• Since our foundation in 1990, we have been providing complex strategic one-stop shop services.

  • We rely on partners and a senior team as well as personal involvement of our founders with their own successful experience.

  • As part of our individual approach, we implement customized and often exceptional solutions.

  • Thanks to the global reach, our presence goes beyond the Czech and Slovak borders.


Case studies | Surveys | Analyses
Publications | Articles | Interviews
Blogs | Strategies | Concepts | Projects

We are a premier Czech-Slovak consulting group with strong ties to Austria. Over the past 35 years, we have become one of the best-known and most frequently recommended one-stop-shop Central European boutique consultancies with global reach delivering complex Strategic Leadership, Management and Public Policy services.

Through our consulting teams active within global partnerships and networks we manage to keep a finger on the pulse of latest developments and thus offer proven experience combined with innovative expertise in and beyond the central European region.

We have many clients including international companies, Czech and Slovak companies, investors, private holdings, family businesses, as well as the public and non-profit sector. Our consulting teams are committed to creating mutually beneficial partnerships and building long-term relationships.



30th anniversary of Jenewein Group in graphics by academic sculptor Milan Lukáč


As a special gift and as a memorial to the 30th anniversary of the birth of Jenewein Group and companies in its portfolio the academic sculptor Milan Lukáč created a series of hand-colored graphics FACE 2 FACE with four principal motives. The unique works of the closed collection imaginatively combine the main visual elements of our corporate identity with artist motives and will become a rare reminder of another milestone in the Jenewein Group timeline beginning in 1990.

Face 2 Face (Jenewein Group)...
Face 2 Face (Amrop 1)...
Face 2 Face (Amrop 2)...
Face 2 Face (Fipra)...
PF 2021...


We are placed twice in the TOP 10 of the Largest in Business 2020 ranking


In the Largest in Business analytical rankings, Amrop Jenewein has reached first place in the Executive Search sector among all companies of this category. The entire Jenewein Group has achieved shared eighth and ninth place in the largest Business Consulting firms ranking. The Largest in Business yearbook is published by The Slovak Spectator and the SME daily in cooperation with Finstat. The new publication offers rankings of the largest companies and institutions in 50 diverse sectors in both Slovak and English. Each of the rankings shares contact details for the great players, what their operation in the market is, what country their parent company comes from, who the top representative is, how many advisors or employees they have, and other details. All important information in one place allows easy comparison of the greatest business players in Slovakia. The publication follows the tradition of the Book of Lists that Jenewein Group has been part of since its publication start in 1999.

The pictogram for Amrop Jenewein...
The pictogram for Jenewein Group...
More information...


We have been putting our love into shoeboxes during Giving Tuesday


As part of this year's Worldwide Day of Giving and Giving Tuesday 2020, the consulting group Jenewein Group and the companies Amrop Jenewein and Fipra in its portfolio have joined the nationwide collection How much love will fit in a shoebox?. Responsibility for those who need help is one of the five pillars of our social responsibility and corporate philanthropy. We realize (and appreciate) that we are strong enough to help the weaker ones, especially those who do not have the same opportunities as us. Besides the entire group's support, we called upon all our employees to personally participate in this activity, even with family members or schools. We gave our gifts symbolically on the day of the end of the collection on December 6, 2020, on St. Nicholas Day. Our packages full of love traveled to the senior facility Gerium in Bratislava's Podunajské Biskupice.

Photography 1...
Photography 2...


Trend: Amrop Jenewein is a professional partner of the Family Businesses series


Amrop Jenewein remains in a proven partnership and has once again combined its brand strength with the Family Business series – with its ninth sequel, five parts of which were published at the end of the year by the weekly magazine Trend. This connection has a strong background. It is known well that Jenewein Group, where the Amrop Slovakia belongs, from the very beginning of its own consulting (family) business, accompanies successful business families in strategic decision-making and helps them in crucial business moments. Our partnership reflects these many years of experience. In the Family Business series, Trend presents successful business and family stories as well as solutions leading to the success of family companies. We have again entered into professional cooperation with members of the Partners of Family-Owned Companies (Partneri Rodinných Firiem – PRF).

Business success is hard work, but there is an option to help it... (Part 5, interview with experts of PRF, Trend 47/2020)...
Trend 47/2020 (Part 5)...
Trend 46/2020 (Part 4)...
Trend 45/2020 (Part 3)...
Some companies have cut marketing spending by 50 to 90 percent as a result of the crisis... (Part 2, interview with experts of PRF, Trend 44/2020)...
Trend 44/2020 (Part 2)...
Trend 43/2020 (Part 1)...


We are a partner of the online conference Skills of the Future again


This year also, Alliance for YOUth CZE & SVK – a voluntary association of companies that are actively trying to support and promote programs for young people, organized the conference Skills of the Future. The event happened online on November 11, 2020, thanks to the Microsoft Teams platform and was intended primarily for high school graduating students to help them in their way to their dream job. The Representation of the European Commission in Slovakia and the Czech Republic is taking over the event's patronage. This activity is an indirect follow-up to the pan-European VET week (Vocational Education and Training) initiative to support vocational education, choosing three main topics this year: DIGITAL, ENVIRO, and HR. We have once again become one of the partners of the event. It is not happening coincidentally, as a strategic approach to talent acquisition in our consulting practice is part of the conference motto Get Ready for the Future Yet Today!.

