• Since our foundation in 1990, we have been providing complex strategic one-stop shop services.

  • We rely on partners and a senior team as well as personal involvement of our founders with their own successful experience.

  • As part of our individual approach, we implement customized and often exceptional solutions.

  • Thanks to the global reach, our presence goes beyond the Czech and Slovak borders.


Case studies | Surveys | Analyses
Publications | Articles | Interviews
Blogs | Strategies | Concepts | Projects

We are a premier Czech-Slovak consulting group with strong ties to Austria. Over the past 35 years, we have become one of the best-known and most frequently recommended one-stop-shop Central European boutique consultancies with global reach delivering complex Strategic Leadership, Management and Public Policy services.

Through our consulting teams active within global partnerships and networks we manage to keep a finger on the pulse of latest developments and thus offer proven experience combined with innovative expertise in and beyond the central European region.

We have many clients including international companies, Czech and Slovak companies, investors, private holdings, family businesses, as well as the public and non-profit sector. Our consulting teams are committed to creating mutually beneficial partnerships and building long-term relationships.



Advent Get-Together


In Jenewein Group, we took this year’s advent time in completely different spirit than in last years. We stayed at home – on our backyard on Štefanovičova Street, where we had a pleasant pre-Christmas atmosphere on Wednesday December 5, 2018 from the forenoon until the late evening with hot drinks and tasty traditional dishes, but especially with colleagues, friends and many guests who stopped at us. Good mood, nice people and enriching interviews combined with the thanks for what we have achieved in 2018 – that’s what our year-end event Advent Get-Together was like.

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PF 2019...


St. Martin’s goose in Slovenský Grob


Another year has gone by and we – at full working time though – stopped again for a while and dedicated one Friday afternoon to the traditions we simply like. This time, on November 16, 2018, we all met at the banquet at, for us the well-known, Pivnica U Zlatej Husi in Slovenský Grob. We celebrated Martin’s name-day, the one’s we expected on the white horse, and the one’s at the head of Jenewein Group :). Thank you for inviting us to the real kingdom of the goose – Mrs. Jajcayová personally greeted us, whose family have recited the roasted goose recipe already for the fourth generation. Once again, our thanks for the pleasant moments spent alongside the St. Martin's goose belongs to Martin Krekáč.

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Trend: Let’s keep domestic companies in the hands of Slovak families


Since Amrop has lived through stories of Family Businesses for almost thirty years, within its advisory portfolio, it has been intensively engaged in support of Slovak Family Businesses and improving the space and conditions for their entrepreneurship and development. Also, therefore it became a partner of another event organized by the TREND Forum. It took place on November 30, 2018 in Zvolen and under the title Let’s keep domestic companies in the hands of Slovak families, two main topics became the main part of the program: Sureties of the search for new Family Business leaders and How to keep a company in the hands of family in good condition for real long time.

More information...


Strategic Talent Acquisition with HRcomm


Amrop, together with Východoslovenský regionálny klub (East Slovak Regional Club) HRcomm – Združenia pre riadenie a rozvoj ľudských zdrojov (HRcomm – Association for Human Resources Management and Development) prepared the event Strategic Talent Acquisition or How to Get the Right People to the Future Positions?. It took place on November 28, 2018 at the premises of the company Východoslovenská energetika Holding in Košice. The main host was Markéta Hritz, head of the East Slovak Regional Club HRcomm, as well as Human Resources at Východoslovenská energetika Holding/innogy SEE. Part of the program was a panel discussion on Strategic Approach to Talent Acquisition or ‘It’s necessary to know people before the need of acquiring them’, in which, besides Markéta Hritz, were presented: Alena Ronďošová, Head of HR Business Partners, Recruitment and Resource Management, T-Systems Slovakia, Marek Antal, Managing Director & VP SK, GlobalLogic and Norbert Brath, CEO, SPINEA. The moderator of the discussion was Ladislava Molnárová, Partner at Amrop in Slovakia.

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The invitation...


Amrop Slovakia evaluated as the creditworthiness company


The National Information Center of the Slovak Republic and the Slovak Information and Marketing Company have evaluated Amrop Slovakia, part of the Jenewein Group, for its economic results in 2017 as a “creditworthiness company”. Based on the evaluation of the prediction method of financial analysis – a model focused on the creditworthiness of enterprises operating in the Slovak Republic, Slovak Amrop received the Seal of creditworthiness. The fact, that in the year 2017 only 2.42 percent of the companies of 780 633 rated commercial entities in the Slovak economy in total gained the Seal of creditworthiness, is a confirmation of the exceptional quality of Amrop and its prestigious position among the companies operating on the Slovak market.

NIC SR certificate for Amrop Slovakia...


