• Since our foundation in 1990, we have been providing complex strategic one-stop shop services.

  • We rely on partners and a senior team as well as personal involvement of our founders with their own successful experience.

  • As part of our individual approach, we implement customized and often exceptional solutions.

  • Thanks to the global reach, our presence goes beyond the Czech and Slovak borders.


Case studies | Surveys | Analyses
Publications | Articles | Interviews
Blogs | Strategies | Concepts | Projects

We are a premier Czech-Slovak consulting group with strong ties to Austria. Over the past 35 years, we have become one of the best-known and most frequently recommended one-stop-shop Central European boutique consultancies with global reach delivering complex Strategic Leadership, Management and Public Policy services.

Through our consulting teams active within global partnerships and networks we manage to keep a finger on the pulse of latest developments and thus offer proven experience combined with innovative expertise in and beyond the central European region.

We have many clients including international companies, Czech and Slovak companies, investors, private holdings, family businesses, as well as the public and non-profit sector. Our consulting teams are committed to creating mutually beneficial partnerships and building long-term relationships.



Martin Krekáč in the encyclopedia of personalities of the Czech and Slovak Republics


Conserving the merits achieved, creating a modern online network and supporting Czech and Slovak personalities on their way to further success – this is the main mission of the Encyclopedia of Personalities of the Czech and Slovak Republic. In December 2022, the jubilee tenth edition was published and, as in previous years, the profile of Martin Krekáč, founder and chairman of the Jenewein Group, is part of the renowned lexicon of successful people. Featuring in the encyclopedia represents for each of the personalities a society-wide award and an increased reputation in their sector. The determining factors in the selection are the results achieved, the quality and importance of the job position or recommendations obtained at the national or international level.

Profile of M. Krekáč...


Unique concert of Marika Gombitová enriched the Advent this year, once again we are its general partner


Thousands of fans of Marika Gombitová, including friends and clients of the Jenewein Group, looked forward to this year’s Advent more than ever. On 18 December 2022, Marika delighted her fans with a unique concert in the NTC Arena in Bratislava. It was an extraordinary evening, during which Marika sang songs from her beginnings to the present. We again enjoyed songs such as Študentská láska, Cukráreň na dlani námestia, Slnečný kalendár and many others. The concert, which was one of the most anticipated musical events of the pre-Christmas season, is called Vyznanie Mariky Gombitovej (Confession of Marika Gombitová) – according to the ballad Vyznanie (Confession), which brought the artist silver at the Bratislava Lyre contest in 1979, gold in the Polish Sopot in 1980 and the overall victory in the Hit of the 20th century a few years later.

Press Release...
Concert of Marika Gombitová in media >>>


The Largest in Business 2022: We are in the TOP 10 again


This year we are again among the largest companies in Slovakia that earned a place in the Largest in Business 2022 yearbook. After taking into account a combination of various criteria and the fact that the business in the field of Executive Search & Leadership Advisory under the common brand Amrop Jenewein is being divided into two separate entities from January 2023, both Amrop and Jenewein Executive were ranked in the TOP 10 in the sector of the Largest Executive Search companies. The entire Jenewein Group ranked eighth in the ranking of the largest companies in the Business Consulting sector based on the number of consultants. The Largest in Business yearbook is published by The Slovak Spectator and SME daily in cooperation with the company Finstat. The Slovak-English publication presents rankings of the largest companies and institutions in fifty categories and comparable information on the growth of sectors and companies over the past year (including the names of top executives and contact details). It was published for the third time as a special appendix to SME daily and The Slovak Spectator. It successfully continues the tradition of the Book of Lists, of which the Jenewein Group has been a part since its first publication in 1999.

More information...


What are the Skills of the Future?


Under the auspices of the Representation of the European Commission in Slovakia, the 4rd annual Skills of the Future conference organized by the Alliance for Youth – All4Youth took place on November 30, 2022 with excellent feedback. It is a voluntary association of companies that actively support and promote programs for young people (especially high school and university students from Slovakia and the Czech Republic) in order to help them prepare for entering the labor market. Interesting interactive lectures were given online in the main rooms Digital, Green and HR. Experts from the most significant international companies, as well as inspiring local companies, including the consulting company Amrop Jenewein, shared their experience with participants.

Invitation and partners...