The invitation...
The program...
Press release...


Amrop Campus Session 2020


The traditional Amrop Campus Session intended primarily for researchers and consultants – project implementers, took place this year – as usual online. At Amrop Jenewein, we also use the worldwide network as much as possible to exchange the best experience and knowledge from our work. And so, we connected remotely with more than 70 participants from around the world – from Singapore to Peru. The prepared three-day program was consistent – we are pleased that, thanks to the use of digital tools, we managed to maintain the original set diversity. One of the entries, together with Elin Wrammerfors, Leadership Consultant at Amrop Stockholm, also led Amrop Jenewein Managing Leadership Partner Igor Šulík – the topic of their presentation was Conversation with Partners: Conducting an Assessment. We believe that we will meet personally next year – until then, we use a virtual space with a lot of (real) coffee. :)



The Innovation Week CZE 2020


As part of the Týden inovací ČR 2020 (Innovation Week CZE 2020), more than a hundred accompanying events took place throughout the Czech Republic between September 29 and October 4, 2020. One of those we caught up with and those that captivated us was Jan Uriga’s presentation Refuting Innovation Myths or Sharing Experiences as the Fastest Form of Learning. On October 1, 2020, from Karlín in Prague, a member of the Red Button network, Innovations & Customer and Employee Experience Designer, pointed out the myths that permeated the world of innovation. Alongside presenting them, he explained their probable origin, impact, and especially the way to demythologize them. Under the Red Button headline, Jan Uriga is involved in the Innovation Roadshow initiative too. Its mission Show and Entertain (Ukហa zabav) is clear from the very beginning: it connects successful Czech and Slovak companies, while the involved professionals learn together thanks to the sharing of experiences and examples. As this is a philosophy that is more than close to our consulting group, we will certainly not miss another of the events of this open, informal, and non-competitive group.

Presentation of J. Uriga...
Innovation Roadshow...


Movie MEKY, 3CD and a Songbook


The music documentary MEKY, of which Jenewein Group is the general partner, after another summer screening in cinemas and amphitheatric areas, and very favorable responses from spectators and reviewers, had another ceremonial screening at the Lucerna cinema on September 3, 2020. This time in connection with the christening of the representative 3CD The Best of Miro Žbirka and Songbook, which are a continuation of the recapitulation of Miroslav Žbirka's more than forty years of successful acting on the Czech-Slovak music scene. The selection of greatest hits on three CDs contains 68 tracks, and the book includes 180 lyrics with guitar chords. Each album has its own authentic story, which, according to Meky's narration, was written by renowned Czech music publicist Václav Hnátek. In Bratislava, Meky presented a 3CD and a Songbook at an autograph session on September 18, 2020, in Panta Rhei, together with Kamil Peteraj, who celebrated his 75th birthday on this very day. Together with our partners and guests, we also enjoyed these parts of the huge Czech-Slovak tour.

The christening of the CD and a Songbook in the media >>>


Corporates for children. THANK YOU! – this year, the Children‘s Safety Line can only be supported remotely


In the last ten (!) years, we have spent the second of September Sunday on the run 21 km for children – We run to help children to support the charity event of the Children‘s Safety Line through the Corporates for children. THANK YOU! initiative. We were approaching our partners, clients, and the public to inspire and unite them for a good thing. Besides having our running team and corporate team competition support, we volunteered to participate in preparing and organizing of the event, which had a sporting, social and family, but especially charitable dimension. All money obtained from the entry fee or donations was used each year directly for the work of Children‘s Safety Line. Like many others this year, this activity has a different form too. The joint run will not happen, but we can help remotely even during the corona. Therefore, our focus is shifting to remotely running. There has been an option of geographically expanding of the run from Partizánska lúka in Bratislava – runners could join us anywhere in Slovakia or elsewhere in the world. And due to the pandemic, this is the only form of this year run 21km for Children. Run your kilometers and contribute with an arbitrary sum to the work of the Children‘s Safety Line. It has noted the increase of calling children by more than 80% after the outbreak of the pandemic!

More information..


Amrop Jenewein at the first annual Family Business Congress


Due to a COVID-19 pandemic already in the spring of this year, the first year of the International Family Business Congress was postponed from the original March date to September 9, 2020. Because of the current situation, the organizer – the Family Business Institute, in an effort to behave responsibly towards participants, partners, and itself, decided to make it happen online. The main motto More than the business is at stake remained, minimal changes also affected the planned program – thanks to modern technologies, all workshops were realized online and, despite the absence of personal meetings, there was space created for networking too. As a part of Jenewein Group and with more than 30 years of family tradition, one of the family business pioneers Amrop Jenewein has been one of the thematic partners of the event with its workshop from the beginning. The content consisted of three main topics focusing on the question Who should be entrusted with Family Business leadership?. In the beginning, the registered participants learned how to choose suitable candidates for the management of a family business. Igor Šulík and Matej Taliga described the advantages, but also the pitfalls when the company management takes the members of the family or someone who is not a member of the family or a combination. In the end, they brought a closer look at how the three pillars of the family's ecosystem and its family business can be linked: FAMILY – OWNERS – MANAGERS.

More information...
Workshop Amrop Jenewein...