Trend: Amrop is again a professional partner of the Family Business series


With the ambition to help Slovak Family Businesses and improve the space and conditions for their entrepreneurship and development, Amrop has long been supporting and developing the theme of Family Business. It is well known that Amrop, as a part of Jenewein Group, is devoted to the consulting for local and family businesses since its foundation in 1990 following the example of Austria, where the Jenewein brand has its roots. Many times, we have applied the long-term experience of our expert team as partners of various events, seminars and studies. We are almost a regular professional partner of the Family Business series of the weekly magazine Trend, where the editorial office is devoted to the stories of successful Slovak Family Businesses and related topical questions in 10 issues. At Amrop, Mario Fondati, Managing Client Partner and guarantor of cooperation with Local and Family Businesses, is behind this project and is quoted in Trend’s opening article of the next series launched in August this year. The final part of the series complements the author's article, in which Mario is commenting on Five facts about new leaders in Family Businesses.

Five facts about new leaders in Family Businesses (Päť faktov o nových lídroch v rodinných podnikoch)...
Trend 43/2018 ((Part 10)...
Trend 42/2018 ((Part 9)...
Trend 41/2018 (Part 8)...
Trend 40/2018 (Part 7)...
Trend 39/2018 (Part 6)...
Trend 38/2018 (Part 5)...
Trend 37/2018 (Part 4)...
Trend 36/2018 (Part 3)...
Trend 35/2018 (Part 2)...
How to save Family Businesses (Ako zachrániť rodinné firmy)...
Trend 34/2018 (Part 1)...


Amrop and CapaCV are the partner of the Beanie of economists


Beanies are an important part of every path leading to a college degree. And so it is like that with Bratislava’s economists. The unique connection of Faculties of the University of Economics in Bratislava justifies the assumption that it is the largest beanie in Slovakia at all. Also this year, an evening full of fun was prepared for students, graduates and supporters of the Faculty of Business, Faculty of Economics, Faculty of International Relations, Faculty of Business Management and Faculty of Applied Languages. On Tuesday, October 16, 2018, the Bratislava’s Refinery Gallery was transformed into a concert hall featuring Ego, Horkýže Slíže, DJ EKG, FS Ekonóm or The Carmines. Amrop became a partner of the event, and our joy in this connection is magnified by the fact that, at the time when Amrop began operating in Slovakia, most of the participants of this year's Beanie of economists were not born yet. The more we can tell young talents and leaders. :)



Support the Internationalization of SMEs and utilizing the opportunities of the EU single market


The European Public Policy Partnership (EPPP) Advisory Institute by using the expertise of its consultants has supported the preparation of the National Project Support the Internationalization of SMEs and utilizing the opportunities of the EU single market. EPPP implemented this activity for the Slovak Investment and Trade Development Agency SARIO. The main objective of the project, which is planned to be completed in October 2023, is to support the internationalisation capacities of small and medium-sized enterprises, including the presentation of their business potential and the provision of presentation, cooperation and advisory services for free of charge. Their involvement in international cooperation that will stimulate further development is expected to increase and to strengthen their competitiveness and position in the national economy. Small and medium-sized enterprises will have the opportunity to strengthen their specific professional skills, increase efficiency in the implementation of business activities, production and services, and raise the level of awareness of internationalization opportunities. The potential for cooperation through platforms and with foreign partners will also increase.


This year's topic of Amrop CEE meeting: People & Staffing


The traditional Amrop CEE meeting was moved from the French La Clusaz to the beautiful mountainous environment of Julian Alps at Lake Bohinj in Slovenia. Amrop Executive Search representatives from Central and Eastern Europe companies met for the twelfth time from September 14 to September 17, 2018, with Mario Fondati and Michal Lukáč representing the Slovak office. The main topic was People & Staffing. The core of the technical part of the program was composed by workshops in workgroups focused on sharing best practices and experience in searching, selecting and introducing talents and business leaders to the corporates, focusing on the digital dimension and the use of modern technologies in these processes. Within the socio-leisure part, the participants participated in a variety of outdoor activities around the Lake Bohinj along with neighboring Lake Bled. The common dinners and evenings spent in the pleasant Bohinj Eco Hotel or the Royal Bled Golf Club with the view of Alps was undoubtedly the nice time.



Corporates for children. Thank you! or Do not run unreasonably


We run to help for children on Sunday, September 9, 2018. Amrop Slovakia was actively supporting one of Children's Safety Line’s main events – the run 21 km for children. Already for the ninth time during the whole summer we were uniting our partners, clients and general public for a good cause with the common logo Corporates for children. THANK YOU! Except of that we were going to involve in preparation and organization of the event with our voluntary activities. The run 21 km for children has its sporting, social and family, but mostly charitable dimension – all money collected from the entry fee or from the gifts are directly used for the activities of Children's Safety Line. Also, this year, the initiation of Corporates for children. THANK YOU! became a part of the European Week of Sport announced by the European Commission. Its goal is to mobilize as many Europeans as possible for active movement, motivating them to have a regular sport and a healthier lifestyle. Moreover, more than ever, we were focusing on the geographical spread of the run from Bratislava’s Partizánska lúka – the runners could join us anywhere in Slovakia. The only thing you could do is to support Children's Safety Line and do a running training or corporate running event for it. Let's help those, who help others.

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Proposition for runner´s...