• Since our foundation in 1990, we have been providing complex strategic one-stop shop services.

  • We rely on partners and a senior team as well as personal involvement of our founders with their own successful experience.

  • As part of our individual approach, we implement customized and often exceptional solutions.

  • Thanks to the global reach, our presence goes beyond the Czech and Slovak borders.


Case studies | Surveys | Analyses
Publications | Articles | Interviews
Blogs | Strategies | Concepts | Projects

We are a premier Czech-Slovak consulting group with strong ties to Austria. Over the past 35 years, we have become one of the best-known and most frequently recommended one-stop-shop Central European boutique consultancies with global reach delivering complex Strategic Leadership, Management and Public Policy services.

Through our consulting teams active within global partnerships and networks we manage to keep a finger on the pulse of latest developments and thus offer proven experience combined with innovative expertise in and beyond the central European region.

We have many clients including international companies, Czech and Slovak companies, investors, private holdings, family businesses, as well as the public and non-profit sector. Our consulting teams are committed to creating mutually beneficial partnerships and building long-term relationships.



Gourmet Christmas Party


It never happened that the Christmas party of employees, co-workers and friends of JENEWEIN GROUP and companies in its portfolio would fail. This year it was held on December 19, 2011 at Restaurant Barrique in Bratislava-Dúbravka. The motto of the evening was What we cook, we also eat. Led by the experienced Chef Michal Anyalai we prepared the tasteful menu in three teams-and the specialties were really dainty. We experienced new tastes, interesting and unusual combinations and cooking procedures; in addition to that we were having fun and enjoyed talking and dancing. Break in the tasting of self-cooked delicacies filled the traditional Christmas raffle in which we provided each other with lovely gifts. This party will surely end up among highlights of the outgoing year-this year we have moved the level of a good party pretty high...

Invitation and menu...
PF 2012


Coffee time with Amrop


On December 8, 2011 in comfortable club rooms at the headquarters of the JENEWEIN GROUP an initial event of the series of Coffee time, for this once as Coffee time with Amrop took place. Invited guests-top managers of outstanding companies, human resources professionals, journalists and students along with experts of consulting company Amrop Slovakia have discussed the topic of Retained (and other) Executive Search companies in Slovakia over a cup of gourmet coffee. Discussion conducted in an informal atmosphere was around a study Retained and Contingency Executive Search: The Key Differences prepared by the Association of Executive Search Consultants (AESC). Network of stores Casa del Caffé has become partner of the event, and the served coffee was introduced and prepared by Mr Michal Šturc-perhaps the most respected coffee expert in Slovakia.



St. Nicolas Evening


Not even this year would St. Nicolas skip premises of JENEWEN GRUOP and companies in its portfolio on his way of visits. Around twenty cheerful children were expecting him impatiently and we are happy that the number of them is getting bigger and bigger every year. St. Nicolas accompanied by Angel and Devil didn't show up until they had called for him three times. The more calm and peaceful was the atmosphere getting, the more could St. Nicolas and his helpers concentrate on giving presents. Every single song or rhyme was rewarded. After St. Nicolas left to fulfill his continuous daylong duty of spreading joy, children with their parents watched a winter fairytale and enjoyed tasteful snacks. But there was another reason to celebrate on the 6th of December! In the morning, our staff members cut a cake to celebrate one year of working in these new premises. In cheerful mood we have entered charming Christmas season...



Seeliger y Conde Group Awards To Young Talent


On November 28, 2011 Seeliger y Conde Group (Amrop Seeliger y Conde-a part of The Amrop Group), held the third annual Seeliger y Conde Awards for Young Talent ceremony. The prestigious awards are granted to Spain's most outstanding executives under the age of 40. The event took place at the Palacio de Congresos de Catalunya, and the awards ceremony was presided over by His Royal Highness the Prince of Asturias, Felipe de Borbón. The recipients of the 2011 prize were: Cristian Gaju, General Director of Abantia; Ana Ponzoda, Finance Director of Astrazeneca Pharmaceuticals Spain; Santiago Mier, General Marketing Manager of Danone; Alejo Beleta, Manager of Production Engineering of Mercedez Benz, Carlos Domingo, CEO at Telefonica I+D and Javier Simon, HR Manager of Sovereign Bank. Before the ceremony, attendees participated in a round table discussion entitled Reinventing in times of crisis, attended by several speakers from different sectors of the Spanish economy.