Jenewein and Fipra are part of the yearbook on investments and business environment in Slovakia


The Investment Advisory Guide 2022/23 yearbook, which is published in English as an appendix to the biweekly The Slovak Spectator, provides an independent analytical and list overview for investors from Slovakia and abroad with an emphasis on new trends and opportunities in business. It contains clear information about the economy and business environment, legislation and government policy, including an overview of companies focused on management and HR consulting. The yearbook also includes a large analysis of the law firm market and a ranking of the largest law firms in Slovakia. The Jenewein and Fipra brands are also part of the 23rd edition of the yearbook in order to effectively communicate and highlight the status and activities of the Jenewein Group as well as individual companies in its portfolio through a publication that is an important source of information for domestic and international target group.

More information...


During #GivingTuesday, we help those who need help


As part of #GivingTuesday 2022, the consulting company Amrop in Slovakia decided to join forces with one of its long-term partners – Liga proti rakovine (The League Against Cancer). Responsibility for those who need help is one of the pillars of our social responsibility and corporate philanthropy. We realize (and appreciate) that we are strong enough to help the weaker ones, especially those who do not have the same opportunities as us. The Amrop team will dedicate Tuesday, November 29, 2022, to volunteer help, which consists in cleaning and cataloging more than five hundred books in the library of the League Against Cancer. The library is located in the Help Center on Brestová street in Bratislava and is used by oncology patients. This part of our donation (volunteering) is coordinated by Ladislava Molnárová.


Amrop University Campus 2022


The traditional Amrop University Campus intended primarily for researchers, consultants and partners – project implementers, took place this year in Stockholm. At Amrop in Slovakia, we also use the worldwide The Amrop Partnership network as much as possible to exchange the best experience and knowledge from our work. The three-day program (October 28 to 30, 2022) for 40 participants from 19 countries was prepared very carefully – this time with an emphasis on the topics Future of Work and Workplace, Leadership and Innovation. Our thanks for new inspirations go especially to Mikael Ahlström, Founder and CEO of the Sprout Park group and global speaker in Innovation and Digitalization. Slovak Amrop was represented by Igor Šulík.


Exhibition Miro Žbirka – Years and Days in the Czech National Museum and Bratislava Castle


The album Miro Žbirka The Last Things (Posledné veci) and the trio of concerts TRIBUTE TO MIRO ŽBIRKA 70 are complemented by the exhibition Miro Žbirka – Years and Days (Roky a dni). It is not only a memory of the career of an exceptional songwriter and singer, with whom we are connected by a long-term friendship and partnership, but also a celebration of his 70th birthday anniversary. Almost 30 panels and three hundred exhibits present Meky's life and work through stories that depict his musical enthusiasm, talent and empathy. The authors designed the entire project in such a way that it is a walk through ordinary moments and fateful milestones, from strumming on a park bench to recording at Abbey Road. Not only fans of Miroslav Žbirka can see the exhibition about the legend of the Slovak and Czech pop music from October 20 to December 31, 2022 in the Historical Building of the National Museum in Prague, from where it will move to Bratislava Castle from February 2023 onwards.

More information...


Tribute To Miro Žbirka 70 in London, Bratislava and Prague


Singer and composer Miroslav Žbirka left us forever but his music and legacy remain with us. They resonated very intensely especially in 2022 – the year when he would have celebrated his 70th birthday. In the autumn, a big concert tribute dedicated to Meky came about in London, Bratislava and Prague. Legendary songs and great hits were played and sung by the stars of the contemporary Slovak and Czech music scene. All artists who accepted pro bono invitation to the TRIBUTE TO MIRO ŽBIRKA 70 concert paid homage to the work of an exceptional author and singer. The concerts took place on September 23 at 229 Venue in London, on October 17 at NTC Aréna Bratislava and on October 21 at O2 Universum in Prague. Each of these concerts was an exceptional more than two-hour music and visual show, which celebrated Miroslav Žbirka's music in all its forms. The first invitation to the musical highlights of the autumn was a new song – Miro Žbirka feat. David Žbirka – Nejsi sám/Nie si sám (You Are Not Alone). The Czech-Slovak duet of a father and son who imaginarily passes on the music baton was edited by Šimon Šafránek. Among other things, he directed the award-winning music documentary MEKY, of which we are a general partner. This is the first song from a highly acclaimed album Posledné věci (The Last Things), which closed Miroslav Žbirka's more than 50-year-old author journey.

Nejsi sám/Nie si sám on YouTube...
More info on Zbirka.cz...


Amrop as both partner and active participant of the marathon of ideas IDEATON


As part of a long-term partnership with the Alliance for Youth, of which we are a founding member, the Slovak Amrop has become a supporter, organizational team member and ideaton enthusiast. Amrop, represented by the partners Ladislava Molnárová, Matej Taliga and Michal Lukáč, and 50 students from all over Slovakia took part in the ten-our marathon of ideas IDEATON (October 6, 2022) in academia dm OC Retro in Bratislava.
