóm srdca (Phantom of the Heart), which Marika came up with after 24 long years. The studio recording of the new hit and the official video clip from the workshop of 3D animator Martin Vierik premiered on June 21, 2024. Many of us remember, and for others we clarify, that during Marika's singing career, new songs were premiered first at festivals or concerts and only then were released in a studio recording on a music carrier. And she used exactly the same procedure now – she sang two new songs Fantóm srdca and Stúpanie (Rising) for the first time in January of this year in Prague's O2 arena. New hits from the proven tandem Marika Gombitová (music) and Kamil Peteraj (lyrics) quickly wanted to find their way to the fans, so Marika was the first to publish a live recording of the song Fantóm srdca in the form of a lyrics video on her official YouTube channel. We can't help but remind you that our own Filip Krekáč participated in the production of the concert videos for both new songs together with Martin Vierik as a creative director. And finally: the final mastering was done in the prestigious Abbey Road studios in London.

Press release...
Fantóm srdca on streaming platforms...
Fantóm srdca – official video clip...
Premiere of the studio recording and video clip in the media >>>


We are once again in the TOP 10 largest Executive Search companies in Slovakia


Traditionally, at the end of spring, the Career Guide 2024 Yearbook was published as a special edition of The Slovak Spectator. In addition to a number of articles and personalities working in the field of HR consulting and human capital, it also contains the expected and respected ranking of the largest players in Executive Search on the Slovak market. We are happy that our Jenewein Executive has repeatedly placed in the TOP 10 in the category of Executive Search companies in Slovakia. The ranking is compiled according to a combination of several indicators for the year 2023 (number of active Executive Search partners and consultants, revenue and the number of successfully filled positions by individual levels, etc.). In addition to rankings and useful data and contacts, the Career Guide yearbook has been bringing interesting information and trends not only for HR professionals for 25 years. We have been a part of it since the beginning of publication in 1999. Martin Krekáč also contributed to the creation of the content of the current edition by writing the article Seven trends that change the selection of leaders in the TRENDS section.

Ranking of the largest Executive Search companies...
Article in The Slovak Spectator...
Article in SME...
Who is Who in HR consultancy companies...
M. Krekáč: Seven trends influencing the hiring of leaders (EN)...
Pictogram for Jenewein Executive...


The event Chyťme sa za ruky with great atmosphere and support of Jenewein Group again


The charitable event of two civic associations to support children and adults with mental and physical disabilities – the concert Chyťme sa za ruky (Let’s Hold Hands), took place in its 15th year in the courtyard of the Neo-Gothic mansion in Galanta. The charity event aims to integrate clients from institutions and social facilities into mainstream society. Their opportunities to participate in a music concert or other cultural and social events are namely limited. The organizers, with the support of the city of Galanta and other friends and partners (including Jenewein Group), have again prepared a spectacular charity concert on Sunday, May 26, 2024. This year, the invitation was accepted by musical guests such as Zuzana Smatanová, Lala Tamar, Vanessa Harbek and others, the moderator was Katarína Brychtová. The musical performances, which were a huge success, were complemented by educational workshops and creative workshops – painting with hot wax, basket making, painting on canvas and plaster casts or hand painting.

Concert recording...