Benefit Christmas tree


During the entire Advent time a Benefit Christmas tree of Children's Safety line is a part of Christmas market at Hviezdoslavovo námestie in Bratislava. Special Christmas balls dedicated from general sponsors and supporters, among which we are not missing, decorate the tree. Christmas ball with our logo symbolizes our gift to the Children's safety line of UNICEF Slovak Committee-financial gift of 444 EUR. The Christmas tree was officially lightened up on December 3, 2011. Performances of kids and adult singers was a part of this nice celebration as well as competition of celebrities in Christmas punch 116 111 sales. 116 111 is the number of free helpline available in time of need for children from all over Slovakia. We are proud to once again join the idea that Advent is not only the time of joy, peace and expectations but also of philanthropy and giving…

More information…


FIPRA set up a specialized Euro-Crisis Task Force group


FIPRA Group, the leading and the largest European consulting network in the field of public affairs, set up a specialized group Euro-Crisis Task Force. On a daily basis and directly from Brussels FIPRA coordinates its units in Berlin, Paris, Athens, Rome, Madrid and Dublin in providing up-to-date intelligence. With Germany being one of the nations at the centre of attention in the EU, in Berlin alone FIPRA has five consultants monitoring the situation 24/7 and briefing clients. Should a need arise, units in other countries may be drawn in monitoring or consulted. The members of the FIPRA Euro-crisis Task Force all have first hand experience from serving governments, parliaments and regulatory bodies and have relevant knowledge of all areas of interest. Their assessments are derived from regular interaction with politicians, regulators, business associations, journalists, economists and think tanks. Thanks to these sources they provide a range of clients with a 360° view, cutting through the mist of media hype and oversimplification.


Amrop University/Researchers & Associates Campus Session


For the tenth time, from October 26 to October 29, 2011 Researchers & Associates Campus Session was held as part of Amrop University, an educational program designed for development of Amrop professionals. The place of the meeting of research-analytical community from Executive Search companies operating on the market under the common brand Amrop was Amsterdam. Program was primarily focused on professional training, exchange of experience and on getting to know each other closer and it was divided into three main topics-Communication in a Faceless World, Time Management and Mind Mapping. Individual seminars and workshops were led by experienced lecturers-some of the best in their field. Apart from new knowledge and skills from Amrop University almost sixty participants from 28 countries took away also the socializing experiences-boat trip on the canals of Amsterdam or a gala dinner in a restaurant Van Puffelen. Amrop Slovakia was represented by Michal Lukáč, Consultant.


Amrop and Jenewein are social media active


Consulting company JENEWEIN GROUP has begun to communicate also through social media. From the beginning of autumn we have created and are using official social media sites of the companies Jenewein Group, Amrop Slovakia and Jenewein Slovakia on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook. Targeted development of additional communication channel is consistent with our approach to corporate responsibility through which we openly share our own knowledge and experience and share articles, studies and analysis on various topics which could be interesting not only for professionals but also for a wider public. So in addition to this year's summer news-JeneweinQuarterlyNEWSletter, social media has become the next platform for exchange and sharing of information, practical experience and news also among the virtual community. Start following us today!


We have become one of signatories of the PAS Code of Ethics


Business Alliance of Slovakia (PAS) in cooperation with Unicreditbank organized a conference Transparent Business which took place at Austria Trend Hotel Bratislava. The main theme of the event which was held on October 11, 2011, was "How to ensure a stable environment and fair rules for the development of your company". Several representatives of the public and private sector took part within the expert program of the conference. Within the Panel 1-Transparency the Slovak way-where we are and where we want to go, Róbert Kičina, Executive Director of PAS, introduced a project Prevention of unfair business. As part of the conference was also a press conference of PAS where Martin Krekáč, president of PAS and Senior Partner of JENEWEIN GROUP and Róbert Kičina, presented media representatives the main results of the project Prevention of unfair business including the most common unfair practices and measures of their prevention and the PAS Code of Ethics. JENEWEIN GROUP and companies of its portfolio have become one of its signatories and business subjects publicly expressing support in fight against frauds in business environment.

More information and program…
Press release…

Press release in media... >>>


Amrop in La Clusaz for the fifth time


In the late summer in the tourist resort La Clusaz in French Alps the representatives of the Executive Search companies from the Central and Eastern Europe region operating in the market under a common brand name Amrop met again. The Slovak office was represented by Igor Šulík, Managing Partner and Michal Lukáč, Consultant. The fifth year of the event was held on September 16-19, 2011 and as during previous years; the program was divided into working part and fun & sport. The core of the first part consisted of the business simulation game which aimed to highlight the importance of differentiation from competitors and creating and implementing a successful strategy. Social media and their use in personnel consulting put for another working topic. There were also discussions about deepening cooperation between individual partner organizations, strengthening of the contact network, exchange of the experience, coordination of the communication strategy and improvement of the practices aimed at providing the best quality services. In the fun & sport part the adrenaline canyoning and a ride on a motorboat on the Annecy Lake were especially well regarded.
